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Her Ex's Dad

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He raised his head and grinned at me. “Yum, just like I thought…sweet peaches and cream.”

I panted heavily. “I can’t believe it! I can’t believe…”

Tucker tilted his head at me. “What? I mean I know we just jumped into this and I got all forceful, but—”

“I never—I mean I’ve come close a few times, but I never felt—anything like that!”

Tucker looked stunned. “You never came before?”

I shook my. “I thought I had…” I stared at him. “…I’ve known guys for months who never gave me what you just did!”

“And I’ve known women for years that never made me feel what you do.”

I felt shocked at this statement and knew he might just be rationalizing what we as two strangers just did. “Well, that’s a helluva pick up line,” I joked to lighten up the tense moment. “And really at this point, it’s not necessary as you obviously, ‘Picked Me Up’ already.”

He looked hurt for a second and glanced away.

My chest tightened as I stared at him. “You mean you really do feel like that?”

“If there was such a thing as a woman who was perfect and made just for me…” Now, his cobalt gaze stared straight into my eyes.

“Nah, I’m not—I mean…”

“You’re not what?”

“Well, let’s just say, I’m a cute rather clueless loser? And the only thing perfect about me is how perfectly I can fuck something up. Believe me, you’ll get tired of it and just…go your merry way.”

Tucker looked stunned, and then he stood up, bringing me with him. “There’s no way you could be any kind of a loser.” He chuckled and shook his head as though I must be jesting again. “Can I ask you something?” His voice immediately turned serious as he neatly wrapped my full thighs around his waist.

I felt entirely mystified as to why a guy like him would even consider me as a perfect anything. I bit at my lip wondering what this question might be, considering we were already steeping way out of bounds now. Apprehensive, I nodded.

“Do you have a boyfriend, husband or anything?”

“Wait—what?” I felt my cheeks getting warm again. “It’s a little late to be asking that, don’t ya think?” I chided as I made a point to motion my head downward to our naked bodies pressed together. “If so, we just trampled a few commandments in one fell swoop.”

Tucker smirked at my all too true joke.

“But the answer is…Nope, can’t keep one. Can’t keep a relationship, blind date or even a fling.”

His brows furrowed. “How can that be?”

I shrugged. “I told you already. I can’t keep a job, a home or a man. I lose everything. The one chance I thought I had? Well, he turned out to be a total fake. I’m just bad luck all the way through.”

His eyes narrowed. “No one can just be bad luck. You mean you have trouble committing or what?”

I laughed loudly. “I couldn’t stick to something if you coated me in super glue…Believe me I tried. I even thought I was going to settle down once. It’s just not gonna happen for me. I’m a tumbleweed.”

At my odd use of an old expression, which he probably didn’t get at all, a smile tugged at his lips as he watched me closely.

I suddenly realized while he held me so tightly to his long firm body, my cum must be smeared right at his belly, so I pulled back a little in embarrassment.

“Hey where are you goin’?”

“I’m well—getting you all messy.”

He peered down, following my gaze. “Yes and there’s going to be a lot more messes before we’re through.”

“Okay.” I giggled at his reply. “Well then, are you involved with anyone?”

His expression turned somber.

I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. “Oh—you’re married or? Probably some model or something like that. Dang it, I knew it was too good to be—”

“No, I’m not and I don’t have anyone either. I was married once but that was a long time ago.”

I felt such a relief my body almost drooped with it.

“I do have an issue though,” he confessed.

I dropped my gaze, putting my hands together behind his neck and squeezed them tightly.

“It’s—it’s about who I am.”

My eyes shot up to his. “This again?”

“Yeah, it’s sorta hard to explain.” He slid my body lower along his.

I felt his erection meeting my pussy. “Oh…” I moaned. “Seems whoever you are—works for me.”

He pulled me in closer to his body, raised my ass up a bit and entered me

Damn, in one fell swoop.

“Oooh!” I gasped for air as he plowed all the way up in one surefire stroke.

Tucker grasped my hips firmly and moved me up slowly over his cock, then down swiftly as he let out a male growl of pleasure. “It’s official…” He breathed heavily. “…you fit me perfectly.” He smothered my mouth and pumped my hips up and down, sliding me over his hard cock several times.

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