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Play (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 4)

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He comes back to me, and that heat I always feel when he’s near creeps down my neck then flushes over my body.

He catches my face and studies my features, staring deep into my eyes like he’s trying to see that part of me that I’m trying to keep secret. Not just how I feel about him, but everything. The only person who knows so much about me is Megan. She knows how terrified I am to lose my mother. She knows how terrified I am to lose another parent. She knows how helpless I feel.

I try to look away, but he keeps me still, so I have to look at him. The grip of his fingers on my jaw is almost painful, almost threatening, but I know he wouldn’t hurt me.

“Don’t hide from me,” he says, and I blink several times. “I don’t want you to hide from me, Paige. It stops trust. Do you trust me?” he asks.

“Yes… I do.”

“Then don’t try to stop what you feel for me. I can’t stop what I feel for you,” he confesses.

I’m listening, listening loud and clear. Listening with my ears and with my heart.

“Can you promise me you won’t?” he asks.

“I promise.”

He releases his hold on me, but we continue to gaze at each other.

“Tonight, I want you to give yourself to me. I want to take your clothes off and tie you to the poles. Will you be my submissive and allow me to dominate your body?”

“Yes,” I answer, as if I’m programmed to only say yes to him.

On my word, he takes off my mask. It feels like the marker of truly giving myself to him.

He takes the hem of my slip and pulls it up and over my head. My panties are next to come off, then my heels. Standing on the cold stone floor balances the heat that flows through my body.

It cools me down so I can take his molten gaze, the wild sexual heat filling the room from us.

He leads me over to the poles and takes my left arm first to secure the ropes to it.

“You’ll be very surprised how much pleasure you can feel from being restrained,” he says as he ties up my right hand.

“Will it be painful?”

“Don’t worry, I’m not a sadist,” he answers with a grin. “I will only give you pain that will produce pleasure.”

That sounds good. He does my ankles next, and as he ties the last knot, it hits me that I’m completely at his mercy.

“How does it feel?”

I give him a nervous laugh. “I think I’m okay.” I’m as okay as I’ll ever be naked and bound with ropes to two metal poles.

He stares at me, taking me in and watching me in this state. I realize I must really trust him to allow him to do this to me. He’s just looking at me, though, and I have no idea what he’s thinking.

“What?” I ask with a small smile.

“I’m just deciding what I should do first. It’s kind of hard because I want to do everything to you.”


A sexy smile dances over his lips. “Everything, baby. You have no idea how sexy you are.”

“You’re sexy too.”

“Am I?”

I smirk. “As if you didn’t know.”

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