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My Mom's Fiance

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I rolled my eyes. “Of course not.”

My aunt and I exchanged a smiling look. Of my mom’s three sisters, she was closest to me. Recently turned forty-five and with her twin sons off at college in Europe someplace, Auntie Jillie was enjoying her “empty nest” years. She and my uncle were always traveling now and it was rare to catch her in town. If not for the wedding, she would probably have been in South America or India someplace with the same man she’d had since college.

Jill was sophisticated yet down-to-earth and always made sure I knew I had a place to stay, no matter what crazy stuff my mom was up to. I would always be grateful for that.

But my aunt was also realistic.

“Is that the dress Amanda bought you?” Jill frowned at the tight fabric and the way my boobs were practically popping out.

“Yes.” I rolled my eyes again. “I tried to exchange it at the store but they didn’t have any more in my size.”

“Sometimes I wonder if your mother knows you’re not twelve anymore.”

“I know, right? I swear, Mom thinks I’m a scrawny adolescent. It’s more like I’m a size twelve, not age twelve,” came my harrumph, rolling my eyes. But this was par for the course. Mom has a habit of ignoring me when she’s on the scent of a new man. Or when she was with a man, period.

“Come on,” Aunt Jill said with a shake of her head. “Let’s get this show on the road.”

With her arm looped through mine, we walked through the crowd on the sun-lit rooftop. The restaurant was nice, decorated in an expensive modern style with a view of all of midtown Manhattan. I knew almost everyone gathered here: friends of my mom’s who’d been around since I was little; a few of her business connections as one of the top realtors in the city; and my other aunts, with their husbands. Nearly everyone looked at my dress and shook their heads at me knowingly. Of course, they knew Amanda was to blame.

“Now come on, let me introduce you to the other half of the couple of the hour so you can go about your business then slip away as soon as you’re able. I remember you mentioned studying for a big midterm exam.”

At least my aunt was up on my study habits.

“Oh, there they are,” she pointed.

Slowly, I turned. Sure enough, there was Amanda. My mother looked beautiful as usual in one of her slutty/classy dresses. It’s a talent she has, skillfully not quite crossing the line between princess and whore. Her outfits usually highlighted her still youthful and slender figure, as well as a natural set of big tits. That body of hers still drew the men to her like flies. At forty-two, she was gorgeous. If nothing else, seeing her like this meant that hopefully I’d look good in middle age as well.

And next to her stood a dark man. Squinting, I could see broad shoulders, an expensive suit, and—

Oh shit.

My mouth dropped open, going bone dry. Stumbling, I gasped, and it was only my aunt’s grip on my arm that kept me upright.

“You all right, honey?” were her concerned words. But I couldn’t speak, my mouth opening and closing silently.

Because the dark man with Mom was obviously her fiancé. Her long, red-nailed hand rested possessively on his arm although he stood with his own hands in his pockets like he didn’t belong to anyone. That face was harshly handsome in the sunlight, clean-shaven, with a dimple in the center of a strong chin.

And he looked right back at me, cool and expressionless, eyes giving away nothing.

My heart knocked hard in my chest as my aunt dragged me closer to the couple. The sun was suddenly too bright on my face and my legs felt heavy. Even more, there was hot cum dripping from my asshole, trickling in slow and steady drips downwards. Oh god, oh god!

Because it was the man from last night. It was the dark stranger, it was his cum seeping from my private parts, his dirty kisses and nasty finger that I’d dreamed about.

But it was too late. We were already in front of the couple, a frozen smile on my face.

“Amanda!” Aunt Jill got my mother’s attention. “I found her.” She dragged me closer, even though I was stiff as a board.

Mom turned from her one-sided conversation, flashing a sweet smile.

“Hi Mom,” came my strangled choke. Oh god. It came out like a frog croaking on a lily pad.

“Lacey. I thought you’d come earlier,” Amanda said airily. She stepped toward me with one of her theatrical smiles, white teeth on full display, pressing her cheek to mine for a society kiss. “Come meet your new step-father, Jake.”

My stomach dropped at her words. Oh god, oh god. This was really happening. My mom’s heavy perfume rose in the air like poison, the cloying scent making me faint. I tried to smile again, even as my soul died inside.

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