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Secret Pet

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“This is Mandy,” I answer after putting the phone to my ear.

“Ms. Burmmell.” It’s Christian. He’s speaking very loudly into the phone. So loudly I’m sure that the two men who are still loitering at my desk can hear. “I could use your assistance in the basement immediately.”

“One second.” I look up at Kane and try not to smile. “It’s Mr. Keeley. Time to start my second assignment.”

Kane shrugs and then nods.

“I’ll be right down,” I tell Christian and hang up.

Kane tells Jered to head towards Sloane’s office. I don’t look at him. I don’t watch my ex leave or say goodbye — he didn’t before, why should I now? His eyes are burning holes into the side of my face. His breath is loud. I can practically feel the heat off his body like a sunburn, but I will not look at him or acknowledge his presence any further. Mr. Coleman can have the cold shoulder for the rest of the time we work together. Hopefully, he will do something stupid and get fired. Maybe knock up some other stupid girl who believes his charm.

I shake my head, wiping thoughts of the past out of my mind then realize that Kane is still leaning on my cubical and watching me with an expectant expression in his chocolate-brown eyes.

“Everything okay, Mandy?” he asks. I can tell from the tone of his voice, in his mind, he is acting like my friend now, not my boss.

I give him my best fake grin. “Everything is peachy. I really should head down to the basement. Mr. Keeley is waiting.” Pulling open my desk drawer, I grab my bag with the extra clothing in it.

Kane glances up at the ceiling, obviously trying to not roll his eyes. He shakes his head slightly, but none of his perfect hair moves out of place. “You’re a saint for putting up with the weirdo, Mandy.” I have to think a second to realize that he is talking about Christian, not Jered. “But just help him with this one cabling job, and I promise to never let him bother you again.”

I stand — keeping my thighs as closed as possible so that the vibe stays in place — and straighten the wrinkles out of my skirt. “Not a problem, Mr. McKenzie.”

Kane smiles his CEO smile, all business again, then gives me a friendly wink before walking off.

Chapter Eight


The video camera on top of my pet’s computer caught her whole interaction with Kane and this new guy — Jered something or another. The guy looks like a jerk. I especially do not like how uncomfortable Mandy looked when she saw him. I have a screenshot up on my computer monitor of the moment she first saw the guy. In it, she is pale. Her pretty little lips are pulled, twisted together in shock. Her brown eyes are hard, cold, with fiery anger in them. From that look, that now fills my view, I know she knows him — really knows him. It bothers me. But I don’t exactly know why.

I’ve never been the guy who asks about a pet’s past relationships. I usually don’t care who she has done or what. That is her business, not mine. Knowing about someone’s past relationships is typically a trait of being in a relationship, and I don’t do relationships. Pets are just for physical pleasure, that is it.

Still, this new guy bugs me.

There is a slight knock at the annex door. I know it’s her, Mandy, but I feel no need to take down the screenshot of her face. She will quickly learn that I am watching her at all times. I keep my eyes on the screen, working through boxing up my odd feelings and wait for her to come to me.

The basement is mostly dark this morning. I don’t feel the need to keep a lot of lights on when it is just me. The glow from the computer monitors is enough.

The click of her heels tells me that Mandy is walking over to stand behind me. I can feel her presence at my back. She gives a little curious grunt.

“Not really the most flattering shot,” she says bemusedly. I expected her to be shocked at my recording of her; instead, she seems relaxed, or more relaxed then she was earlier.

“He bothers you?” I hate myself for asking, but the words come out even when I don’t want them too.

She doesn’t answer right away. She just stands at my back, looking at the screen from over my shoulder. “I’m not sure I know you well enough to answer that.”

The feisty tone of her voice makes me smile. I love a pet that is a challenge. It gives me more experience with manipulation.

I cross my arm over my chest and turn my chair. “What if I asked you as your boss?”

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