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Play (Dark Odyssey Club Fantasies 4)

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It’s nearly one in the morning.

The sexy beat of the music fills the room and we allow the music to move us. James spins me out, then pulls me back into his arms.

We’re in his living room, and we’ve been dancing like this for the last six hours. Earlier, we came back from class, he cooked me dinner, and then he put the music on.

We’ve been like this ever since, dancing to one song after the other on his playlist. Our movements have been as wild and scandalous as when we’re tangled together in bed, or… anywhere passion takes us.

When we first got together, that need to consume each other was very physical. Now it’s changed into this. A different sort of expression demanding an exploration of the soul.

That’s how I feel when he touches me. That’s how I feel when he looks at me.

We both smile as the song guides us closer and he presses his hands to my ass so we can roll our hips together and circle down into the scandalously sexy movement. These are movements best reserved for moments like this when we’re by ourselves, or at The Dark Odyssey.

I love it, and I love to feel him touching me everywhere as the sexy Latin beat plays, demanding he make love to me through our dance.

He turns me and holds on to my waist, and I catch sight of us in the reflection of the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. We look like that couple again, but even our reflections look different, showing the connection we made over the last few weeks.

The song verges toward the end, and he spins me out one last time. This time, though, he lets go of me so he can watch me twirl around, and I laugh when I face him.

He’s watching me with that sexy smirk on his face and I run my gaze over the hard walls of his chest. He’s shirtless, only wearing a pair of jogging bottoms and looks sexy as hell with his hair slightly longer. A lock has fallen over his eyes, and he brushes it out of his face.

The music ends, and we both look over to his iPod dock. Six hours of music are over. I can’t believe we’ve been dancing for so long.

We both look back to each other, and I run my hands over my little wrap-over skirt.

“I love dancing with you,” I tell him.

“Yeah?” he asks. He walks closer and cups my face.


“I want to dance with you like that on the beach in Italy.” He gives me a wild smirk.

“I’d love that.” It sounds like a dream and excitement quickens my nerves.

“I know you would. I’d dance with you until the sun goes down, then we’d fuck until the sun comes up.” The corners of his sensual lips tip into a sexy smile.

“Sounds like you have something already planned,” I say brushing my fingers over the taut skin of his abs.

“I do. For now, though, you will stay here.”

I chuckle. This is what always ends up happening. We’re nearly at week six and I can’t remember the last time I slept in my bed.

“Stay? How long am I staying with you this time?” I ask.

He runs his finger over my cheek.

“I don’t know.” He grins.

Maybe I’m pushing my luck, but damn do I want this man so bad. “What if I went home tomorrow?” I tease.

“No.” He bends down and gives me a brief kiss.

“The next day?”

“No.” Another kiss.

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