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My Mom's Fiance

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Because the engagement lunch had been complete bullshit. All the fake smiles and stilted laugher had been a farce, Amanda at her finest with the long-red nails and slightly-drunk laughter.

Plus, I’d had anal sex in the men’s bathroom for God’s sake.

With my future stepfather to boot.

My pussy throbbed remembering every dirty detail. That session had been good, better than good, and the way his cum had leaked from my ass, the gentle trickle a non-stop stream, had left me embarrassed for the rest of the afternoon.

And completely turned on.

But it had to end.

Some way, somehow, this had to end.

And I was here to do it now.

The elevator dinged, the sliding walls hissing open. The location of Jake’s office was obvious. There was a set of imposing white double doors, with a chrome nameplate bolted to the wall.

But a woman, his secretary most likely, sat like a sentinel in front, headset perched on her neatly groomed head. Her lips smiled professionally, a mannequin in a suit.

“Good morning,” the woman murmured. “How can I help you?”

“I’m Lacey Jones, here to see Jake Mason, please.” It didn’t hurt to be polite.

One perfectly-plucked eyebrow rose.

“Do you have an appointment?”

I started.

“Well yes. I was on the approved visitors list, I thought we had an appointment.”

The woman frowned, eyes squinting at her computer monitor.

“I’m sorry,” she said in a courteous monotone. “But there must be a mistake. I don’t see your name here, and unfortunately, Mr. Mason is booked solid all day. Now if you’ll excuse me,” she said politely, turning back to her desk.

I clenched my teeth. The woman was just doing her job, but still.

“Just let him know I’m here, please. Lacey Jones,” I pressed insistently.

The woman shook her head, unperturbed.

“I’m sorry, but Mr. Mason is very busy. In fact, he’s not even in his office right now. Would you like to leave a message?”

I took things into my own hands then. Leaning forwards quickly, I stabbed a button connected to her computer that could only mean one thing.

“Jake, it’s me, Lacey,” came my rushed words, loud and insistent. “I’d like to talk with you for a moment.”

The receptionist immediately jerked forwards.

“Sorry about that, sir. We have an intruder, I’ll get her out of here immediately. Oh wait – all right.” The woman looked like someone just slammed her in the face with a brick. Because she tapped another button, and gestured with her free hand, expression sour.

“You can go right in. He’s expecting you.”

I shot her a direct stare.

“Thank you,” was my formal reply. “Thanks so much.”

And with that, I strode like a queen into Jake’s office, chin held high. So what if I wasn’t a corporate titan? So what if I didn’t look professional? I was here on business, just like anyone else.

But as his office doors swung open, all my doubts came rushing back. Because the space was gigantic, and I was a mouse by comparison. It looked like it took up at least half the top floor of the building. The floor to ceiling glass windows directly in front of me showed off damn near all of Manhattan, people and cars moving like tiny toys down below.

And to the left of the flashy windows, Jake sat at a desk bigger than Texas. A giant screen perched on the corner with a silver tray arranged beside it. Other than that, his desk was clear, gleaming and immaculate.

The billionaire leaned back in his chair, watching me with a faintly amused smile.

“What can I do for you, Lacey?” Jake drawled.

For a wild second, I didn’t know what to say. Because the man was every inch the powerful billionaire, breathtaking and impossibly commanding. The perfectly-cut black suit skimmed his frame, showing off broad shoulders that tapered to narrow hips. And those long legs were at ease, like this was nothing but another boring afternoon meeting.

My mouth dried.

Maybe I shouldn’t have come.

But it was too late now.

“Well?” He stood up. “What’s on your mind, princess?”

My mind dripped out my ears at the sight of him, the air gone from my lungs. Without other people as a buffer, the man’s charisma and power were even more breathtaking.

But no, that’s what I was here for.

To stop these thoughts.

To stop this thing, whatever it was.

I swallowed thickly.

“We can’t do this anymore,” came my choked voice. “You can’t keep … keep, you know, doing this with me while still planning to marry my mother.”

Oh god, why were the words so hard to say? But he knew exactly what I was talking about, a wolfish grin crossing his face.

“Why, what’s wrong, princess?” Jake crossed his arms across his powerful chest and leaned back against the desk, confident and infuriating. “From where I stand, things seem fine.”

What? Fine? No way in hell.

“Mr. Mason,” I began again. “I’m not going to keep doing this while you’re engaged to my mom.”

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