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Secret Pet

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Sloane sighs and rolls her eyes. “My brother doesn’t date. Apparently, the give and take of a relationship is too much for his selfish soul.”

Reese and Eileen’s mouths drop open. They aren’t quite used to the negative banter that happens between the Keeley siblings.

Rodney shakes his head. “It’s not selfishness, it’s fear.”

“I could see that.” Sloane raises her eyebrows and nods like she is considering. “Chris likes to act tough, but he isn’t really.”

“Don’t call me that!” Christian sets Mr. Pugsly down on the floor. “Look, what I do or don’t do is my business. I don’t need you all —” He glares at me. “—talking to me like I’m in a therapy session. I’m not here for you to deconstruct.” At this point, he glares at Rodney, who shrugs in response. “We should get back to our tour. Come on, Rodney.”

Rodney gives the pugs another pet and tells us all that he wants to be friends. As soon as he is done, both men turn to leave. After they take a few steps, Christian glances over his shoulder. “I will be busy all day, Mandy. I will not need your help. I’ll see you tomorrow.” His words aren’t exactly cold, but they are formal.

“Okay,” I squeak. After they are in the elevator, I turn to my friends. “I didn’t mean to embarrass him.”

Sloane snorts a laugh. “Chris is an embarrassment just by being who he is. Honestly, I’m sick of my brother being a womanizer. He needs to join the twentieth century.” She nods determinedly. I feel myself go even paler when she calls Christian a womanizer. I had no idea. Maybe he’s been using me this whole time. “I’m going to grab my purse,” Sloane continues. “Give me a minute, and we can head out.” She turns to go back into her office.

Reese and Eileen stare at me. Their eyes are wide, taking in my face and shaking body.

“You okay, Mandy?”

“Did you like him?” They ask at the same time.

I force myself to laugh. “I don’t like Mr. Keeley, and I’m fine. I was just shocked because Rodney was telling me that in the ten years he’s known Christian, he’s never had a girlfriend.” I laugh again. “Have you ever heard anything so absurd?”

Reese nods, looking sadly after Christian. “That is so crazy. How can anyone live without love?”

Sloane joins us again and thankfully changes the subject. As I head out of the building with my best girlfriends, I try to keep my mind from slipping back to Christian, but I just can’t. I can’t get over the fact that I’m probably in love with a man that doesn’t love me. I don’t know what to do.

Chapter Sixteen


Although I was happy to see Rodney, yesterday was a disaster. My best friend has a tendency to overshare, and I could tell that Mandy was a little shocked by what he told her. Although I don’t know why. I’ve never called her my girlfriend or even took her on a date. Our relationship is just physical, she has to know that.

Another bad thing about having Rodney visit was that he kept me from playing with my pet, and today I am feeling a little anxious to have Mandy all to myself. Something in my heart tells me that I want to know if she and I are okay after yesterday’s awkward encounter and the terrible weekend where she met my father and I screwed things up with her grandmother, but I ignore that part, telling myself that I just physically need her. It’s not anything emotional at all.

To distract myself further, I brought in a few new toys to play with: a paddle and a set of handcuffs that I have already attached to the wall in my office. I plan to cuff my pet, give her backside a good spanking, and let her stand there while I enjoy the sight of her bare, red bottom. The fantasy has my dick aching.

In the elevator up to the fifth floor, I find myself whistling. Returning to our regular arrangement has me feeling chipper and excited. I can’t wait to have my pet again. The two days without her seems like too much. I need to start playing with her on the weekends too. Unfortunately, taking her to my house is no longer an option. Maybe the floors in her apartment are done?

Two happy, yipping doggie faces greet me as the elevator opens on the accounting floor. Eileen’s pugs seem to have memorized my schedule, either that or they always greet anyone who is coming out of the elevator. I bend down and give them each a scratch behind the ears.

“Hi, guys! How are you two today?”

Both dogs bark their answers as they hop and run beside me. As I pass through the maze of cubicles, I start thinking that McKenzie Tech really has turned into a nice place to work. I’ve gotten used to the tons of windows. It’s cheerful here. The merger was a good choice.

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