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My Mom's Fiance

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Why this change of heart all of a sudden?

Because since day one of our engagement, she’d been telling me about wanting to wait until our wedding night to have sex. And now, the female was hot and heavy and just about ready to start the show all by herself. Time to get a few things out in the open.

“You’re an attractive woman,” I said noncommittally as Amanda pressed her boobs into my chest. “But I thought you wanted to wait until after the wedding to have sex?”

The woman leered.

“I changed my mind. Isn’t that a bride’s prerogative?”

What? No. Not when I was sleeping with her daughter. But there was no sense in giving that away.

“Yeah, sure.” I sipped my scotch and watched her, my own face expressionless. But I swear, that woman has the instincts of a snake.

“You’re different these days,” she cooed, stroking my chest through the shirt. “You used to be so cold all the time, so untouchable. But there’s something about you these days that’s frankly hot as hell. I decided not to wait until after the preacher gives us permission before I sample your goods.” Her hands dropped to my lap to squeeze my bulge. “You’re a sexy mofo, Jake. I just never really noticed before.”

Oh really, never noticed? More like I started fucking her daughter, and she could sense it in the air, even if she didn’t know for sure. Fuck. What a mess.

I let her stroke me for a few seconds, just to see if I could get into it and fool myself. But no, my snake stayed asleep.

“Naw, no go. I’m tired,” I said dismissively. “Maybe it’s all the energy I’ve been putting into building up my company here in New York. It drains a man dry.”

The woman frowned at me like she didn’t understand why I wasn’t throwing her down on the couch and ramming my dick into her pussy. Shit, I didn’t even understand it myself, not entirely. Lacey was too young, so I should be going for this instead, right?

But instead, my expression remained neutral.

“I’m very committed to my business, as you know.”

The woman leaned away, watching with surprisingly perceptive eyes. Amanda may have been a big, slutty blonde, but the female didn’t get to the top of the food chain in New York real estate just by giving good blow jobs.

“Things are still on track with us, right?” she asked slowly. “You haven’t changed your mind about the wedding?”

To be honest, I was having doubts. Serious doubts. But no sense in telling her if I wasn’t sure. So I shrugged.

“Yeah, we’re on.”

That was a curt reply for sure. Not exactly the words of a man in love. And Amanda’s eyes narrowed, green and cat-like.

“Is that the truth? Because it looks to me like you’re not as into it as you were in the beginning.” She gave my cock another squeeze but backed off quickly. “I can tell so don’t bother to deny it.”

That was true. Because when we first agreed to get married, I’d been into her. Her dick-sucking lips, hot body, and mature woman’s experience got me going in no time flat. She was just my type. Older and sexy, not interested in having more kids. MILF to the max.

But then, after weeks of flirting and teasing, Amanda pulled that crap about waiting until after marriage. I just about lost my shit. We were both in our forties. We’d both fucked a lot of people before so sex was no mystery. Why hold back like some precious virgin? I was convinced she was playing games, angry as all get-out.

But when god closes one door, he opens a window somewhere else. And whaddya know, but then came Lacey. Seeing her daughter was just the thing.

Except now, there are complications.

Huge complications.

Fucked up tangles that I’m still trying to wrap my brain around.

Except that I haven’t figured it out yet, so may as well go with the original plan.

“We’re still good for getting married,” I reassured the blonde. “The wedding’s still on.”

But the thing is, I wasn’t attracted to Amanda anymore. I only wanted her daughter. Sweet, innocent Lacey who got my motor running like no other female, young or old.

But Amanda was relieved.

“Good,” she said. “This marriage is just as valuable for me as it is for you. So don’t screw it up, and we’ll be back on track,” she added sharply.

Then the blonde stood and stretched, showing off those curves. Unfortunately, they did nothing, leaving me cold.

But Amanda is a manipulator, and she didn’t care, not really. With a shrug of those narrow shoulders, the sheer robe slipped off her body. “You can have all the second thoughts you want, so long as you get it up for me tonight. Are you man enough to do that, big boy?”

What the hell? Why was the woman doing this? I thought we’d reached a truce.

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