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Lesbian Love Affair

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"I will warn you If you don't wanna read something that might gross you out then don't read this part when it's done I will let you know* "A- Ash ..... I-I Can't d--d-do this we can get in-into t-trouble" I said being pleasured by her hand "But Scar it's okay, we wouldn't get into trouble as long as nobody says anything" She said still her hand down their "B-But can you let me t-think t-this t-threw" I said "Okay, I will let you think it over just know that I will accept the answer you say" She said looking down from the floor taking her hands out of my pants *Okay it's over you missed all the fun haha* "Thanks I have to go" I said going to walk out to walk home "Can I give you a ride, it's the least I can do" She said happy "Sure" I was not really certain on whether or not I should let her take me home *Skip car ride, wasn't fun all silence* "Okay sorry about what I did I knew I should of never done it i'm your teacher and your probably not into me or um girls" She said shyly "No it's okay I mean I fancy you to but I just don't know let me think it through and I kinda um kinda like girls" I said playing with a string I had that was coming off of my shirt "Oh well you better go your dads are probably worried" She said opening the car door for me "Thanks" I said getting out and as soon as I got out of the car she kissed me it felt awesome, this was my first kiss with a girl, and it was way different then when Ben kissed me it was WAY different. "S-Sorry I-I'm going to go I just can't keep my hands off of you" She said while smiling but looking apologetic "No it's okay" I said pulling her into a kiss "I have to go okay" "Bye" She said getting back into the car "I can't believe what just happened I like her but look at all the worries I have to worry about me getting expelled and her loosing her job and going to jail golly, I can't date her but I like her ah this is so confusing" I said thinking to myself then I plopped on my bed just wishing the world can stop and be easy again when I was a kid Knock...Knock "Yeah who is it, well just leave" I said yelling burring my face into the pillow, then before I knew it someone was in my room "Hun, what's wrong me and your dad can hear you mumbling and you kinda seem upset" My dad said with worry in his voice "It's nothing I don't wanna talk about it, it's worthless I can't be with her so what's the since" I said again my big mouth ruining freaking things I want to keep secret "What, why can't you date this girl" My dad said with much more I think happiness in his voice "Because dad it's complicated now please get out of my fucking room" I said more pissed that he can't let me think nobody can I never get privacy "Don't curse at me okay but because if my baby girl is h

urt I will hurt this person and i'm not gonna leave till you tell me what's wrong" He said more pissed "Because dad, I like this girl but she's my teacher and things can happen and if anybody knew my life would be ruin I have to put up this image that I like boys and I have to date douches when in reality I like my teacher and girls okay" I told him relived that I told him but sad because this talk is never gonna fix anything "Well if you love her then go after is because you might not find anybody like her so go after her and I will keep it a secret and if you want you can bring her here so that you know nobody would know I would be glad to meet your girlfriend" He said happy "Okay dad thanks I will invite her over so you can meet her if she's up to it" I said not certain about anything anymore but my dad was right I have to go after what I want and i'm not gonna let anybody tell me different

Chapter 5

"I will warn you If you don't wanna read something that might gross you out then don't read this part when it's done I will let you know* "A- Ash ..... I-I Can't d--d-do this we can get in-into t-trouble" I said being pleasured by her hand "But Scar it's okay, we wouldn't get into trouble as long as nobody says anything" She said still her hand down their "B-But can you let me t-think t-this t-threw" I said "Okay, I will let you think it over just know that I will accept the answer you say" She said looking down from the floor taking her hands out of my pants *Okay it's over you missed all the fun haha* "Thanks I have to go" I said going to walk out to walk home "Can I give you a ride, it's the least I can do" She said happy "Sure" I was not really certain on whether or not I should let her take me home *Skip car ride, wasn't fun all silence* "Okay sorry about what I did I knew I should of never done it i'm your teacher and your probably not into me or um girls" She said shyly "No it's okay I mean I fancy you to but I just don't know let me think it through and I kinda um kinda like girls" I said playing with a string I had that was coming off of my shirt "Oh well you better go your dads are probably worried" She said opening the car door for me "Thanks" I said getting out and as soon as I got out of the car she kissed me it felt awesome, this was my first kiss with a girl, and it was way different then when Ben kissed me it was WAY different. "S-Sorry I-I'm going to go I just can't keep my hands off of you" She said while smiling but looking apologetic "No it's okay" I said pulling her into a kiss "I have to go okay" "Bye" She said getting back into the car "I can't believe what just happened I like her but look at all the worries I have to worry about me getting expelled and her loosing her job and going to jail golly, I can't date her but I like her ah this is so confusing" I said thinking to myself then I plopped on my bed just wishing the world can stop and be easy again when I was a kid Knock...Knock "Yeah who is it, well just leave" I said yelling burring my face into the pillow, then before I knew it someone was in my room "Hun, what's wrong me and your dad can hear you mumbling and you kinda seem upset" My dad said with worry in his voice "It's nothing I don't wanna talk about it, it's worthless I can't be with her so what's the since" I said again my big mouth ruining freaking things I want to keep secret "What, why can't you date this girl" My dad said with much more I think happiness in his voice "Because dad it's complicated now please get out of my fucking room" I said more pissed that he can't let me think nobody can I never get privacy "Don't curse at me okay but because if my baby girl is hurt I will hurt this person and i'm not gonna leave till you tell me what's wrong" He said more pissed "Because dad, I like this girl but she's my teacher and things can happen and if anybody knew my life would be ruin I have to put up this image that I like boys and I have to date douches when in reality I like my teacher and girls okay" I told him relived that I told him but sad because this talk is never gonna fix anything "Well if you love her then go after is because you might not find anybody like her so go after her and I will keep it a secret and if you want you can bring her here so that you know nobody would know I would be glad to meet your girlfriend" He said happy "Okay dad thanks I will invite her over so you can meet her if she's up to it" I said not certain about anything anymore but my dad was right I have to go after what I want and i'm not gonna let anybody tell me different

Chapter 6

Oh great it's a freaking Monday, I don't like Monday's I put on this yupp i'm going Scene I said thinking to myself. Time for school Scarlett mom called up to me, so I ran down the stairs and to the bus stop "Heyy, Why are you suddenly going to the bus stop and what the hell are you wearing" Hannah said while hugging me and checking my clothes out "I texted you and told you i'm going Scene Girl and that's what i'm doing"I said looking at her pink top and her really short blue jean skirt I always loved her clothes it always made her pretty yes I do admit she was my crush but I like Mrs.Fianna "Oh that's right" Hannah said now checking her phone "So how was the date" I asked her plainly "It was good I guess" She said plainly just like me *We get on the bus* "Lesbians,Dike" Some really kinda cute guy said but he was a douche "Shut the hell up Jack" Hannah yelled " At least I didn't make out with a boy at summer camp" Hannah yelled back at Jack "At least I didn't get licked by a girl" Jack yelled back while his friend's laughed "Shut up Jack you don't know shit about me or Hannah if I really wanted to I can go over their and hit you in the nuts if you keep pushing it you ass" I yelled at somebody I didn't even know but I will stand up to a person who is being mean to Hannah " I don't think you have the balls to do it or should I say another girl fingering you" Jack yelled back "That didn't even make since" Hannah yelled I got up from the bus and punched Jack right in his balls and he let out a big scream and fell on the floor I sat in my chair and one of his asshole friends punched me right in the face then the freaking old man of a bus driver realized what the boy did and then we all got kicked off the bus and me Hannah and all Jack's dumb ass friend's had to walk 6 miles to school *Skip walking" "Finally, were here" Hannah yelled as she fell on the grass "So, true" I yelled and did what Hannah did "Lesbians" Jack's friend's said with Jack "Just ignore them" Hannah said "You to" I said still laying on the grass with Hannah "Hannah, Scarlett" Mrs.Fianna yelled to us from the door of the school "Yeah" We both said in unison looking up to look at her " It's school time you guys are gonna be late Hannah go I need to talk to Scar- I mean Scarlett" Mrs.Fianna said correcting herself "Okay" Hannah left me and Ashley alone to "Talk" "I'm so sorry about what I did I should of never done that like I said i'm your teacher and you don't need the stress of trying not to get caught neither do I" Mrs. Fianna said "No I had an idea if you wanna take it" I said looking at her perfect soft lips " Sure what is it" Ashley said looking me up and down "I was um wondering would you like to go for dinner at my house meet my dad's maybe look at my room" I said trying for her to get the hint I should of never said that " Sure I would love to and I would definatly love to see you room now we have to go to class" Ashley said while walking away to go to her class so I walked behind her to stare at he nice bubbly ass yes I loved it, it made me horny but I can't do it with her here at school or can I? I said thinking to myself.

Chapter 7

So after school me and Ashley went to my house and she meet my dads and then we ate Pizza (my dads are horrible at cooking) "This is nice Pizza" Ashley said while thinking my dads "Your welcome" Edward said giving Ashley a smile "Yeah same your welcome and i'm glad you came it's finally nice meeting you" Mark said while having Pizza in his mouth "Well i'm gonna go up to my room i'm done eating" I said walking up the stairs It was 20 minutes before Ashley came up she was busy talking to Edward and Mark (My Dad's names) "So how did you like talking to my dad well both of my dad's" I said smirking "Their funny and I love Edward and Mark their just a big ball of stuff" She said sitting next to on my bed laughing I well we heard a noise coming from my parent's room so I just ignored it until she mentioned it "Um are they okay?" She said looking concerned "Yeah their probably having fun" I said looking at my pile of unfinished laundry "Well I better get to the clothes then I have to do dishes" I said letting her know what I have to do "Okay" She said still sitting on my bed while I grabbed my dirty clothes and started doing the laundry which was down in the basement so I went down the stairs dropping clothes here and there and having to pick it up. When I was done putting the soap and clothes in and turned it on somebody came down the stairs to the basement. "Hey your dad said that you would be down here I just wanted to know if you needed help?" Ashley said looking to see if I needed help "Nope just finished it but thanks thou" I said thinking her nobody has ever asked to help before I was just gonna go up the stairs when She pulled my arm which pulled me close to her body "So what's your answer?" She said with a big smile on her face "Well I say yes but I want to learn more about you" I said really honest I did she seemed nice "Well okay but you can't tell anybody" She said while holding my arm and pulling my body even closer then before "Sure no

body needs to know just you and I" and with that she kissed me and it lead to more *If you don't wanna read this then don't read it you can skip it :D* She started started taking off my shirt and my pants and I did the same with hers she looked at my matching bra and underwear thank gosh I put on my sexy matching bra and underwear and when I looked at her she had a blue bra and red underwear and then she said "Are you sure" "Yes" I said back to her I started taking off her bra exposing her Boobs they were medium size boobs and she started pulling off my clothes leaving me naked and her half naked then she pushed me up against the dryer and she took her hands and pushed my legs open and she went down it felt really good "ahh" I moaned "Feels so good" before I knew it I was at my climax I'm gonna stop their because you know the rest ;) It's done you can continue reading As soon as I was done putting on my pants she was already dressed but anyways as soon as I was done pulling up my pants my parent's called to ask where we were "Down here" I called "Well we are gonna head to the theaters if you guys wanna come it will be fun" Edward called out "Um sure that would be great" Ashley said "What if people see us their" I told Ashley really nervous if people see us "Well I will just say that your dads invited me to watch a movie and you came along and we meet up their how about that" Ashley said making her lie really convincing "Sure works for me I guess" I said faking my smile "Are you guys ready?" Edward and Charlie yelled from "Yeah" We both called up in unison

Chapter 8

So we went to the movies and watched the Saw 8 movie (2012) My parent's like scary movie's I like them but not saw it's to gross but Ashley was all in for it so I just sucked it up and watched the movie until have way thought the movie I thought I think I heard Hannah talking it can't be she don't like scary movies AT ALL. So I looked behind me. "Oh hey Scar why are you here and with Mrs.Fianna?" Hannah said pointing to Ashley "Oh my parent's invited her to watch the movie with us" I said micking what Ashley told me before "Yeah Scarlett's parent's invited me to watch the movie so how are you Hannah?" Ashley said looking at Hannah "Oh okay and is that any of your business but anyways i'm good well we better watch the movie and Scar please come to the bathroom with me" Hannah said looking at the person she was looking at so I followed her gaze and it was a girl? "Sure" I got up from the seat and followed her to the bathroom " Why are you here with a girl just wondering" " It's some girl don't worry about it why are you really here with Mrs.Fianna" She said practicaly yelling "Because my parent's invited them and she accepted so now tell me why are you really here with that girl" I said pissed I don't know why i'm in a jealous mood but why? " It's a girl no need to worry and Scar I know your lying i'm almost like your sister I know the ins and outs of you" Hannah said chuckling but maintaing that mad face of her's "Fine I just wanted to take Mrs.Fianna to watch Saw we were talking about it and she mentioned the new one that was coming out so I asked her if she would like to come with me and my parents" I said trying to maintain like I was really telling the truth "Okay and that girl is my "Friend" She said putting those quotations around friend "What you guys are sex buddies" I said shocked "No-No lol silly goose were friend's well maybe she's um my girlfriend I hope your not mad" She said looking down at the floor now "No it's okay let's just get back to the movie okay" I said not wanting to think any more this is all so confusing "Just one more thing Scar okay" She said still looking down at the floor "What is it don't tell me you need a pad" I said jokingly to make the tension go away "Um well I like you but I can't be with you" Hannah said and then walked out of the room leaving me dumbfounded I didn't know what to do it was so confusing to me why was I realived she liked me? And why is something telling me not to go their it's dangerous? Should I go after her but she said She can't be with me oh heck with it i'm going to go after her "Wait Han wait" I said trying to catch up to her before she leaves out the door "No i'm sorry Scar I know you don't have the same feelings about me like I do with you" Hannah said now walking out of the door "Han" I said and I finally found her around the corner I grabbed her before she can go any where "Leave me the hell alone your just gonna laugh at me I know a Beautiful girl like you wouldn't like me look at me i'm a freaking horrible monster" She said trying to run away but I griped her more and then I started crying she wasn't a horrible monster she was beautiful and what made her think all of this? "Hannah no I don't think tha-

Chapter 9

"No Hannah I don't think that I think your so beautiful" I said brushing my lips up against hers quickly "Oh, you do well it's hard knowing never mind" She said "You know what" I said holding her hand "What" She said confused "Let's show our gay pride to everybody okay let's go shirtless and put symbols and stuff are you in" I said happy "Are you crazy, we can get into trouble" Han said looking happy to "You know you wanna try it don't deny it" I said teasing her "Yeah I wanna do it just let's not take ALL our clothes of let's leave our bra and underwear okay" Hannah said grabbing my hand "Sure" Hannah and I started walking around doing our gay pride then I seen Ashley "Um Han I have to go okay" I said walking back to get my clothes "Sure just one thing" She said and then turned to see Ashley she looked back at me and then kissed me right on the lips "Han what was that for"? I said shocked "Oh nothing just wanted to do that" She said with a big smile I turned to look and seen Ashley there and before I could tell her anything she ran to the car and drove away "Thanks Han very much" I said pissed walking towards the movie theater "Your welcome babe" She said with another smile on her face "It's not funny Hannah I have to go I will talk to you later I have to figure things out" I said walking again "What do you need to figure out you can't have both of us you either want Mrs. Fianna or me you make your choice" She said walking towards me. "What do you mean" I looked at Hannah confused "You know what I mean I have to go there's someone in the movie theater that's better than you and not playing with my feelings by" She said that and then walked in the theater "Scar, Scarlet" I heard a man's voice calling me then I blacked out. "Scar, Scarlet" I heard a man's voice calling me then I blacked out *An hour later* I woke up to a strange room it was huge and it was tan on the walls when I got up I went into like this kitchen looking room yup it was the kitchen I seen this man I have never seen before he had short black/brown hair and hazel eyes and really tall ,when he seen me he smiled and said "So your up" He said with a smile on his face "Um yeah uh who are you?" I said putting my hands together "I'm Edward remember me, we went to kindergarten back in the day" He said flipping pancakes "Yeah I remember you I called you Ward because I couldn't say Edward" I said laughing and then he laughed to Edward is like the biggest guy friend I had in Kindergarten I would go to him for anything and if he needed anything I would help him the funny moment was when we were eating fish sticks and he put it up his nose and everybody called him fishnose for a while funny times. "Haha yeah and remember fishnose" He said laughing even harder and his face turning redder "Yeah I was just thinking that um where am I and how long was I out for" I said looking around confused "You were out all night what happened?" He asked confused "Oh iti's nothing thanks for asking thou" I said not wanting to talk about it so I looked at the floor "Okay but just know i'm always your kindergarten buddy remember how you would go to me with anything well i'm here now so yeah oh so how's your girlfriend" He said looking at me "Wh-What who told you , how do you know" I said looking confused and now looking at him "She didn't tell you did she" Edward said smiling now "No who, who she" I said getting more confused "Ashley Fianna, she's my, my cousin, she tells me everything" He said putting pancakes on two plates one for him and one for me and then said "Do you want some" I couldn't answer all I keep thinking was how the hell can Edward and Ashley be cousins?

Chapter 10

"Are you okay?" Edward said looking at me weirdly like trying to figure out why I didn't answer "Um yeah sorry sure I would love to have some pancakes" I said just as soon as I said that my stomach growled "I can tell your hungry" He said laughing handing me the syrup "Um I don't like syrup" I said with a hint of humor "You are ? when we were little you use to eat syrup

like everyday" He said a little hurt that I didn't like syrup "I'm joking Ward now pore me allot my little fishnose" I said laughing harder "Oh you little" He said that and knocked me out of the chair right on my butt "Oh no you didn't" I said getting up and taking the syrup and knocking him down and pouring the syrup on him "STOPPPP" He yelled "This is my freaking shirt" He said rolling over on top of me "Oh well you deserve it fishnose" I said still mentioning that I'm probably never gonna stop calling him that "You know what you don't stop calling me fishnose I will" He stop and then got off of me "You will do what fishnose" I said really curious of what he would do "You really wanna know" He said with a big smile "Yeah I don't think you will do anything" I had to open my big mouth with that he kissed me right on the lips and I pulled him off of me "Why did you kiss me you know i'm dating Ashley your cousin right?" I said pissed at him "Ever since kindergarten I liked you I couldn't get you out of my mind everyday I thought about you I know weird since we were little but when I found out you were here with my cousin I wanted to show you that i'm better than her and that I loved you first that her" He said looking in my eyes "I'm sorry Edward but I don't think I like you like that" I said but for some reason pain struck my heart.. I was afraid to loose my best friend "I knew it please just leave I need to be alone" Edward said with pain in his voice "Edward, no let me ex- He cut me off "No just leave I don't wanna ever see you, I loved you and you never even knew it you don't know how many times I cried, yes I cried knowing I will never see you again you took my heart with you when you left and you don't care I know it's because you love Ash leave me alone please just go" With that he shoved me out the door in the pouring rain I stood there in the pouring rain still shocked from what happened.

Chapter 11

I stood their in the pouring rain not knowing what to do and then I thought I lost my best friend and with that I was on the porch in like a baby position and I didn't know what to do, eveytime I tried getting up it hurt even more why did "this happen to me" Scar thought to herself "Scar, is that you?" Some girl called "Y-Yes this is Scar" Scarlet said really weak "What happen hun" This girl picked me up "Who are you" I asked looking at this fimilar person but it seemed like I didn't know her "You don't remember me?" She asked with a little hurt in her voice "Yeah, I don't remember you" I said with confusion "I-I'm your mother" She said a smile hit her face "N-No I have 2 dad's, LET ME GOO" I said trying to get out of her arms "Yes I am your mother you dads called me and said that I should probably come and visit" She said and hugged me more "Oh, okay well Hi mom it's nice seeing you" I said half-heartedly "Okay" She said and then gave me a kiss on the head Ashley's POV "Are you sure that's what she said" I asked Edward "Yes, she's so definatly in love with you, thanks for telling me to see if she would cheat on you know where's my 100 dollars" Edward said with a smile "Here, you brat" I said knowing he wanted something. I know it's wrong but I Just had to do it I didn't trust her now I can. "How can you like her though, s-she's different" Edward said looking sad "What do you mean" I asked confused "S-She use to be soo, happy now she seems like she's in hell" Edward said counting the money "Oh, that's strange" I thought "You only gave me 80 dollars you said 100 now where's my 20" Edward said "Find" I handed him the 20 "Now get out of here I need to talk with Scar" I said happy but sad "Bye" He smiled and then left I looked at my money I knew I had 200 so I knew to give him half when I looked I realized he did have 100 he lied to get 20 more bucks that asswhole" I thought I started calling Scar but no answer "Hi this is Scarlet, you know what to do name, phone, message" The answering machine said in her voice "Dammit where can she be she said that she will call when she got home i'm gonna go looking for her" I thought scared what might happen, I grabbed my keys and went for a ride to look for her. I-I think I l-love her

Chapter 12

Sorry this is short but it will get longer trust me btw there are some little exciting parts Just warning ya Ashley's POV I knocked on Scar's door couple of seconds later a women answered she had blonde hair blue eyes kinda like Scar's but she was a little older "Hello" She said questioning with a little bit of British in her accent but mostly Irish in her voice "Um is Scar there" I asked wondering "Yeah she is but I don't think she's up to visitor's now" She said smiling trying to be polite but I seen through it "Well tell her I stopped by and that i'm sorry" I said before I walked away I heard Scar's voice "Mom who is that" She asked plainly I looked up to see her mascara smearing down her cheek's she's been crying I hate seeing her like that it brakes my heart "Can I talk to you Scar" I said worried "Yeah she said let me clean up a little" She said going upstairs "Take care of my little angel don't hurt her please" She said, A little to late I said thinking "Okay i'm ready" She said wearing a tank top and short shorts damn she looked fine and the rain stopped and it was hot out now crazy how our weather is "Okay" With that I kissed her on her cheek " Come with me" I said "Okay" We drove in silence but I could tell she's happy to be with me and I felt guilty knowing I was also her reason to cry but I just ignored it . We finally got to the beach I layed down a picnic and lit the candles it was starting to get darker it was around 7 ish "This is so beautiful" She said I then layed her down on the blanket and started kissing her, I went down and took her shirt off and then her bra her nipples got hard from the little bit of wind blowing and then she said ' I love you" and that's when I frozed "I-I love you to" I said to her and then she took of my pants and rolled me onto the blanket

Chapter 13

Pevious: "This is so beautiful" She said I then layed her down on the blanket and started kissing her, I went down and took her shirt off and then her bra her nipples got hard from the little bit of wind blowing and then she said ' I love you" and that's when I frozed "I-I love you to" I said to her and then she took of my pants and rolled me onto the blanket Now Scarlet's POV "Scar I have to tell you something okay" Ashley said sad in her face I could tell "Sure anything love" I said kissing her neck she tried not to moan then I bit her ear gently "Will you be able to take it I don't wanna hurt you more than your already hurt" She said, how did she know I was hurting so I just kept my mouth shut and let her talk "Well you know that fight with your friend" Ash said starting to tear up so I took her hand in mine "Yeah" I said back plainly "Well I set him up to do that to see if you would be with me i-i'm sorry" She said starting to cry I got mad but then realized I would of probably done the same "If you wanna leave then I will drive you home and you don't have to ever see me again" She said crying harder so I just grabbed her and held her in my arms until her crying started fading away "I would never leave you I love you and I understand why you done that I probably would of done the same it just shows your scared to loose me and you don't have to and i'm scared to loose you to" I said still holding her in my arms and kissing her forehead "F-for real" She said looking up smiling and her mascara smeared on her face just like mine was before "Yes I love you Ashley I really do" I said kissing her showing her I love her"Cool I was scared you would leave me now I have something to show you get on you clothes" She said throwing me my clothes and had the huge smile on her face which I couldn't help but smile back to

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