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Good Pet

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“Dad,” I say, when I pick up, “Before you say anything—”

“I’m going to sell that piece-of-junk car,” he says, “I’m going to sell all of your shit that’s down in your bedroom. If you’re not going to be here, then it’s going to go to serve me and my needs, since you clearly don’t care about your old man anymore.”

“Before you say anything more,” I enunciate over him, “before you say anything more, hear this: I’m not coming back home. I’m not ever coming back home. If you want to sell my shit, fine.”

Dad starts his cruel ribbon of laughter at me, but unlike before, it does nothing to faze me. It’s like the annoying buzzing of a bug going past my ear as I swat it to death.

Before he can get anywhere with whatever taunting his planning, I say, “Do what you want with my stuff. Believe what you want about me. From this point on, you are not to call me. You are not to try to contact me in any other way, and, as far as I’m concerned, you’re not my dad. I am at this moment disowning you and washing my hands of anything to do with you.”

Again, Dad tries to pipe up with something angry, demoralizing, and downright rude. Something about my foreign girlfriend. I don’t listen to it hardly at all. Just enough to get where he’s going and stop him.

“Yes, I’m staying with her. For the rest of my life. As of this afternoon, she and I are engaged to be married, and I really don’t care to know what you think or feel about it, Dad.” I smile, feeling like a badass boss, even in my stylish but informal shirt and pants combo. The ones Melissa’s been dying to be fucked in, or fuck me in. “Have a nice life. What’s left of it,” I say, and hang up, but not before blocking his number from any further contact.

That done, I log on to my big, fancy new computer. The one connected up to the intraoffice communication system. The moment I open up Watercooler, I see that Melissa has access to it as well. She has her chat window open and available to be communicated with. I click on her icon and type a message.

Melissa: Please come to my office immediately. I have some business to finish with you.

After typing it, I hit send.

Almost immediately, I get a response back: Yes, sir. Right away, sir.

Good girl, I type, feeling my dick starting to get hard. I’ll be waiting for you.

After sending this, I sit away from the computer and double-check that the box with the ring is still in my pants pocket, where it’s been the whole afternoon. It is, and it’s ready to be presented to my dear, darling wife-to-be.



I’ll be waiting for you.

Those words ring in my head and vibrate throughout my whole body as I get up from my desk on the top floor, and head for Tommy’s new office. As I pass by the rooftop garden, my heart’s pounding wildly. My body temperature is up, and my pussy’s already starting to get a warm feeling. I’m excited and curious as to what exactly Tommy has in mind for our “unfinished business.” I have a few ideas myself, but I’m eager to see what his plans are for me. This thought reigns supreme as I walk down the hallway to the legal floor, toward Tommy’s office.

There’s hardly anyone else here at this hour, which makes me even happier to be coming here to be with him. It means we can be a little bit more relaxed and informal than we might otherwise have to be. It also means there are very few, if any, potential witnesses to whatever this “unfinished business” turns out to be.

When I get to Tommy’s office, I pause outside the door. Partly because I’m almost too excited to see his face after all the good things that have happened in one afternoon, and probably because I’m suddenly feeling very shy and submissive. As if he can feel the latter, Tommy calls out my name. He tells me to come inside and close the door behind me.

I do as I’m told, obediently going into the room. I smile and bow my head as I see Tommy sitting there in his big, cushy office chair in front of a big, stately desk — a desk big enough for me to spread out on. In my skirt, I feel my pussy start to get wet. It aches with desire.

Tommy comes around his desk from out of his chair and wraps me up in a hug and a kiss, before I’m even able to see him move, he moves so fast. The moment his lips touch is mine, I practically melt onto the floor. It’s only his arms that keep me upright as I hold onto the sides of his face and move some of the hair off his forehead.

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