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Brutal Winter

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I stare at the curly haired beauty with fear in her eyes for a moment longer than necessary, before turning my attention to the wild beast a couple of feet away from me.

The back of Maximo's head sways from side to side as he waltzes down the hall without a care in the world. I shake my head, knowing I need to turn all my attention to the unhinged man. So without a backwards glance, I pull the bedroom door shut. It closes with a click and my lips press firmly together before I grab the key from my back pocket that goes to the door. The snap of the lock vibrates through my skull and I stare at the white door for one more moment before turning around. I keep my gaze leveled on Maximo even as he gets further and further away from me. I can hear him whistling a soft tune, something I am sure he’s heard on the radio.

The man loves pop music.

Such a contradiction to what he hides beneath the surface of those charming dark eyes.

Our newest guest almost found out about that side today. I don't know if she could see the darkness lingering under the surface when Maximo entered her room, but she’d definitely seen it once he'd had her pinned under him from the screams that she was letting out.

And of course, I have to be the one to fix the problem.

I bite down, muscles clenching in my jaw as I think of all the responsibilities I've had to take on as of late to keep Maximo in line.

Once upon a time, I wasn't this serious, a whole lot laxer, but even Maximo could make a whore's legs clench closed with his antics.

Everyone knows to stay away from the man, no matter how tempting the dangerous energy around him may seem. Yet, still he manages to find trouble, and I've been tapped to be the one to wrangle the hound dog.

Gio is going to owe me big time for this shit, because my job description is most definitely not babysitter.

A sound moves through the hallway as Maximo slaps his palm against the wall. He spins on his heels, his eyes locking on me. He raises a shoulder and I can see the irritation in the gesture even from all the way over here. "Well then, Bachiana, what are we going to do?" he questions. "What was so important that you had to pull me away from my little mouse?"

I stare at him for a moment, reminding myself that I can't slap duct tape on the man’s mouth no matter how much I want to. Not only would he probably like it, but I'd have to deal with Gio whining and moaning about the treatment of his baby brother.

As if he's actually someone who needs special treatment, when what he really needs is a muzzle and a leash.

But again, the man would probably like it.

I stride down the hallway, keeping my temper in check as I get closer. Maximo's eyes survey me, looking me over from head to toe as if he’s searching for something. Knowing him, he’s probably trying to figure out how much further he has to push me today before it dissolves from a verbal fight into a physical one.

"Gio wants to talk," I tell him.

"Yes? He always wants to talk about something that isn't an emergency," he scoffs. His eyes move over my shoulder and I know that he's looking at the door of our newest guest. It’s like a bull with red, he wants to ram right into it. "Not important. I think that I will go back to entertain my little mouse and you will tell my brother that I'll be with him later."

He takes a step forward to move back in the direction of the room and I place a hand on his chest to keep him from walking by me. He glances down at my hand, raising a thick brow, and I note the tension that enters his shoulders and the way some of the mirth fades from his eyes in an instant.

"What is this? Bachiana? Want to lose a hand?" he asks, and I don't miss the seriousness to his words.

I roll my eyes. "No, but you know your brother does not like to be disobeyed and I'm sure he's already at his wits end with you for the month after what you did yesterday."

A grin spreads across his lips and he gives a slight huff of laughter before slapping me on the back like the pals we aren’t. He waves a hand at me. "That was nothing." He turns around. "My brother needs to lighten up."

I shake my head, pinching the bridge of my nose. “He's already lightened up, all things considered. He let you get away with yesterday and he’s been letting what you're doing with Enzo slide for even longer."

Maximo’s lips flatten into a thin line as his fingers curl into a fist. "What I do with Enzo has nothing to do with business," he says firmly.

"It does when others pressure your brother to handle you." I frown.

Maximo whips around. “Handle me?" he asks spreading his hands wide, a deep set to his shoulders. “Whoever has an issue with me and what I do can take it up with me and not my brother."

I wave a hand at him, knowing if I let this go on longer, he’ll only get louder and more dramatic. “No need to put on the macho man act with me. I couldn’t care less about what you do between your sheets." Which is true. I don't give a shit who beds who and what gender they are. That is between them and not of any consequence to me. However... "What you do that falls back on your brother and the family, though, that is was concerns me."

Maximo turns away from me, his steps short and measured. "Well, until my brother personally talks to me about this, I will continue to do what I am doing, and likely even afterwards.”

I know he's telling the truth. Gio may be in charge, but when it comes to what Maximo thinks about that and his willingness to obey...

"Never forget that a hard head makes a soft ass," I remind him as I sweep by him.

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