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The Forgotten (John Puller 2)

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“I apologize for the misunderstanding, sir.” “So you’re saying it was a misunderstanding? Why don’t you explain that one in a way that doesn’t make me want to prefer official charges against you, Puller?”

“I observed two men who looked

like soldiers following me in Florida, Colonel Walmsey. I requested that Ms. Craig attempt to use reasonable means at her disposal to determine if the men were members of the service. The most expeditious way of doing that seemed to be tracking their vehicle. I acquired the license plate information and communicated that to Ms. Craig.” “Why would Army personnel be following you, Puller?”

“If I had the answer to that, sir, I would not have involved Ms. Craig.”

“And the duffel?”

“Connected to the same matter, sir. I came down here on a family matter. I didn’t bring any equipment with me. If it became necessary for me to initiate an investigation I wanted to be properly outfitted to do so.”

“When exactly were you going to inform your superior officer of all this?”

“Once I determined that I had something to report, sir, that involved other military members. But I want to make it clear that I accept full responsibility for this. Ms. Craig was under the impression that I was engaged in authorized work. None of this should reflect on her record, sir.” “You cover for your friends well, Puller, I’ll give you that. But for your information Ms. Craig has been relieved of duty pending completion of an inquiry on this matter.”

Shit again, thought Puller.

“I’m sorry to hear that, sir.”

“Not as sorry as she was. Now let’s talk about you.”

“Yes, sir.”

“I understand from CID that you’re on authorized leave right now.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And that you successfully carried out a commission in West Virginia that saved this country an enormous headache.”

Puller said nothing.

“So I’m basically being told that you need to get a pass on this. I don’t like that one bit, Puller. Every soldier should be held to the same standard, don’t you agree?”

“Yes I do, sir.”

“And what is that standard?”

Puller thought he was back in boot camp. “The highest possible standard, sir,” he replied automatically.

“But that apparently is not how it’s going down in this case. Sounds like bullshit to me, Puller.”

“Yes, sir, it does.”

“But you can man up and do something about it. Get your ass up here and take the heat.”

Puller admired the skill with which the colonel had maneuvered him into a comer.

“Sir, I would be glad to do that as soon as I have completed my task down here.”

“What the hell task is that?” said Walmsey, who had apparently not reckoned on this response.

“My aunt.”

“Your aunt? What the hell is going on with your aunt?”

“That’s what I’m trying to find out, sir.”

“Can’t you ask her?”

“I would, sir, but somebody killed her.” “Someone killed your aunt?” Walmsey said skeptically. “Is that why you want your duffel? Is your aunt in the Army?”

“No, sir.”

“Then I’m apparently not getting through to you, Puller. What you’re planning to do is an unauthorized—”

It was at this moment that Puller ran out of patience. It was contrary to his nature in speaking with a superior officer, but perhaps his brief time away from the Army had dulled those professional instincts. He would just assume that was the case.

“Sir, if I may elaborate. My aunt sent my father a letter at the VA hospital where he’s currently staying. The letter stated she was afraid, that things were happening down here that she thought were suspicious. My father asked me to investigate. I came here to do so. I found my aunt dead. Naturally my suspicions were aroused.” When Walmsey next spoke his tone was far less confrontational. “Your father? At the VA hospital?”

“Yes, sir. He’s not that well, but he’s hanging in there. Even though sometimes he thinks he’s still commanding the ioist.”

There was a long stretch of silence and then Walmsey said, “Fighting John Puller is your father?”

“Yes, sir. I’m John Puller Jr.”

“That was not included in my briefing on this. I can’t imagine why the hell not.”

Puller could see a certain aide to Colonel Walmsey getting his or her ass reamed over that one.

“But my father being who he is should not impact this matter at all.”

“No, it shouldn’t,” said Walmsey in a halting voice.

“It’s just that my aunt was my father’s only sibling. He took it hard. He was her younger brother. You have siblings, sir?”

“Two older sisters. Special relationship, big sisters and little brothers.”

“Yes, sir, so I’ve heard.”

There was another long pause.

“Why don’t you carry on down there and we’ll revisit this issue later, Agent Puller.”

“Yes, sir, thank you, sir. And Ms. Craig?” “Don’t worry about her. I’ll take you at your word that she wasn’t involved in anything that was unauthorized. She’ll be back on duty today.” “Appreciate it, sir.”

“You tell your father I said hello and convey my best wishes for a speedy recovery.”

“I will do that, Colonel. Thank you. Uh, any chance on running that license plate down, sir?”

But the line went dead.

It didn’t look like the Army was going to be much help with this.

Puller headed to the Tahoe.

He needed to get his investigation duffel.


The sweat trickled down his neck.

At eight in the morning he’d already been hard at work for an hour. It was eighty-two degrees with a projected high of nearly a hundred today.

He was at the same house. He had been told that the grounds here were so extensive that they required a landscaping crew every day. He had taken steps to make sure that he would get the assignment. It had involved payments and promises to people who didn’t give a damn why he wanted to be here. For them it was just an exchange of something for something else. And when you were dealing with folks who had little money, bartering became a way of life. For all they knew he was trying to case the mansion in hopes of robbing it. They did not care about folks stealing from the rich. The rich had everything. They would just print more money.

He was simply one man working for others. He was paid a wage that could barely keep him alive. And he was one injury away from being homeless.

As he looked around at the workers next to him, he was actually describing their state of affairs, not his. Money meant nothing to him. He was here for his own purposes and no other. When he was done he would leave.

Unless he was dead. Then he would stay in Paradise for eternity.

He rubbed the sweat from his eyes and commenced clipping a hedge for owners who demanded a precisely trimmed bush. But he also focused on what he had seen the previous night on the beach.

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