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My Mom's Fiance

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But Jake could read my thoughts.

“Princess, I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind. You know that,” he growled. “I can’t deny there’s something between us. What it is, I don’t know. But I don’t want to deny it anymore.”

And my heart broke. Because this was his first admission that there was something deeper between us, something that was far more than the physical.

But my brain kicked into high gear then. Save yourself! it screamed. He’s getting married to your mom! You can still get out!

So I decided to carry out my diabolical plan.

Oh my god, it was so wrong. But at this point, there was no choice. Because something had sprung to mind, and I was determined to go through with it.

So taking a deep breath, I walked farther into the living room. “If you care about me like you say you do, Jake, then you’ll do something for me.”

No hesitation whatsoever from the big man.

“I’ll do anything for you, princess,” came the glib words. “You should know that already.” And the way his voice rumbled so deep and sure, undeniably masculine and confident, made my knees weak.

“Are you sure about that?” I asked slowly. “You’d do anything?”

Another deep chuckle.

“I’m not a guy who says things he doesn’t mean, princess.” He leaned forward on the couch, elbows braced on his knees, those bright blue eyes glued to my form. “I said I’d do anything you want to prove how much I care for you, and I mean anything. Trust me, baby girl,” he rasped. “I’m a powerful man, so those words mean a lot.”

All of me shivered with his words. But I needed to put out that fire and put it out fast if I was going to come through this thing with my sanity intact. If it wasn’t too late already. So twisting my hands together, I took another step towards the kitchen.

Was I really going to do this?

Was I really going to test him?

And Jake watched me with tense energy, even if he was completely still on the couch. Those blue eyes moved over me like warm hands, making me heat from the inside out. But I had to do this. I had to test him.

Breathing unevenly, I made my way to the kitchen, opening the fridge.

“You gonna get me a snack honey?” the big man drawled from the sofa. “Because I’m not hungry. Or I am hungry, but only for one thing.”

I whipped around to look at him. But for once, I was the one in charge. Slowly, I leaned forwards and lifted the glass bowl, foiled and wrapped.

And smiling to myself, I put it on the counter, removing the aluminum with a crackle. Taking a deep breath, the words slipped sweetly from my mouth.

“If you really care for me like you say, you’ll drink this.”

Holy shit, was this really gonna happen? Was I really going to test the alpha?

But it was true.

Because surely this was so gross that it’d drive him away forever. And then I’d be free.

Surely, he’d smack the bowl from my hand, sperm flying everywhere, and I’d have my answer.

And Jake laughed at first, not realizing what was in front of him.

“Honey, I’d swallow an elephant if that made you happy,” he growled. “No biggie, I’ve eaten insects, even brains before. No big deal.”

My stomach churned at the revolting admission. But it was too late, in for a penny, in for a pound.

So I smiled again sweetly, approaching him with the bowl of cum.

“No Daddy,” came my whisper. “I have something different for you. A different kind of good.”

And this time, the alpha saw what was inside. His eyebrows just about lifted off that forehead, blue eyes going bright and then gazing at me with new appreciation.

What in the world?

He was supposed to be disgusted, to think I was some batshit crazy harpy.

But instead, the alpha let out a low growl from deep inside his chest.

“You are such a dirty, dirty girl,” came that rumble. “So much nastier than I could have ever guessed.” His thighs stirred against the couch cushions and forced my gaze to his crotch.

Holy shit, the man was getting hard!

Wait, this wasn’t part of my plan. I thought he’d see the jizz in the fridge and be so freaked out he’d beat feet, never to see me again. Or something like that.

But no. Jake sat there with his dick enlarging as I watched, those strong arms spread along the back of the couch, like nothing was wrong. Bullshit.

I was serious.

Dead serious about the man proving himself.

So my hands trembled around the cold bowl of cum, and I took a deep breath, determined to stand my ground and hold firm. Once he knew I was serious, then he would walk out of my dorm, out of my life, and never look back.

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