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Secret Pet

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I take a seat in Mandy’s overly small office chair and scratch my chin. My beard is feeling a little disheveled. Perhaps I should shave it off. Usually, I don’t care much about appearances, but with the new pet, I suddenly want to clean up. It’s an odd thought, so I put it out of my head.

“Has anyone else complained?” Sometimes the best way to deal with Rodney is to get him distracted, mainly by having him think of other people. That’s why I have him as my second-in-command. While I am not very approachable, Rodney is. His openness is a good match with my desire for solitude.

He hums slightly as he thinks. “No, not really. Most of the boys haven’t even packed up yet. You know how Leon and the rest like to put things off to the last minute.” I do know this; it’s something I was planning on.

“Okay then, all the more reason to put the move off for a bit. Don’t you think?”

Rodney grunts a little. “I suppose. But it bothers me, boss. All that packing and unpacking.”

“We have the money, hire an intern to do it for you.”

“Seriously?” He laughs. “You would never say that before. You hate interns. Hell, you hate people.”

Keeping only half of my mind on the conversation, I start rummaging through the desk drawers. Mostly, they contain the usual supplies — paperclips, etc. One has a few loose photos in it. I pick them up and stare at what must be Mandy’s family. “Not all people,” I mutter.

“Please. I don’t believe that for a second, Christian. Hell, I’ve never even seen you with a girlfriend.”

“I don’t date. I’ve told you this. Feelings are a waste of time. Too much compromise. I’m more into give and take situations. The girl gives, and I take, and that’s the end.” Setting the photo’s back, I push the drawer closed.

“Sure.” From the sarcastic tone of his voice, I can imagine that Rodney is rolling his eyes. “I’ve heard this speech before. I can assure you that I am less convinced by it each time you say it.”

There is a slight pause as he waits for my rebuttal, but I’ve already started to ignore him and look at the underside of Mandy’s desk. I need to place my cameras just perfectly, so I can see everything that I want.

“So, when will we be moving to the new office?” Rodney continues.

“Two, maybe three weeks, should be enough. I should be done with my special project by then.”

“Mmm-hmm.” Probably another eye roll. “Fine. I’m hiring an intern then and keeping them. Don’t complain when there is someone new at the meetings.”

“Yep. Got it. Bye.” I hang up before he can say anything else, returning all my attention to the task at hand.

The area under Mandy’s desk is pretty open. The desk itself is attached to the cubical wall, and there are very few drawers to get in my way. I duck my head down and squeeze myself under. Three cameras should be enough for down here. Their positioning has to be at the right height, so with one hand I reach over and grab the seat of the office chair pulling it closer.

Positioning the chair right in front of the desk, I imagine Mandy sitting in it. My little pet, with her short but shapely legs. I want a good view when she opens her thighs and reveals that perfect pussy of hers. My fantasy is making my dick ache. I want her so badly but waiting will make my release even sweeter.

As I set up the cameras and check their feed on my laptop, I let my imagination run wild. In my fantasy, Mandy walks in and discovers what I am doing. At first, she is shocked, putting her little palm over her mouth to stifle a scream. Then, she would try to protest that I am violating her privacy, but I would shut down her nagging quickly by taking charge.

“Sit in the chair, pet,” I would order.

Hearing the command in my voice, she would do so quickly, looking up at me with trepidation in her big brown eyes. Her whole body would tremble slightly at the start of our play session.

“Hands out on the desk. Palms flat.”

Her tiny hands would smack down onto the desk quickly, but she would keep her eyes on me, anxious for her next order. In my fantasy, I would have ties attached to the desk —something I can’t really install now. Cameras I can hide, but leather ties, not so much. But in my imagination, I bind her hands to the desk, making sure that she can’t move them at all.

Her full breasts are smushed into the tabletop. I step behind her and run my hands down from her shoulders to the tops of her breasts. Her skin is warm under my hands. I can feel her breath as it speeds up because of my touch. My fingers slip lower, under the fabric of her blouse, to find her nipples which are standing up like pencil erasers. I pinch them both hard, not even warming her up. The roughness of my touch makes my pet hiss. Her little body jerks in surprise, pulling at her bound arms, but she can’t get free. She knows it. And she likes it.

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