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The Chase

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“Since you and I have different opinions, let’s sit her down and talk to her, find out where her head is. Then we’ll get square and negotiate with her.”

“We should be pros at that. But we need her to come back willingly, so we might have to concede on some things, like letting her go to Wisconsin alone.”

“Fuck no.”

“Even if that brings her back to us forever?”

“You’re trying to give me an ulcer.”

Beck rolled his eyes. “I’ll prescribe you something, cupcake.”

Seth flipped him off. “This would be easier if she was the kind of girl we could melt with spine-bending orgasms.”

“I’m all for trying. If we’re lucky, she won’t say no…” The doctor grinned.

As they drove deeper into the desert, they tossed out more what-if scenarios and formulated replies. By the time the neon glow of Vegas appeared on the dark horizon, it was clear that he and Beck were both willing to do almost anything to make Heavenly happy. Pretty damn miraculous since, just a few short weeks ago, they’d been ruthlessly hell-bent on sabotaging one another.

When they reached the outskirts of town, Seth slowed so Beck could navigate from the passenger seat toward an area north of the Strip—the one landmark Seth was familiar with since he’d visited years ago to gamble, drink, and hook up.

After a few turns, Beck directed him through a thoroughly upscale neighborhood.

“Gloria lives here?”

“For the last few years, yeah.”

Seth nodded. He’d known a few madams in New York who’d made sex a lucrative business. The smart ones. If she could afford a place here, Gloria must fall into that category.

“Take your next left.” Beck pointed. “There. It’s the house at the end of the cul-de-sac with the porch light on.”

Nodding, Seth pulled into the driveway and parked behind Raine’s sporty red SUV.

As they climbed out of the car, Seth fell in behind Beck as he headed up the front walkway. Before they even knocked, the front door opened. Light from the entryway spilled over a sharply dressed redhead, who bustled toward Beck and enveloped him.

“Kenneth, darling. Give your wife a big, fat kiss…”

Beck smacked her backside. “Don’t fuck with me, woman. We want to see her.”

Gloria tossed back her head with a laugh. “Patient, as always. Come in.” Once she’d shooed him into the house, she reached past the doctor, hand outstretched. “You must be Seth.”

He nodded, gave her dainty hand a shake, and got a good look at her. He’d known she was older than Beck, but the years weren’t obvious without a second glance. The barely perceptible lines at the corners of her eyes told him she’d had work done by a very qualified medispa. “Yes, and you must be Gloria.”

“In the flesh. It’s nice to finally meet you…except you’re obviously a cop.”

Smart woman.“Former. I was a detective.”

She sized him up. “Not vice. Those bastards are slimy. And they have no sense of humor.”

“I was homicide.”

“Oh, that fits. You’re all a bunch of kinky pervs.”

In his experience, she wasn’t wrong. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Heavenly said you were hot.” Gloria looked him up and down with a smile. “She wasn’t kidding. Pity I’ll have to take her word about your tongue.”

Seth already liked this sassy, snarky woman. “Probably for the best. But between us, it’s all true.”

With mirth dancing in her eyes, Gloria cocked a brow in Beck’s direction. “You lied, Ken. He’s not an asshole.”

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