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Ruthless Spring

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She turns to look back at me, her eyes moving straight to my untouched drink. “Winter,” she shouts over the music before moving closer until her mouth is right at my ear. I can smell the alcohol on her breath she begins to speak. “We’ve gone over this already, Winter. Take your life back. Don’t let them ruin it for you. You’re already going to be in shit when he realizes you aren’t at the mansion, so what can he really do? Tell you you’re in double trouble?”

She laughs at her own joke, but I don’t find it quite as funny.

Because I am sure that that's exactly what’s going to happen.

But she’s right, I’m supposed to be enjoying this until I’m actually six feet deep. There’s no point in me sitting up in the club, doing nothing, if I’m going to get in trouble for everything either way.

This may be my last opportunity to enjoy life.

I pick up the glass, letting the coolness soother my hands as I bring it to my lips.

Lucia pats me on the back, nearly sending me shooting forward. “That’s what I’m talking about,” she says as I cough.

“Girl, I hope you can hold your liquor, because we’re about to get fucked up.” She gestures the bartender back over and I’m aware that she’s ordering shots as I try to finish the rest of the Manhattan.

The bartender returns with a line of shots and my eyes open wide.

“Pucker up, butter cup,” Lucia says before shoving three of the shots in my direction.

She downs hers like she’s drinking water while I practically gag on my first one.

“Lord, what are you doing? Just toss it back,” she orders me.

“What in the hell is this, Lucia?” I ask. I’ve taken shots before but whatever she requested for us is toxic, burning both my throat and stomach.

“Don’t worry about that,” she says. “Just hurry up, because I’ve already picked out my targets and you’re going to let them slip away if you take too much longer.”

“Aren’t you a hit woman?” I ask, my brows pulling together. “Are you going to just start shooting people in the middle of the club?” I can already feel the alcohol going to my head as I finally make it to my third shot.

“Not that type of target, the one that I plan on fucking, not killing,” she clarifies rolling her eyes. Her face lights up when she sees that I’m done with my shots and she pulls me to my feet, even as I sway. “I hope you can at least dance.”

I let her drag me to the middle of the dance floor, noting that she puts us right next to the women she was previously eyeing. Lucia starts dancing with me, her hands moving to my hips as she moves against me. And for the first time, I let myself be free, moving with her and putting my hands in the air as my hips sway.

I witness Lucia smile a moment before she spins me around, shoving me in the middle of another group. I watch as she moves in between the two women she was eyeing and they don’t seem to mind. I start back dancing, moving against different bodies, not lingering long or actually focusing on anyone.

I just let the music and shots move through me.

I let happiness move through me.

Sweat is covering my body when Lucia pulls me back over to the bar and I take the shots even quicker this time, the burn soothing now. She drags me back over, shoving me up against a man. I turn around, taking in the tall figure. His skin is bronze and his hair is long, a sinister smile on his lips as he watches me.

I peer over his shoulder to where Lucia is now kissing the Asian woman. She looks up when she feels my gaze on her and she just shrugs making a shooing motion for me to dance before focusing back on the other woman.




But I allow the alcohol to cloud my mind, letting the man put his hands on me. He spins me around until my back is pressing against his chest and he continues to allow me to move my hips against him. And I can feel his hard-on pressing against my butt. It only excites me and I continue to move with him. My skin is warm and tingling.

His hands move up my hips before sliding around my body, grasping my breast.

He turns me around and he gazes down darkly, his lips moving toward mine.

I close my eyes, waiting for the kiss. I can just feel his breath on my lips when suddenly his touch is gone.

My eyes flip open.

And I realize I’ve gotten an early ticket to hell when my eyes meet Giovanni’s.

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