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Tempt (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 2)

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The sooner I accept the facts the sooner I can move on. That’s the solution to this mess in my head, even if I don’t want to accept it.

I just have to try. Try damn hard and I know just the thing to help me, the place. The Dark Odyssey. I’ll go there.

I’ll go off to my guilty pleasure in attempts to forget. I haven’t been there in a while because I thought I might have a shot with Dante.

The Dark Odyssey is a club built to explore wild sexual fantasies. It’s escape.

That’s what I need, after all isn’t finding another guy the best way to forget a guy? I think I need a healthy dose of escape with a man who wants me, someone who will make me forget the shit.

I’ll make plans to go tomorrow night.

Chapter Four


I take a draw on my cigar, hold it

for a few seconds in my lungs, then blow out the smoke.

Salvatore chuckles and leans forward in his chair. “Dante… I swear you’re going to do some damage to your lungs one day and then I’ll say I told you so.”

“What? You expect me not to smoke like a real man come on now. What’s the point of a good Cuban if you don’t do it right?” I challenge.

“I guess so man,” he says.

I needed this time with a friend who’s not Peter. I’ve managed to catch Salvatore on this very rare occasion where he’s not here with his wife, or running after his kids.

I call him my friend who walks the dark side. We’ve known each other since we were boys, a little like Peter and I, but our meeting was down to our families working close together.

Well… close as in mine worked for his, not with his.

Salvatore Giordano belongs to one of the wealthiest families in Chicago. They also happen to be one of the biggest mafia families too.

He’s a guy I’ve always been able to relate to and sitting here in his private lounge at The Dark Odyssey reminds me of why that is.

Even as a married man, Salvatore lives life on the edge and pushes the limits of what’s acceptable. He doesn’t give a shit about what people think. It’s called existing outside reality. That’s how I wish I could be.

This club is just one example of that. He’s one of the owners of this taboo as fuck joint. It’s a sex club and we’re sitting here amongst all the sex like it’s nothing. We’re just two guys smoking cigars and drinking like we could be in the park.

There’s sex going on all around us from the ground up. We’re on the fifth floor and there are two more floors above us.

People come in droves for the wild Venetian masquerade themed lingerie parties that’s held here. There’s every kind of fantasy you can think of and ones you can’t make up even if you were given the blueprints.

“What’s with you?” Salvatore asks straightening up against his chair. “It’s not like you to come here and see me, not anymore anyway.”

“I needed a break.”

“Then you’ve come to the right place.” He smiles.

Peter would have a heart attack if he saw me here. At least I’m not taking part in the wild sex that’s going on around us. He knows I have a dark, dirty side to me but he’s never asked me about anything I get up to when I’m not with him.

“I have haven’t I? It’s the kind of place you come to, to forget.”

“Depends on what you’re trying to forget,” Salvatore says arching a brow. He lights up his cigar and takes a draw. “Is it Marie?”

That’s the obvious. Marie left me eight months ago and I guess I could still use the excuse of not being myself because of that.

What if I confessed though that I wasn’t that sad when she broke it off with me?

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