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My Mom's Fiance

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But shit, my bride to be’s forty, not eighteen.

No matter, because Amanda grabbed the guy by the waistband of his tight leather pants and dragged him closer. Looking like a deer caught in the headlights, he let her pull his hair and force his head down to her chest, motor boating those plastic balloons, like he was gonna get a mouthful.

Of course, the dude didn’t want a mouthful, male strippers are almost always gay. But Amanda went wild, pushing a giant tit between his lips, the poor guy’s eyes opening wide even as he jerked, startled.

But it was too late. When my fiancée gets what she wants, she goes wild. Because the woman groaned, eyes closed in ecstasy, male stripper sucking at her tit. And then she bent over backwards to give him more room, still moaning and carrying on like a bitch in heat. Her friends laughed and one of them jumped up behind Amanda, screaming, “You go girl! Work it, work it!”

Holy fuck.

I should be embarrassed. I should be dragging that dude off her, punching him in the gut.

But the thing is, I don’t care. She’s not really my woman, so the blonde’s free to do as she likes.

Alone at my table, I sipped my scotch and watched some more. The other guys all evaporated, probably doing the nasty in some dirty corner. Again, boredom struck me like a hammer to the head. This place was full of skanks. No way would I touch these girls with a ten foot pole.

Especially not since meeting Lacey.

The scotch burned going down my throat.

How fucked up was this. At my own bachelor party, I was dreaming about my fiancée’s daughter. That’s right, in a club filled with woman flesh, all I could think about was the brunette’s innocence. Those big caramel eyes. The way she smiled and laughed, even when my jokes weren’t funny.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I’ve done fucked up things in the past, but this really took the cake.

My future stepdaughter? Arrest me, now. Lock me up, because I deserve it.

And it’s only getting worse because Lacey’s on my mind all the time. Not just when I’m alone, but also in the most unlikely of places. At a business meeting. During conference calls with investors. Sometimes, I’d blink, and Lacey was there, big brown eyes shining, both shy and knowing in the way I loved. Just one look from her made my dick hard. And another look made me want to put my arms around her and protect the female.

Oh shit.

I’m so fucked.

But the crazy part is that she’s here too. I’ve been aware of her presence since minute one, as soon as I stepped into his hellhole. It’s like that with us now. We can sense each other at all times, the electricity a live wire running between our bodies.

So discreetly, I turned to look over my shoulder at a booth in the back. And sure enough, there was my girl, seated with her aunt and a couple other older ladies.

Don’t look, my conscience woke up enough to growl at me. Turn away now.

But I couldn’t. In this cesspool, Lacey was a much needed breath of fresh air, sweet and innocent, filling my lungs with goodness.

Because she looked uncomfortable. The brunette stared at her hands before shooting a glance at her mom and then quickly averting her eyes again. Hey, I don’t blame her. Amanda practically had her dress off now, bucking wildly against another oily male stripper. If she were my mom, I too would be humiliated.

Damn, I was starting to hate my own fiancée.

Why was she doing this to her daughter?

Hell, I can take it, you can’t embarrass me. But Lacey’s young and innocent. Why would you do this in front of your child?

Another quick glance Amanda’s way showed me that my wife-to-be was grinding on yet another stripper with her dress scrunched around her waist. None of her friends looked worried that she was doing anything wrong. Shit, obviously she didn’t think she was doing anything wrong.

Acting like a shameless whore a few days before your wedding while your fiancé sat only a few feet away? Normal for Amanda. This was wedding number four, after all.

Hell, maybe I’m the one who was old-fashioned.

My stepdaughter wasn’t old-fashioned though. Just classy. The dress she wore wasn’t especially sexy, but she filled it out just right. The material had a high neckline and went all the way down to her knees, but the way it draped over her big boobs and lush ass made my mouth water. Oh yeah, the right girl in the right dress can do it.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her throw back her drink and then grimace. Poor thing. Trying to get drunk to block out the pain that was her mom. I looked again to see if Amanda was getting bored with her temporary boyfriends yet.

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