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Tempt (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 2)

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“It’s marigold and chamomile with some fenugreek.”

I just stare at her amazed and intrigued. Jia is the party girl and to look at her you’d never think she was into natural remedies but she totally is. It always throws me though when she starts talking about her potions she’s concocted with her grandmother.

It’s nice. My grandparents aren’t like that at all. They believe in going to the drug store for everything.

“I have no idea what fenugreek is. Or what marigold can do. I just know chamomile is relaxing.”

Jia laughs. “It is and that’s why I used it. It’s a balance to calm you down so the other stuff can work. The fenugreek and marigold are the most powerful elements in the blend, both have healing properties and they work amazing together.”

“You are so good with anything like that. It’s cool.”

“I like it. I… wanted to take it further, in fact I planned to but it doesn’t look like I’m going to be able to.”

“What do you mean?” I shuffle to straighten up and hug a cushion to my stomach.

“You think your Dad is a pain, you don’t know what mine can be like. Christ. I know I’ve worked for your father forever but I was thinking of branching out and doing my own business. I thought of opening a spa and having a part of it dedicated to natural remedies and natural everything. My grandmother would definitely like that.”

“That sounds fantastic.” That is absolutely Jia. She’s a spa girl. She goes every week, sometimes twice. Any excuse to get her there will get her there.

“I know, but Dad’s being a bitch. I thought he was going to give me the Montrose property when the lease is up but he’s giving it to Paul.”

I bite the inside of my lip. I don’t offer any kind of opinion when it comes to Paul. He’s her stepbrother. Well… I suppose he’s an ex- step brother of sorts. I don’t know why but I always got a weird vibe off him, like he liked her and not in the way a stepbrother should.

I kept myself quiet because I had my own worried obsessing over a man old enough to be my father.

Her family are into property development and often times they buy property and keep it or sell it on. Montrose is already a day spa so it would be perfect for the idea Jia has.

“You’re dad’s actually giving him the property?” I raise a brow.

“He hasn’t said yet officially, but he is. I heard him talking with one of his business development managers and it pissed me off, I just don’t get it. He divorced Paul’s mother four years ago why does he still have to play Dad to him. I even said as much and his answer to me was ‘you don’t divorce children’. Paul is thirty, he’s not a fucking child.”

“No, he’s not. Why is he always giving him stuff?”

Jia rolls her eyes. “He cheated on his mom a lot. I found this out and he blames himself for the way they broke up and ended things. She turned to drugs because of him.”

I didn’t know that. I feel like an open book sometimes when it comes to my friends. Of course I can have my moments when I don’t like talking out my problems but I soon enough share what’s on my mind. Jia though… she keeps things in. Giselle is very much like me so we tend to be closer and I’ve known Giselle a lot longer. I love them both though. They’re like sisters to me.

“So what’s happening, isn’t Paul in the marines what use does he have for a day spa? The building is perfect for you.”

“He’s coming back, retiring in a month. He’s done his time and wants to do something else. A.K.A make my life shit. That means he’ll be working with Dad and I have to either forget the spa, or find somewhere else that’s suitable.”

“Have you spoken to your father about this?”

“No… I think Paul wants the building it’s in a good spot. Paul will want to knock it down, or sell it. If he puts it up for sale it I won’t have money like that to buy it.”

“Jia, just fight him on it. Talk to your Dad and tell him how you feel. Surely you’ll win, you’re the daughter. And you guys aren’t kids. It would be nice to have your own business.”

“It’s a little complicated…” She answers with an

uneasy look in her eyes.

“What could be complicated about that?”

The flush of her cheeks tells me more without words and I get the feeling that I was right about my suspicions toward Paul.

“Well…oh God…” She pulls in a ragged breath. “Rachel don’t judge me.”

I gasp the second she says that, which isn’t exactly good when she specifically asked me not to judge her.

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