Good Pet - Page 130

From there, I decide to turn my phone off. In case he decides to keep calling me and harassing me under the guise of “oh, our call got dropped,” or something like that.

I wander to the master bedroom and undress. I take off all my work clothes. As I do, I imagine that I’m trying to take off all the bad memories and images woven into them at the moment.

From there, I go into the luxurious master bath, which feels large and lonely without Melissa there to help fill the space. I decide to get in the shower that’s here, not the Jacuzzi tub this time I need something that’s going to rinse away the ugliness I feel all over me, not let me soak in it.

Chapter Sixty-One


Back at the office, shortly after lunch and shortly before Isabella returns to her desk next to mine, I do exactly what I’ve promised both Tommy and Jake I would do: I put Tommy on personal leave, blocking out two weeks from today. It’s easy enough to do, as when I check with Charlotte in HR, he’s got more than enough time banked up to take off two weeks or double that or triple that even, since he’s never, ever taken a vacation. Not since getting hired here. And unlike with other companies, this earned time does not expire. It does not need to only be used during the year or month in which it’s earned.

With that little bit of work done, I get my computer, phone, and headset ready to take incoming calls, since the lunch hour is now officially over. Luckily for me, my phone starts ringing off the hook the minute I get things ready, and then I don’t have to focus on how Tommy’s doing, whether Jake has come to the office yet and has alerted Kane to the situation involving Tommy and Vanacore.

I’m not left there wondering the result of Jake’s work for long, though. Within an hour and a half of returning to work, I see Kane, Jake, and Ashton approach my desk. They do so quietly, aware that I’m finishing up answering and directing a phone call. Despite their quiet intentions, their posture says it all: it’s tense and sad, as if it even between the three of them, the burdens they’re bearing are too heavy.

I finish up the call, all smiles and songs in my heart, and then hang up, prepared to face them. As I take the headphones down off my ears and switch it on to stand by, so that any calls that might come to me, go to Isabella instead.

Thankfully, though, Isabella’s on break, so she doesn’t see the two heads of the company plus one lawyer approach my desk. Kane, true to his “pack leader” personality, is the first one to speak to me. “Melissa, would you mind coming with us to a conference room down the hall, please?”

Immediately, I get up from my desk, not needing more information. I already know what this is about. “Of course,” I say quietly, stepping around my desk, preferring to follow them.

“Great,” says Jake.

“Thanks for being so cooperative with us, Melissa,” murmurs Kane as we move toward the hallway, and Jake closes the door to my office.

“We’ll try to not take all of your afternoon,” says Ashton, looking regretful, sad, but not as burnt out and haggard as Kane.

“It’s all right,” I say, not sure what else to respond with. “Take all the time you need with me, gentlemen.”

Ashton nods approvingly. “Kane said you were reliable and trustworthy,” he says, “and now I see why.”

I nod, not really sure what to say to this, if anything. I’m thankful the hallway is clear. I’m thankful we don’t have an audience or a peanut gallery to contend with on the way toward the executive conference rooms — the big, open conference rooms at the top of the office building, overlooking the best part of Manhattan.

We go into an unmarked executive conference room. Me first, followed by the men. I take a seat at one end of the huge, fancy conference table, watching as Kane and his crew take seats around and in front of me. Kane and Ashton in front of me, with Jake sitting to one of my sides.

Kane doesn’t wait long to speak. He drags his hands through his charcoal-colored hair and looks at me. Again, I can’t get away from how haggard and strained he looks. How sapped of life he appears, and he should be looking better than that. From what I remember, the whole crew just got back from some kind of conference recently.

“I’ve got to be honest with you, Melissa,” murmurs Kane, sounding as weathered as he looks. “The timing on these accusations that I’ve just been made aware of is the worst that it could possibly be.” Before I can even wonder if he’s going to tell me more, he does. “We just lost a massive contract with the government for some new tech, and it has angered the stockholders. It’s not going to look good if these accusations, that Vanacore has not only been sexually harassing Tommy but that just today, she tried to sexually assault him, get to the press.”

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024