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Ruthless Spring

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Most wouldn't be able to figure it out with the blank expression on his face. They'd think he was being his usual cold, unaffected self. But I've known him long enough to decipher that when his steps are quicker than usual and he constantly sticks his hand in his pocket before removing it, his temper is flaring.

I can't say I blame him.

There's a lot to be pissed off about.

A Ramos Cartel member nearly killed Winter right under our noses.

Maximo was in the club when he has strict orders to stay away from Winter unless Giovanni says otherwise.

The fucking bouncers, making the exact same mistake in just a few weeks. It started when they let the Seven Quad gang into Delirium, which is how Diamond and his men were able to get close to Winter last time. It ended just the same as tonight, with Maximo shooting one of the men in the head to send a message that Winter was off limits.

And just like that night, I'm conflicted. I'm glad that Maximo was able to protect Winter, but pissed that he's constantly disobeying orders and leaving a mess for me to clean up.

There's only so many times that I can get the police department to scrap and hide files. Our agreement with them is that we keep things quiet and on the down low and they leave us alone after collecting their quarterly kickbacks.

Three shootings in the club in as many months isn't the definition of keeping a low profile.

A click sounds through the room and I turn, watching as Giovanni steps in front of the men on their knees. Their bodies are shaking and quick, uneven breaths fill the room. Giovanni’s brows are pulled together as he stares at them.

Their bodies won't be warm for much longer. Other gangs will start to think the Costa Family is weak if we keep allowing the same place to be infiltrated.

Or even worse.

They'll put two and two together and realize two out of three of the attacks were aimed at Winter. While Diamond can continue spewing bullshit about not wanting to harm her, he still had ill intentions when he targeted her at the club. He knew exactly who she was, or at least who we want the rest of the city to think she is.

Twice, Winter was targeted at the club.

And once, she was kidnapped.

Any enemy of the family has to know that she's a weakness, which is bad for Winter on so many levels. Because if people keep perceiving her as a chink in the family’s armor, Giovanni will eliminate her himself.

Or worse, he’ll have Maximo do it.

I drag my mind away from the dark thought as I watch Giovanni pace in front of the kneeling bouncers. They’re not bound or chained, and they are not stupid enough to try running. They knew what they were signing up for when they were hired to work for the family.

They knew the consequences if they failed to do the job as expected.

Giovanni pauses, his shoes scuffing against the concrete. "You let an enemy come close to something that belongs to me tonight," he says, keeping his voice low. It's quite eerie in the otherwise quiet warehouse.

"That's unacceptable," Giovanni continues. His eyes flicker between the men, hard and cool. "Which one of you checked him?" he asks.

No one says anything and Giovanni reaches under his coat, pulling out his pistol. He clicks the safety off before lifting it. "Confess now, before I start shooting everyone in sight." Even with the threat, he keeps his voice level, his gaze narrowed in on the men.

"It was me," one of the guards says, finally speaking up. He holds his head up, but I can see the way his shoulders shake slightly. "I patted him down, but I promise... I promise I didn't feel a gun on him, sir. I'm so sorry."

The two pops go off quickly and I'm not surprised. I watch as the two innocent guards hit the ground, perfectly placed bullets in their foreheads. The guilty guard's eyes widen as he looks back and forth between the fresh corpses. He swallows loudly and I glance down, looking at the dark stain on the crotch of his pants.

The crude smell of piss permeates the air.

If only he knew this is just the beginning.

Giovanni steps forward and I watch as he raises the gun before whipping it across the man's face, and this action is surprising. Giovanni killing someone is fine, it's something that has to be done. Torturing people himself, that's not something he does though, it's not his job or his way. So, the action betrays him more than he probably realizes.

His control is slipping.

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