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Her Ex's Dad

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I stared and got another hard on. What the hell? I have never reacted this way to a woman. I want to jump her all over again. I shouldn’t though. All I seemed to want is to fuck her brains out. I shook my head with a laugh as I glanced up and saw her awake, staring at me.

Her eyes widened as she gazed down at her naked breasts. “Oh!” She pulled the sheet up over her sweet pillows.

I rose up and sat next to her as I grinned.

“What is so funny?” she asked in a small voice. “I mean I know my boobs are ridiculously large but…”

I sucked in a breath as I realized she thought I’d been laughing at her. Grabbing her hands, I held them tight. “Oh, wow. NO. I was laughing at myself, because…” I looked into her eyes. “…I wanted to fuck you all over again.” I couldn’t seem to explain it right. I leaned forward over her. “I love every inch of you and especially these.” I lowered my mouth to her nipple and sucked it in.

Her body bowed a little as I sucked it in. Reaching under her, I grasped her ass cheeks in my hands and squeezed as I switched to her other nipple.

Moaning and squirming, Macy began to pant.

I loved the sound of her getting hot. I raised her up and turned her over.

“Ohhh,” she let out at the sudden change of position.

I now admired her sweet pink ass. I couldn’t decide which I loved more, her round ass or those tits she kept being ashamed of. I caressed her asscheeks with both hands.

She sighed.

I allowed my hands to wander all over her body, basically giving her a massage really. But all I thought of was how I loved the feel of her satiny skin beneath my fingers. I went on like this for a long while, just caressing and smoothing my hands over her back, her ass, her thighs.

Then I realized she let out a soft snore.

She fell asleep! I smiled. God dammit, she was so cute.

I laid down next to her and figured we could afford a couple more hours of sleep.

A little while later, I woke up as she rolled over.

She watched my face for a minute or two. “So, what happens now?” she asked quietly.

Yawning, I stretched out. I was hoping to keep her with me. I just couldn’t figure out why she seemed so nervous. I cleared my throat and reached for the phone. “I will give the signal and then our REAL adventure will begin.”

She shot her gaze back to my face. “What…like ninjas are gonna climb down out of a helicopter, and then they will shoot at us with machine guns or something?”

I paused as I glanced up from my phone and then let out a huge laugh. I kept chuckling even as I answered her, “Um, no. I thought we could do a fun safe adventure this time.”

“Okay.” She still looked unsure.

“Then I have a very serious question for you.”

Macy turned to gaze at me with panic in her eyes. “L-like what?”

I laughed and patted her hand. “No… I’m teasing. I just really wanted to ask you if…”

Her eyes grew round. “…if?”

“If you like pancakes?”

She blinked a few times. “What?”

“Pancakes… Do you eat pancakes?”

“I love them. A three stack with butter, lots of syrup.” She laughed as she shook her head. “That was the serious question?”

I nodded. “It’s a deal breaker, babe.”

She looked confused. “I-I…”

I patted her shoulder. “Of course, you love pancakes. I knew you would.” I was thrilled at the answer. Yes, it might seem crazy to her. Well, it is sort of crazy but there it was. She loves pancakes and I bet she would love popcorn at the movies, bowling and barbeques. I shook my head. Yeah, I am nuts, I suppose. But I really feel that this was the woman for me. The one I’d needed all my life. She just didn’t know it yet.

Grinning at her confusion, I hit the call button and spoke, “Okay, she’s awake.” I then swiped the phone.

The truck slowed and finally came to a halt.

Macy looked nervous as she stared at the trailer doors.

“It’s okay. I just think we will need clothes now.”

Macy looked back at me. “For what?”

Grinning, I shook my head. “To wear. But if you let me continue to keep you hostage and naked, I won’t mind that either.” I gave her a wink.

Her face flushed and she again, looked embarrassed.

The trailer door opened and a large guy set a few boxes on the truck bed and without speaking, he shut the trailer door.

I patted her hand. “Give me a second.” I got up and retrieved the boxes.

Macy stayed silent and stared while I brought them back.

Just then, the truck was moving again as it lurched a bit. I sat two boxes in front of her. “I don’t know what colors you like but I took a guess. With that wonderful red hair and your green eyes, I thought…” My voice faded away as I opened up one of the boxes.

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