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Toasty (Cozy 2)

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Once again I have to put my hand over her mouth as she cries out. Her orgasm hits and she squeezes me so hard I have no choice but to fall over the edge with her. Waves of pleasure roll down my back and out of my cock as I pump into her. It’s hard and fast, but damn does it feel like heaven every single time I’m inside of her. I don’t know how it keeps getting better the longer we’re together, but maybe that’s what it’s like when you’re in love with your soul mate.

“I’m pregnant,” she whispers after I lower my hand, and I see the tears form in her eyes.

“We’re going to have another one.” I can’t contain my happiness as I lean forward and kiss her tears away. “I can’t wait.”

“Ugh, I hate how much I cry when I’m knocked up,” she laughs, wiping the moisture off of her cheeks.

“Thank you for making us a family.” I rest my forehead to hers and she cuddles in close to me.

“So what if it’s a boy? Maybe we need a dragon or something to go with the princess castle,” she says with a sniff.

“See, I told you I needed your help.” She laughs as we kiss and my heart swells once again with pride and love.

“Daddy!” I hear called from the bedroom.

“Looks like I’m being paged,” I groan, pulling out of her warmth, but before I can take a step, Myra pulls me into her arms and kisses me like crazy. When she’s done I’m left standing there in a daze for half a second. “What was that for?”

“For being you, for being an incredible husband and father.”

I didn’t think my heart could get any bigger, but I was wrong. But like all things with my wife, she’s proven to me time and time again that she’s the reason for everything I do. She’s given me our two perfect daughters and a life I could never have wished for because I didn’t think it was possible. I’m so damn lucky she walked into my life, even though I was too stubborn to go after it. If I spend the rest of my life making her world perfect, it won’t be a life I’ll regret. She’s my everything from now until forever.



Six years later…

“Are you trying to make your own football team?” I ask my sister Pippa as we watch the kids do their karate lessons. She rubs her round belly absently. I have to admit her idea of doing private lessons was a great one. Between the two of us we already have seven kids and she’s got another one in her oven.

“Maybe.” She shrugs. She makes pregnancy look easy. Though Pippa makes everything look easy with her bright smiles and relaxed attitude. We really did balance each other well. “Think I’ll get a girl this time?”

“Doubtful.” Her belly is already huge and she’s only four months in. That’s a boy. They stopped asking the doctors the sex of their babies because they enjoy the surprise. I was not that chill. I found out we were having a boy when I was only twelve weeks along. Two girls and a little boy and I was done. This shop was closed. I think. I get an itch every now and then, and Kace is more than willing to scratch anything for me. At the moment I’m content. I watch one of my baby girls flip Pippa’s oldest son on the mat. I think he lets her, but my girls are not messing around. They’re letting the boys know they can keep up. “I’ll get one.” She taps her belly. I’m sure she will. Timber won’t stop putting babies into her until she does.

“Where did you find these guys?” I look to the instructors. They laid out mats in the backyard for today’s practice because it was so nice out. Pippa and I are sitting off to the side in lawn chairs. I have no idea where Timber and Kace ventured off to. Timber wanted to show Kace the new security system he had installed.

“Timber found them.” She rolls her eyes. “You know he had to have them vetted. Whatever that even means. I couldn’t just find someone online myself.” I laugh because I know what that means. I worked for Kace once upon a time. He vets everyone. I don’t blame Timber. They should be vetted. I love my sister. She can light up a whole room with her smile, but with that comes an innocence—one that Timber does not mess around with when it comes to protecting.

“I’m sure Kace did one on them too.” He asked me five million questions when I told him about the karate lessons the kids were going to start taking. I told him to ask Timber. I’d been right. I had no idea those two would become almost like brothers. They share a mutual bond of wanting to protect their family. From there they bloomed into best friends. Not that I’d call them that to their faces. Okay, I would.

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