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My Mom's Fiance

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And somehow I made it through. Needless to say, the lunch was a farce. I was there,\ but not there, smiling and nodding like a stupid Ken doll. And the whole time, Amanda sat next to me, chattering non-stop, mostly about the upcoming wedding and the honeymoon she’d planned for Bali.

I should have been paying attention to her, but that voice was a slipstream, in one ear and out the other. Because with Lacey sitting across the table, I couldn’t stop thinking about dipping my fuckstick into her asshole again.

Yeah, that’s right. At my own engagement lunch, I was thinking about my stepdaughter’s anus.

Fuck me.

I’m so screwed.

But shit, but the chickadee didn’t help. Because everything she did was so goddamn sensuous. The brunette asked for a helping of both the fish and the chicken, and devoured her meal with an intense appetite that was ravishing. Every time she opened her mouth and eased the fork between those glossy lips, I thought of feeding her my cock and training that virgin throat to take me.

Aw crap.

This was fucking torture.

Grow a pair, I growled at myself before ordering a double whiskey. Grow a pair and get with fucking reality.

Fortunately, the meal was almost over.

“Dessert, sir?”

A stiff-necked waiter appeared at my shoulder with a small square menu. Man, there was a lot of fancy shit on here, like chocolate eclairs with chopped pistachio and vanilla hazelnut cream gelato. But I didn’t feel like eating another thing.

“No thanks,” was my grunt.

But Lacey didn’t hold back at all. The beautiful brunette scrutinized the small print before bestowing the waiter with a glowing smile.

“Yes, red velvet cheesecake please,” she murmured. “That sounds delicious, thank you.”

And shit, but when it came, I was never so turned on. The way she ate that whipped cream? It was pure torture, watching Lacey fork thick white gobs into her mouth. The whole time, I imagined another kind of cream dribbling from the corners of those parted lips. She would take my cock so good, that throat stretching like a pro.

I reached under the table to adjust my stiff package. Fuck. My eyes ate up every inch of that curvy body, caressing her tits, even imagining that tiny asshole again. It’d been so hot and dry up there. Would it welcome me again?

And Lacey could feel my gaze for sure. Swallowing heavily, she visibly jumped and then suddenly shoved back her chair with a loud screech.

“Excuse me,” the girl muttered, refusing to look my way. Instead, the female took off towards the back of the restaurant, practically running.

“Is she okay?”

Her aunt frowned, looking over her shoulder toward Lacey’s retreating back.

“I’m sure she’s fine,” Amanda said breezily. “Probably just overate,” the blonde murmured in a hushed voice, like she was sharing a secret. “I keep telling her to skip lunch and stop snacking, college boys don’t like heavy girls. But does my daughter listen? No,” she concluded, flipping her hair over a slim shoulder. “Lacey eats like a pig no matter what.”

I should have been outraged because what mother talks about her daughter like that? One, it was fucking rude, and two, this was her flesh and blood for crying out loud.

But I couldn’t let on. It was too early and would give away too much. So for a full three minutes, I sat in my chair slowly sipping whisky and savoring the burn of the liquor, watching the hands tick away the seconds on my watch. And when the second hand hit twelve, I stood up and excused myself, heading to the back of the restaurant.

The brunette was there, for sure, right in the narrow corridor behind the restrooms. And when she saw me, those brown eyes blazed angrily. Gone was the shy and tipsy girl who’d begged for me to plug her ass.

With no introduction, she hissed once I got close enough, almost spitting fire.

“You can’t look at me like that.”

I arched an eyebrow at her lazily.

“What do you mean?” came my drawl.

But I knew exactly how I’d been looking at her. I just didn’t realize it’d been that obvious. But then the door to the women’s room opened and a waitress bustled out, forcing me to stop for a moment.

But once the intruder departed, I was back on it.

“Are you telling me I can’t look at my new step-daughter?” I asked smoothly, eyeing that curvy form again.

Sure, I was being an asshole, but there was something about those heaving tits and flushed cheeks that really got me going.

“No! I mean yes!” Lacey hissed. “What the hell?”

I raised an eyebrow at her.

“You tell me, pretty girl,” I said, amused. “You tell me.”

She looked angry enough to spit, full of fire and life.

“I don’t get it,” she said. “You have sex with me, and then show up here?” she asked, gesturing furiously with one hand. Those brown curls flew, cheeks flushed. “What’s going on? What the hell?”

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