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Play (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 4)

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After that last time in bed, I tried to keep the satisfied grin off my face for the whole day.

As I sat in class and watched all the women who usually swoon over James place their bets on who’s in the run to sleep with him first, and whisper in their chorus of irritating gossip on whether or not he’s single or dating, I sat by myself, completely contented in knowing the man is mine.

I caught the occasional glance he threw my way when no one was looking and the creep of a smile on his lips when I caught him checking out my ass as I left the lecture hall. Those secret glances of unspoken sexual promises curled my toes and heated my blood with lust. I left the building feeling like a million dollars, eager for later to come quick so I could see him again at The Dark Odyssey.

I feel like one of those troublemakers I used to try to stay away from in high school. But damn does it feel so good to be bad.

I went home to see Megan hoping to catch her. She has a late class she hates taking but said she’d swing by to see me.

When I get in, she’s not there, so I wait in the living room with a tub of ice cream. I’ve been buzzing with so much energy that I couldn’t eat properly all day, and all I had yesterday was the lunch she cooked. I think the calories in this family-sized tub of Ben and Jerry’s will be comparable to what I’d have spread over a whole day, so it should be fine to eat it now. If not, I’m sure my sexual activities with James later will give me a good workout. I laugh to myself and clasp my hand over my mouth so I don’t spit out the ice cream. My God, I’ve gone crazy over this man, laughing with, and at myself.

It’s just that I don’t usually think like that. I don’t.

The truth is, I’ve never really had a relationship worthy of having thoughts like that. I’ve had one serious boyfriend, but that was in high school. Every guy since has been one asshole after another. This is the first time, to be honest, I’ve felt this way.

It’s nice. It really is, and I’ll enjoy it for whatever I have and however long this game plays out. But while I bask in pleasure, I’ll keep my head above water. That’s why I couldn’t tell James about the amount of money I need. I couldn’t do it.

I need too much money for me to ask anyone for help. Apart from the fact that I don’t want to bring money into my relationship with him, I’d prefer to work for what I need, rather than owe anybody that kind of money.

Of course if Dr. Mulligan told us outpatient treatment wasn’t an option and the only choice Mom had was surgery, I’d sell my soul to get whatever money I could get my hands on. Pride aside, along with any other concerns. I’d take that money James was offering in a heartbeat.

Since that’s not the case and Dr. Mulligan said she can manage the situation for the next four to five months, I’ll do it this way and allow the happiness of today to keep me afloat.

James has helped me out tremendously and placed me in an extremely good spot. Three month’s salary in six weeks and I get to spend all the time with him. Only him. He’ll never know how truly happy I am that he did that, not just for the money, but mostly being with him.

It’s scary to think of what I feel for him, and how much I’ve wanted to be with him. I couldn’t be more touched by his idea to be with me in this little game we have. For the next six weeks I get the man of my dreams and the money to help Mom.

Getting all that money will mean I’ll just have to find another twelve and a half thousand dollars. I’d need to work at the club for another month to meet that goal.

But working at the club doing anything?

Despite what Gabby said about the risk of losing the job if I couldn’t do what I said I’d do, the thought occurred to me to ask Mimi if my contract could be reviewed. Just an amendment to that pesky little clause of anything.

There’s no way I can be with James and return to the club with the knowledge I’ll have to do God knows what with God knows who.

The front door opens when I’m nearly halfway through the ice cream. Megan comes in with a worried look on her face that eases when she sees me.

“Oh my God, you’re okay. I was so worried,” she says and takes a seat opposite me.

“I’m okay.”

I couldn’t tell her what was happening on the phone by text or by calling, so I waited until now, and I’ve decided that I’m not exactly going to tell her what’s going on because that would break my promise to James. I’ll allow her to guess though.

From the text I sent earlier she knows she’ll have to guess.

“Okay, the guessing game starts now,” she says, and I set the ice cream down and straighten up. “It’s to do with last night. You don’t look terrified, so I’m guessing your man was amazing and you’re happy with what you got.”

“Yes, that’s correct.” I nod.

“Oh my gosh, really? Oh, I’m so happy. You look like there’s more to tell, but I want to talk about James. How are you feeling about him?”

“My man was amazing, and I’m happy with who I got,” I state, repeating what she said before in a roundabout fashion.

“What? Okay. But what about James though?”

“I’m happy with who I got,” I answer, placing emphasis on the word who. She narrows her eyes at me, contemplating what I mean.

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