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Bad Intentions - Too Bad It’s Fake

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Bunches of seasonal flowers in hand, I stepped carefully out of the trailer and made my way to the area set up for the ceremony. I could see Noah standing at the end of the two rows of folding chairs in front of the portable arch, decorated with flowers. I smiled at the sight of him.

Sarah, my maid of honor, marched before me after whispering encouragement. I had done the rehearsal in heels, which proved to be a bit of an issue on the grass. Breaking with tradition, not for the first time, I walked the makeshift aisle shoeless, my bare feet hidden under my floor-length wedding dress which had been Noah’s grandmother’s.

We couldn’t decide on a priest, so again, we compromised going with a justice of the peace. Noah suggested a sea captain but, in the end, agreed with me that it would be a bit too surreal.

“Hey sexy,” I whispered, as I got to the front.

“Hey, gorgeous,” he replied.

I had to resist the urge to jump the gun and kiss him right then and there. Noah wore a version of the tux he had to the awards dinner, only this time leaving the shirt open at the neck.

“Dearly beloved,” the justice began, “we are gathered here this fine day to join Noah and Emma. I understand you have written your own vows?”

“We have,” Noah said.

“Noah Issac Wells,” I said, going first, “I’ve spent a lot of time looking for love. The person who would complete me and share my life. I have found him in you.”

“Emma Catharine Oritz, I never thought I would fall in love. I never really knew what love was until I met you.”

“By the power invested in me by the state of California,” the justice declaimed to all assembled, “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Noah put his hand gently on my hips and I put my hands on his shoulders leveraging myself up onto my tiptoes and we locked lips, not even thinking about adding tongue.

The reception was held in a shelter in the day-use area of the park, rented especially for the purpose. The catering was excellent, and I had to fight the urge to take notes. The entire firm turned out for the ceremony, all of them seeming happy about the union. Especially Jim and Ann.

“Here you go,” Noah said, handing me the spritzer I had asked for. We kissed as he sat down next to me.

“Won’t your mother object?” I asked playfully.

“We’re married so it’s allowed. Besides which, she didn’t seem to mind the cafe incident.”

“Cafe incident?”

“When I first told you about the opening at Drew’s party.”

“Oh, right, that cafe incident.”

“She saw and was mostly just happy I was in a relationship.”

“That’s actually nice in a weird way.”

“Mom in a nutshell.”

“I suppose congratulations are in order.”

We looked at the same time as though we planned it, seeing Jim decked out in his usual best, in this case, with the addition of a silk pocket square. A simple but very tasteful touch.

“Damn straight,” I said, in jest.

After a customary round of hugs, we all sat down at the picnic table Noah and I had staked out for ourselves.

“How’s married life treating you so far?” Jim asked.

“Great!” Noah replied in a way that made me kiss him on the cheek, “I mean it’s only been about an hour and a half but so far, I can’t complain.”

“And you won’t if I have anything to say about it,” I said, taking him by the hand.

“How sweet,” Jim smirked.

“Something I doubt anyone will be saying at Sarah’s upcoming nuptials,” Noah said.

“I still can’t believe she caught the bouquet,” I said, shaking my head.

“Daddy!” we both looked to see little James toddling towards his dad.

“Hey, little man,” Jim said.

James was one of several kids running around the place, working off the energy they built up after having to sit for nearly an hour.

“Bet you two will be having kids soon,” Jim said, picking up James and putting him on his lap.

“I hope so. I can’t think of anything better than having some little Emma’s running around.”

“Be careful what you wish for. It might happen sooner than you think,” I warned, giving my new husband a wink.



One of the few concessions to tradition we made was hiring a limo to take us to the airport to go on our honeymoon. We had spent the first night after the wedding at a cute, local hotel made up to look like a Tudor mansion.

I definitely wanted to have sex with Emma and was pretty sure she felt the same, but we were both simply too drained, so we spent the night cuddling instead, which was really nice in its own way.

Oddly, I could have sworn that Emma’s breasts were getting even bigger.

I had chartered a jet to take us from California to Hawaii, a trip I was assured wouldn’t take more than six hours. At least from airport to airport. The hotel would be another matter, but we would deal with that when we got there. Which frankly couldn’t happen soon enough.

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