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Secret Pet

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Rodney laughs. He turns to smile at each of the team, easing the tension in the room. “Wow, boss. You really need your coffee, don’t you?” He lets out another chuckle. “Mario, why don’t you head down the street, grab us all coffees and get doughnuts? I know you all are trying to watch your figures, but today is special. Doughnuts for everyone!”

As always, Rodney fixes things for me. He’s so much better at dealing with people. Somewhat happier, the guys look away from us and start setting up their computers as if everything is right with the world again.

Rodney keeps smiling at them but moves closer to me. “What is up with you?” he whispers. I just shake my head, not sure what to even tell him. “Fine, don’t tell me,” he continues. “Maybe you should go home and get some sleep. You look like hell.”

I rub my hands through my hair again than over the beard I am re-growing. “I can’t,” I whisper. “My dad has a mistress taking over my place.”

My friend grunts. “Hell. No wonder you are salty. That man deserves a punch in the face.”

I nod. “I need to figure out a way to get away from him, but I don’t know how.”

“Yes!” Rodney hisses. “Yes, boy! Cut all ties. You can do it; people tell me that you’re a genius or some shit.” He winks at me. “Although I’ve never seen it.”

His grin makes me grin despite my depressed state. “I’ll figure it out. But first, I have to get this done.” I gesture to the circuit board.

Rodney shakes his head. “You need to take a nap. Why don’t we get rid of this big table and put in some couches?”

I want to tell him that that is a good idea, but I can’t. The table is the only connection I have left to Mandy. I can’t part with it. Maybe someday, but not now.


The boys have been gone for hours. I know it’s dark outside even though we don’t have windows in the basement. I haven’t looked at the clock, but I have a feeling that it is around eight at night. It’s been harder and harder for me to leave the office lately. I’m not sure why.

Obviously, part of it is that Dad’s mistress is still living at my place. We mostly ignore each other, but it’s hard to relax when there is a stranger in your home — acting like it is hers. I’ve even thought of selling the place. I used to like the location, but I want to buy something smaller and never tell my father where it is. I’m done with his impositions. In fact, I’m pretty much done with him being in my life at all.

Another reason I don’t want to leave is that I stupidly keep hoping that Mandy will walk in. It’s a ridiculous dream, she hasn’t been to work in at least a week, but my heart keeps hoping. Often, I find my feet carrying me over to the conference table so I can glide my hand over it and remember. It’s dumb.

The code I’ve been working on blurs slightly as I space out, not really seeing what is on my computer monitor. There is a knock on the door to the annex. The door is always open now, but everyone knocks anyway. I don’t bother to look up. I figure it’s Tony, the security guard. He usually starts his rounds about this time. However, his usual greeting doesn’t follow.

The silence gets awkward, so I look up. My sister is standing by the big conference table, looking at it like she doesn’t understand its presence. I push back my chair, sigh quietly, and walk over to see what her problem is. We stand shoulder to shoulder, staring at the table in silence for a few minutes.

“I think this was the table in the room when I had my job interview,” Sloane says. Her voice is barely above a whisper. She reaches out and traces a finger in a design over the wood. “I was so bored that day. I knew that Kane would give me the job because of his relationship with Uncle Dave.” She lets out a breath. “I was pretty cocky back then.”

“Back then?”

She turns quickly, giving me a glare. “At least I’m working on being a better person.” Taking the finger that was on the table, she pokes me in the chest. “What are you doing, Chris?”

“Don’t call me that!” Annoyed, I push her hand away and walk back towards my desk, hoping that she will leave. She doesn’t.

“There are rumors.” The click of her heels tells me that she is following me.

“So what?” I snap, shutting my laptop’s lid with a click and starting to pack up my papers. If Sloane doesn’t leave, I will. But something about the way she said the word rumors freezes me. “What rumors?” Maybe this is about where Mandy disappeared to. Maybe she finally ran off with that Coleman guy.

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