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Entice (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 1)

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I want to see her outside of the club and know that side of her too. I want the whole package.

“It’s not just a game anymore, is it?” he asks .

“What game?” Comes the most irritating voice I’ve ever heard in my life.

Riley comes through the door with his pompous ass.

I hate that except the difference in eye color he looks a lot like me. He has dark brown eyes, and I have bright blue. Other than that, we could be brothers for the similarities between us. Right from height to fucking shoe size.

He’s five years older than me and has always thought that meant he had some power over me. The prick is doing it now as we stand here.

“Is there a game?” he asks. “I wasn’t aware of one, unless you mean this foolish competition between us that I will clearly win.”

Fucking asshole. I smile at him, but I’m balling my fists at my sides. “Why don’t you go fuck yourself man?” I counter.

I absolutely hate his guts. We’ve always been at each other’s throats right from when we were kids.

The thing he hates about me is that I have parents who love each other. His got divorced when he was twelve. Uncle Jackson likes to think he’s some kind of king, but he’s another prick I can’t stand. My parents will never tell me this, but that divorce was down to cheating. His father cheated on his mother and he’s had four stepmothers since.

He can’t stand the stability I have in my life and that my ass didn’t use the silver spoon I was born with the way he does.

“I don’t need to do things like that, Josh. Not when your little associate looks so damn scrumptious. I’m very aware you can’t sleep with her. That doesn’t mean I can’t.” He laughs. “I’ll bet her pussy is as good as –”

Motherfucker, he doesn’t get to finish.

I land a fist straight in his face so hard it knocks him to the ground.

The prick gets up ready and launches for me, coming after me like when we were kids. We aren’t kids anymore though. I’m not the scrawny boy he used to push around.

I have muscle on him and I’m already hyped up on the fact that this fucking competition exists. He’s not having my girl.

A one, two punch sends him back to the floor. Matt grabs me holding me back to stop me from beating Riley’s ass senseless and just then Giselle walks in looking bewildered. I see her and see the knowing look that comes into his eyes. He knows she means more to me than what everyone else can see. But he also knows to beware of me.

I shrug Matt arms off me and straighten up.

“You,” I say, pointing to Riley. Blood has started to pour from his nose. “You stay the fuck away from her. Don’t push me or think you can test me. Blood won’t matter if you do.”

At that moment, I don’t care who’s watching me. I take Giselle’s hand and lead her away.

I lead her back to my office, again not caring about the looks people cast my way. I know people talk here. I know people talk to Dad. That’s how he found out about the temps and any other shit he might have found out about me.

If someone wants to be a prick and tell him they saw me holding Giselle’s hand I’ll find a way to deal with it. Right now, the possessive side of me that truly believes she’s mine is acting out. Acting like she is mine, and it won’t allow me to hear another man talk about my woman that way. And it won’t allow me to let her go.

I’m still holding her hand even when we walk inside and close the door, shutting out Sheila’s stares as she breaks her neck to see what’s going on. She’d better not mess with me either. I upgraded her from receptionist to secretary because she’s reliable and I also practically tripled her salary.

I pray it’s not her who fills Dad’s ears with updates on my extra-curricular activities.

A little squeeze to my hand snaps my attention back to reality. Giselle runs her finger over the top of my thumb, and a blush creeps into her cheeks.

“Josh, are you okay?” she asks. She’s going to have more questions than that. She heard me say enough to know I was fighting over a woman.

My threats to Riley were enough to tell all. I didn’t even look back at Matt who must have been shocked to shit too by my actions.

Fuck, I got so mad at Riley it completely escaped me that he knew I wasn’t supposed to sleep with Gisele. That meant he and Dad were talking and I fucking hate when that happens. Riley acts like he’s the saint when he’s not. He acts like he’s so much better than me so he can kiss ass and fucking brown nose to get ahead of me because he’s jealous.

“Yes, fine.” I tell her.

She glances down at my hand still holding hers. “We’re holding hands in front of people, and you were fighting with your cousin… and you threatened him.”

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