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My Son's Girlfriend

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“I don’t know. Maybe,” I mumble.

“Well, honesty is the best policy,” Nicole announces, getting to her feet. “Just tell him it made you feel uncomfortable and you want to talk about it. That way you’re not necessarily saying that you think he was lying, but you’re still giving him a chance to provide a better explanation.”

With that, Nicole shoots me an encouraging smile and sweeps out of the room to join the others on the sunny grounds, leaving me with my brooding thoughts. I’m still not sure about what I saw because it all happened so fast. Jimmy probably was telling me the truth – it’s so easy for something to look weird when you don’t know what the real story is. And besides, if he really had been watching gay porn for purposes other than his assignment, wouldn’t he have been a little more careful about closing his door? Relieved, I decide Jimmy was innocent, and his boner must have just been a natural biological reaction or something. It doesn’t mean he’s actually gay – right? I push away the thought of what it would mean for me if he was. Jimmy is so hot, so popular, and sweet to boot. He’s the perfect boyfriend, and dozens of girls would love to date him.

But why hasn’t he shown any interest in sex with me? Maybe it’s because he’s gay? Suddenly, my heart sinks again and a niggling feeling scratches at my throat. Because Nicole is right. I’ll have to confront him about this issue … and secretly, I’m dreading the answer.

Chapter 2


The rest of that week passes without me being able to bring up the courage to confront Jimmy. He texted me after his classes that day like he said he would, and when we met up for dinner, he’d acted like nothing had happened. He seemed relaxed, jokey, and even made easy conversation. In fact, he seemed in such a good mood I couldn’t bring myself to broach the subject. Not that evening, nor any evening since. I tried to tell myself I could forget about it and pretend it never happened. Plus, with conflicting schedules and finals approaching, I’d managed to avoid Nicole as well.

Until tonight. Just as I’m headed out to go to Jimmy’s room to study, Nicole breezes through the door, almost colliding with me.

“There you are!” she says happily, hugging me. “I haven’t seen you all week! Do you wanna catch up and watch a movie or something?”

“No, I’m on my way to Jimmy’s to study,” I mumble. “We’ve got that quiz tomorrow.” English is the one class he and I share. Then suddenly, Nicole gasps, eyes going wide.

“Oh right, how did it go by the way? Did you speak to him? About the, you know, thing?” she asks me eagerly. I sigh, smiling awkwardly and trying to get out the door.

“Not really.”

“What? Why?” she asks me curiously. “How could you not?”

“It just hasn’t come up,” I shrug, avoiding eye contact.

“Katie,” says Nicole in a firm tone. “I can tell this has been bothering you. You need to talk to him about it. Tonight.” Suddenly all I want is to just get out of there.

“Ok fine,” I mumble, hurrying out. “Gotta go.”

“Good luck!” she calls after me, but I’m already halfway down the hall. I know she’s right, of course. But this past week has been perfectly normal and nice, if you don’t count Jimmy still not making a move on me. I’m just not that psyched about rocking the boat.

But a little later, as we’re sitting in his room studying, my eye wanders to a stack of textbooks on his shelf, and I can’t help but notice that the one for his Gender and Sexuality class looks brand new. In fact, it’s still in its shrink wrap. If he’s so into that class, how come his book is untouched? Nicole is right. I need to straighten this out once and for all.

“Jimmy?” I ask quietly.

“Hm?” he replies, not taking his eye off the paragraph he’s highlighting.

“How did the rest of that assignment go? For your Gender and Sexuality class?” I ask as nonchalantly as I can, noticing him tense up. He doesn’t look up from his textbook.

“Yeah, it was fine. I haven’t gotten it back yet,” he says, clearly trying to sound nonchalant about the whole thing. “But it should be a decent grade.” I don’t answer. Instead I’m thinking about what Nicole said. About telling him I felt uncomfortable about what happened last week. To clear the air, I decide to go for it. There’s no other way.

“I, um, felt a bit weird last week. About walking in on you like that. I don’t – ”, I start, but I’m interrupted by Jimmy’s lips suddenly kissing mine. I’m taken off guard a little because he’s never been the one to initiate a kiss before! At least not when we’re alone. It’s nice. And even though it’s clear that he’s trying to stop this conversation from going any further, I can’t help but feel my body respond to his touch. Jimmy’s so hot and desirable, and I’ve been wanting to give myself to him for some time now. Maybe the moment has finally come?

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