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Overheard (Unspoken 2)

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If they had sex and things didn’t work out, how would it affect them? Could they really pick up and go on like it hadn’t happened? Continue to spend as much time together as they did? Go hunting and fishing and hang out at Jeremy and Michelle’s?

“You’re putting way too much thought into this,” Luke said mildly.

She looked up guiltily to see him watching her. “I’m sorry. I’m doing my best to ruin the evening before it even starts.”

“Just relax. We always have a good time together.”

She smiled. “Yeah, we do.”

“Eat up. We’ll take a drive. Go out by the lake and watch the stars.”

“That sounds great,” she said.

The moon was rising when they pulled up and parked at the overlook.

“Want to get out?” Luke asked as he cut the engine.

“And freeze to death?” Gracie asked in mock horror.

“I’ll keep you warm.”

She stared at him, shivering slightly at his promise. Well, she was no wimp, and she was willing to see where this took them. She opened the door and stepped into the crisp night air.

She breathed in deep and stared out over the water. It was a crystal clear night and the stars shone brightly in the sky.

Luke walked around the front of the truck and leaned against the hood. She moved to stand beside him. Damn it, she was already cold. No way she was going to stand out here for long.

He reached for her, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her to stand in front of him. Then he wrapped both arms around her body until her back was firmly melded to his chest. He tucked her head underneath his chin.

“Better?” he asked.

She was warm from head to toe. There wasn’t an inch of her skin that didn’t feel like someone had taken a blowtorch to it. She nodded her head.

“So tell me something about you I don’t already know,” he said against her hair.

She laughed. “But you already know everything about me.”

“Not true. I think there’s quite a bit I don’t know about you,” he said softly. “I want to know what makes you tick, Gracie. What your dreams are. Your fantasies.”

“My fantasies?” she squeaked.

She closed her eyes. No way was she going there. She’d tried that with Keith and it had led to their immediate breakup.

“Hmmm, I can feel you blushing. You must have some juicy fantasies.”

She stiffened in his arms. She didn’t want to waste her time or his. No, she didn’t really want to go into it, but if he were going to scare off, she’d rather it be now than later. If he couldn’t handle hearing about the real Gracie, then he certainly wasn’t worth her time.

Luke felt the rioting emotions in her. Knew she was waging a battle with herself over whether to share that part of herself with him. He held his breath, hoping she’d trust him.

She turned in his arms, the light of battle in her eyes. She looked at him almost defiantly. “I’ll tell you mine but you have to tell me yours.”

She was testing him. He could tell. She thought he’d tuck tail and run just like her last pussy boyfriend. She was afraid to share that intimate part for fear of rejection, and who could blame her with the way dipshit had responded.

“Oh, I’ll tell you mine,” he said calmly.

“I like sex,” she blurted. “Good sex. Or I should say I’d love good sex.”

Luke raised an eyebrow. “Boyfriends not satisfying you in that department?”

She ducked her head. “No,” she mumbled.

“Go on,” he urged.

She stepped back a bit and took a deep breath. “I want a man who doesn’t feel like he has to stop and ask permission every step of the way. I want someone who can take control and make it good for both of us. I want someone who is creative and doesn’t have to be coached.”

“You don’t want someone who has to be told how to satisfy you,” Luke spoke up.

“Exactly! And…and…I want to experiment, do something different, and I’d love to have a partner who could make that happen without making me feel like a freak.”

They were getting somewhere now.

“What would you like to do, Gracie?” he prompted.

She wrinkled her nose and grinned. “I have a kinky streak in me a mile wide. I’d love to be tied up, spanked and my brains fucked out. And…I’d really love to have a threesome.”

“Another woman?” Luke asked, pretending ignorance.

She shook her head adamantly. “No, me and two men.”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” she asked defensively.

He put his hands out to her shoulders. “Gracie, it doesn’t mean anything. You’re not a freak. Lots of women have these fantasies. They’re healthy, normal fantasies.”

She relaxed a little. “You don’t think I’m weird?”

He chuckled. “Yeah, I think you’re weird, but not because you have kinky sex fantasies.”

She surprised him by throwing her arms around him and hugging tight. He eased his arms around her and held her, running a hand through her curls. He probably shouldn’t push things yet, but he’d been dying to taste her all night.

He tugged gently at her hair until her head fell back. He cupped a hand to her cheek and gently ran his thumb down her jaw. Her lips fell open in silent invitation and it was all he needed.

His lips found hers, hot, flushed and needy. She tasted sweet, and she felt incredibly soft against his hard body. He loved that, loved the way she fit so perfectly against him.

Her mouth opened wider against his kiss and the tip of her tongue feathered over his. He caught it and sucked it further into his mouth. Their tongues rolled and tangled as the sounds of their breathing echoed into the night.

If they were anywhere but at the lake on a cold night, Luke would lay her down and strip her naked. He’d get between her thighs and slide so deep into her pussy that she wouldn’t know where he began and she ended.

With more willpower than he thought he possessed, he pulled away from her.

“Wow,” she whispered.

“Yeah, wow,” he agreed. “I had a feeling we’d be like an inferno if we ever got together.”

She stuck her hands in her pockets and looked away for a minute. Then she glanced back at him, her eyes s

till echoing her need. He reached out a thumb to glide over her swollen lips. Lips he wanted to devour again.

“Want to go out again tomorrow night?” she asked. “I pick the place this time.”

Luke looked at her in surprise. Was this another test?

“Okay. Sounds good to me. What time should I pick you up and what should I wear?”

“Eight o’clock and jeans and a T-shirt are fine. Don’t overdress. You’ll be getting hot.”

His body surged to attention at her words. Innocent or not, they were full of innuendo. But she didn’t elaborate, so clearly she was going to let him ponder just what it was they were doing.

Chapter Six

Gracie waited inside the door for Luke to come to the steps. He’d seemed bent on coming to get her last night, so she’d waited tonight.

He mounted the steps and knocked lightly. She opened the door and bit back a smile of satisfaction at his double take.

“You look…fantastic,” he murmured.

She reached for her jacket and noted his disappointed grimace when she slid it on. “Ready?” she asked.

She grinned smugly all the way to the truck. The top she’d chosen was more suited for warmer weather. The thin straps looped over her shoulders and the built-in shelf made wearing a bra unnecessary. The material molded and cupped her breasts like a lover. Every curve was outlined in vivid detail. She liked to call it her bitch in heat shirt. And where they were going, she planned to work up a sweat.

“So where we going?” Luke asked when they got into the truck.

“Downtown,” she said vaguely.

He looked curiously at her but started the engine and drove out of her driveway. Fifteen minutes later, they got off the freeway and headed toward the downtown section.

“Take the next left,” she directed.

They turned onto a smaller street and she pointed toward a stop sign.

“Take a right.”

She leaned forward in anticipation as she spotted the club. “Here, turn into the parking lot,” she directed.

Luke pulled in and parked then cut the engine. He looked over at her. “Rave? We’re going to Rave?”

“You don’t dance?” she asked innocently.

“I’ve been known to dance,” he said slowly.

“Then let’s go.”

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