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Toasty (Cozy 2)

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“I do love that chocolate mousse thing your cook makes, but that’s not why I’m here.”

I hear him stand up as he walks over and drops a newspaper down on my desk. It’s turned to page six where the wedding announcements are and I see someone that looks like Myra.

Before I can form a thought I grab it up and hold it close to my face. Relief and anger hit me all at once when I realize it’s not her. I toss the paper down and I’m agitated because I got my hopes up but my cousin pushes it back towards me.

“Did you even bother to see who it is?” I glance down at the names and see under the engagement photo is the name Pippa Michaels. “Notice anything familiar?”

“She has a sister?” I can feel my eyebrows pull together as I think about a time when she ever mentioned having a sister. I thought she was an only child, but maybe that came from me just assuming.

For all the attention I paid to her, I never got close enough to know everything. I can tell you how she takes her coffee and how she chews on her pinky nail when she’s nervous. I can predict her mood based on how she tilts her head after I tell her good morning. For years I’ve watched her and memorized things that only I could possibly know. But somehow I missed vital details like where the fuck she would disappear to if she ever decided to run. I missed the forest for the trees.

Bruce is the one to roll his eyes this time as he points down farther in the article. I scan it and see that her sister is getting married to some wealthy heir with a castle.

“Is that the same place-” Bruce cuts me off with his loud sigh and I look up to see him shaking his head.

“For a bright man you are as thick as oatmeal sometimes.” He jerks the paper out of my hands and goes back to his position on the couch. “The night of the party when you ran out with her.” He tilts his head and I nod for him to go on. “She told me she was watching her sister. That’s why we were on the dance floor.”

“That, and you were trying to cop a feel,” I accuse, and he doesn’t deny it.

“What can I say? I’m a man of many talents.” He shrugs and tosses the paper on the coffee table. “Her sister is getting married and the wedding is being held at the castle. I know you’re a smart guy so I’ll let you figure out the rest.”

“She’ll be there,” I say, more to myself than to Bruce.

“Look at him, ladies and gentlemen. He’s not just a mogul with a strong jawline.”

“Fuck off.” I snatch up the paper again and look at the date. “It’s tomorrow.”

“It’s also invitation only with security tighter than a nun’s asshole.”

My mind is at work and I know that I can’t let this opportunity pass me by. I’ve searched high and low and there hasn’t been a scrap of evidence to lead me to her. This is my one chance and I have to get on that property. I’ve got plenty of connections and I can call in some favors. Someone somewhere has got to know someone dirty enough to do what it takes.

There’s another thud and I look down on the coffee table to see a cream envelope. Before I can make out the foil lettering on it, Bruce puts the heel of his shoe down over it and looks up at me.

“That’s your golden ticket, Willy Wonka. But there are strings attached.”

I clench my fists at my side as he raises his chin in challenge. We’re pretty evenly matched in size but I have anger and need on my side. Although Bruce would fight dirty, so I’m not one hundred percent on the outcome.

“Of course there is.” I try and stay calm but meanwhile my insides are on fire. “Just tell me what you want and it’s yours.”

He gives me a cocky smile as he leans back and puts his arms out on the sofa. “I want Myra.”

“No.” I take a step toward him but the asshole doesn’t even flinch. “Why the fuck are you saying that? You don’t want her. You brought this here because you know she’s mine.”

He sits forward and steeples his fingers in front of him. “But is she yours, Kace? I look around and I don’t see her. And the last time I checked, she quit to get away from you.”

That’s enough to snap my temper and I lunge for him. The motherfucker laughs as he pushes me just as I fall on him and I end up on the couch beside him.

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