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Good Pet

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It doesn’t matter that I don’t wipe them away, though. Tommy does for me, murmuring something sweet and indulgent I don’t catch. Directly after, he says louder, “Don’t cry, pet. Not unless those are tears of joy.”

I pull away from his lips, laughing, wiping at the eye he left alone. “They are. I’m just grateful, is all. Humbled.”

Tommy showers me with kisses everywhere. All over my back, shoulders, ass, and legs. “So I take it I gave you the time you wanted and were dreaming of?”

I laugh-cry at this. “More than that,” I say, kissing him again. Wrapping him up in my arms. “So much more than that. Not just a first time together, but a once-in-a-lifetime moment, Tommy.” As we cuddle on the couch in each other’s arms, now that we’ve managed to rotate so that Tommy can cuddle and rest on my tummy, and I can hug him to me like a teddy Ben, I think to myself, I know he just became my boyfriend, but I wouldn’t mind making him my husband. I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of my life with him.

Somewhere in these thoughts, Tommy whispers his own reply. Cuddling into my chest. “I feel the same way.” He snuggles into me, squealing with joy and possessiveness.

“That’s it, Tommy! You’re officially my personal teddy Ben, you Ben you!” I make a growling sound. One that I hope sounds like a soft, loving-sick Ben. I make this sound as I grab him and hold him tightly to me, the way a Ben would. “That’s right, sir! And this woman won’t let anyone mess with you, just like you haven’t let anyone mess with me!”

Tommy laughs, truly in love with me.

Now it’s my turn to smother him in kisses and sweet nibbles to his ears. He submits to it willingly and tenderly. Which makes me just nibble and kiss him more.

Somewhere in all this, however, we doze off in each other’s arms. I don’t know how long we sleep for, or if we really sleep much at all, but when we wake up, the living room is pitch black.

Tommy stumbles to get up off the couch and goes to turn on a light. As a soft accent light comes on in the living room, I’m once again struck by how lucky I am. How fortunate I am to have snagged Tommy as my one and only.

Tommy swishes his way back to me, planting a kiss on my forehead. “Why don’t I go get a bath is started for us in the master bedroom?” He asks. “ But first, I’m going to go down to the car to get my clothes from the back before someone thinks it might be a fun thing to steal them.”

I nod, still feeling warm and fuzzy from our encounter. He looks a little like he feels the same way — still fuzzy around the edges — but he continues with his gentle, targeted delegation. “And then I’ll call out for some food? Sound good?”

I nod, still unable to believe this beautiful creature is now my boyfriend. I sit myself up on the couch. “Sounds lovely, sir,” I say. “But let me run down to get the clothing. You just find the bathtub.”

“Then that’s what we’ll do,” says Tommy, beginning to collect his clothes and fold them up.

I nod, agreeing while finding my own discarded clothing. “Before going to bed and getting a bit of beauty rest and having some more fun tomorrow.” I smile, winking mischievously at him. “Preferably out on my balcony, where there’s a good view…in or out.”

With that, I disconnect from him and focus on finishing putting clothing on. Pants, socks, and shoes mostly. My shirt, I throw on, not caring that it’s backward. I blow him a kiss and head out the door.

Chapter Forty-Nine


By the time I come back in from the car, my arms are laden with shopping bags and my mind anywhere, but unpacking those shopping bags at the moment, Tommy’s already gone from his place on my couch. Setting the bags on the cushions that should still hold him, I go in search of my beloved.

As I expect, he’s in my master bathroom, just off the master suite. As I step into the room, I smell the lavender and chamomile bubble bath immediately. I also hear the soft wave and bubble of the jets in the tub.

And Tommy, he is bent over the Jacuzzi tub, messing with knobs, buttons, and other settings for the vibration patterns of the water jets, as well as water temperature and whether it has mineral content in it or not.

Almost as if he’s developed a sixth sense for me after having ravaged me, Tommy turns in my direction, the minute I step inside the bathroom. And I doubt he’s heard my footsteps with all that extra noise from the water. He waves cutely at me, smiling proudly, and invitingly at me. Unlike me, he’s still completely naked.

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