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The Chase

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“Best if you don’t.”

Because there might not be a tomorrow for any of them if Beck’s family had their way.

With a nod, Liam left the room. She took a minute to dry her tears, compose herself, and chart her own new course. “Thank you for understanding I need to follow my heart, Daddy.”

As she returned to the great room, she saw Liam taking Raine by the hand. Hammer led them upstairs, then followed them into the bedroom and closed the door. Gloria and Buddy wished everyone a good night, then disappeared to their own quarters. From a corner of the great room, she heard River and Dean talking in low tones.

“Adam is on his way up from the caretaker’s house,” Raine’s brother said. “He’ll be here in five to help us with prep tonight. He says there are cameras set up around the house for hunting and security. He’s also got some deer stands in nearby trees and he’s willing to help us sandbag the place tonight so we can provide ourselves some cover.”

“Perfect. Going to be a long night…but since we have a few minutes to kill, tell me what you’re going to do about this chick—what’s her name?—who’s got you by the balls,” the cop said. “You’re not just going to concede her to that prick Pike, right?”

“Hell no. But it’s not like she’s talking to me…”

“Temporary setback,” Dean assured. “Girls never say no to you, man. When she says yes again, I want to meet her.”

Heavenly didn’t think Dean wanted an introduction so they could have a cerebral discussion. And she seriously doubted Pike would ever let that happen.

Beck and Seth were conferring in whispers in the breakfast nook. When she stepped into the room, they both fell silent. “Can I talk to you guys?”

Seth frowned. “What happened? You’ve been crying.”

They were so attuned to her. That made her cry again. “I’m fine.”

Neither looked like they much believed her.

“You want to sit here and talk?” Beck gestured to the kitchen table.

She shook her head. “Can we go upstairs?”

The guys exchanged a glance. She hated that the weeks of indecision she’d dragged them through had put that apprehension on their faces.

“Sure,” Beck said warily.

Wordlessly, she led the way up the stairs and to their lovely guest room with its glass French door and oversized balcony positioned to take advantage of the mountain views that went on for miles.

She eased the door shut, enclosing them in privacy. “I wanted to talk to you alone, tell you how sorry I am for lying to you earlier today. I’d like the chance to explain, if you’re willing to listen.”

There was a long pause, and she hoped she’d made the right choice. Hell, she hoped she hadn’t screwed up so badly or pushed them away one too many times. She hoped she wasn’t too late and that they could still have a future together.

“We would welcome that,” Beck said finally.

“Go on,” Seth demanded.

She looked down, staring at the tips of their dress shoes, before dragging in a deep breath and confessing everything about the bed rental, Sanchez, and her conversation with Pike. “He really does just want me to talk to this girl on his behalf.”

“And that’s everything?” Seth didn’t sound pleased.

Her stomach plunged. “Everything. I swear.”

“It’s endearing that you wanted to protect us…” Beck began.

“But don’t,” Seth finished for him. “I would very much like to beat the shit out of Sanchez again for scaring and threatening you. But I’m not so hotheaded that I’d put any of us at risk again to do it.”

“But he knows your names. He can call the police—”

“Angel, if he was going to, he would have already done it. He was just fucking with you.”

“Because he wants to fuck you,” Beck put in.

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