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My Son's Girlfriend

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Honestly, I’m not even going to lie to her.

“Yes, actually,” I say matter of factly. “But you’re wrong about that being the reason I flew you to the Bahamas. I only just met the new woman yesterday.”

“Oh, and that’s it, is it? You dump your girlfriend just like that?”

I roll my eyes with exasperation. This is exactly why I don’t do relationships. I should have known Velma wasn’t going to be the kind of woman who would be able to accept that she’s been replaced. She’s the kind of woman who thinks she can “change a man’s mind” and maybe even reform him. Perhaps she could have changed another man’s mind, but not mine. Especially not now that I’ve met Katie.

“You were never my girlfriend, Velma,” I say calmly. “Besides, I was planning on giving this to you,” I say, interrupting her unintelligible screeching as I reach into my pocket and pull out a small gift. Velma stops her godawful shrieking immediately when she sees that I’m holding a jewelry box. “I bought it a couple weeks back,” comes my white lie. “I was going to give it to you at dinner. I’d still like you to have it,” I say, holding it out to her.

“What is it?” she sniffs. Funny how she’s all calm now that some serious bling is in the cards.

“Go ahead, open it,” I say, trying to sound genuine. My goal is to get out of here fast, but without leaving the possibility of being murdered in my sleep one day. She opens it and gasps dramatically at the sight of a diamond bracelet.

“Oh, Jordan,” she sighs, sniffing. “It’s beautiful!”

“I’m glad you like it. Let it be a nice memory of our time together, hmmm?”

And as usual, the five-figure bracelet has solved the problem. Velma wipes dramatically at her eyes before sniffing.

“I won’t forget you, darling,” she simpers, her shallowness saving me from having to stay a moment longer. “I’ll always remember you, Jordan, especially whenever I look at this,” she purrs, stroking the bracelet like it’s a cat.

Disgusted, I get in my car and drive out of Velma’s life. But where I’m going next, I have no idea. Just a few minutes in the woman’s company was enough to leave a sour taste in my mouth. Ugh. What was I thinking?

But the thought of Katie clears my mind. She’s a fresh, clean breeze after the vapid poison of Velma. I think back to how ripe and eager she was, begging me for more. How could my idiot of a son pass that up? What’s wrong with the boy? Clearly something’s off with Jimmy, and one of these days I’ll figure it out. Until then, I’m giving Katie what she wants … because the sweet female needs it.

Chapter 8


Another sleepless night. I’ve waited for years now to lose my virginity to the “right guy” who was someone special. And I prayed and hoped that person would be the athletic and handsome Jimmy. So for it to turn out to be his dad is still incomprehensible to me. Even though I loved every delicious, delirious, intoxicating minute of it. Even though I wanted Jordan more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, my insides going hot and wet at the billionaire’s touch.

But now back in my dorm, watching the sun come up, my mind whirls in confusion. Because there’s no other way of looking at this: what we did was wrong. How could I have sex with my boyfriend’s dad?!

Oh god, Jimmy would die if he knew. Who wouldn’t? It’s the ultimate betrayal. If he realizes how I thirsted for Jordan as soon as I laid eyes on him. If he knew that when I looked at his father, I saw a dream come true. A genuine alpha male with sex appeal dripping from that muscular form. Those piercing blue eyes, that handsome mien, and the way he’s able to hold me in place with just a look. I would let him do anything to me, and it scares me and arouses me to the point of madness. Poor Jimmy. What have I done?

And yet, I can’t deny that my experience with the father shows just how much I’ve been missing with the son. There’s no chemistry between me and Jimmy, and it’s certainly not for lack of trying on my part. Not only has Jimmy failed to show a shred of interest in me sexually, but he’s actually turned me down a bunch of times too. Each time there was a different excuse: he was tired, or he had work to do, or had to get up early for practice the next morning. Even though he apologized after the weird attempt at sex that last time, and I accepted his explanation of supplements, looking back I’m still not sure I believe him. And then there was that crazy incident when I walked in on him watching gay porn. If it really was just for that class, then why did he have a boner?

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