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My Mom's Fiance

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But the ruckus kept going.

“Get the fuck away,” came a low rumble. “Get the fuck away.”


I gasped in shock when Jake burst inside, the heavy metal door clanking.

He rushed up to my bedside, big body looming and dominant, reassuring as well. Was I dreaming? Ever since I got to Safe Haven, they’ve pumped me full of drugs and sometimes I don’t know if I’m awake or asleep.

“Lacey, baby,” he spoke again, voice urgent. “We’re going to get you out of here.”

“Jake?” came my incoherent mumble. My voice sounded a million miles away. “Jake, what are you doing?”

His expression was grim.

“Getting you gone,” the big man rumbled.

And just like that, I was in his arms. The diodes were stripped off my limbs, the IV wrenched out of my arm.

“Jake,” came my feeble protest. “It’s supposed to be good for me.”

His face was a mask of rage.

“Like hell this is good for you,” came that murderous tone again. “Come on honey, we’re leaving.”

Despite his outward aggression, the alpha’s hands were gentle. Cradling me close to his chest, he burst outside to the shocked stare of the medical team.

“Get out of my way,” was his rabid grunt. “Do not fucking fuck with me if you want to live.”

And just like that, I was out of Safe Haven.

We walked for what felt like forever. My head was woozy from all the drugs, but as sunlight bathed my skin, sanity began to return. How long had it been since I saw daylight? They kept me indoors, in a cell, arguing that I needed to be “safe from myself.” Whatever that meant.

And soon we were in his car, the smell of rich leather filling my nostrils, head limp against the cushioned headrest.

But as the big man strapped the seatbelt around my form, I struggled to sit up straight.

“Where’s your wedding ring?” came my voice in a gargle. Uck, my throat felt cottony and soft, filled with stuffing.

Jake ignored me, eyes laser focused.

But I wouldn’t let him get away with it this time. Taking a deep breath, I forced him to answer.

“Where’s. Your. Wedding. Band,” I managed slowly, enunciating each word carefully. “Why aren’t you wearing one?”

And the alpha swung to look at me, blue eyes brilliant. His gaze was filled with emotions, a swirl that I couldn’t read. But a large fist grabbed my chin, making sure I couldn’t look away then.

“I don’t have one,” came the words. “We never got married.”

I plunked back into the seat, stunned, blinking from the shock. They never got married? He and Amanda never tied the knot? Heart racing, I tried to breathe. This was beyond my wildest imagination because at no point, had Jake ever hinted that he’d leave my mom. There’d been the bachelor party, the engagement lunch, and the bridal shower. He could have cut it off at any time, but didn’t. So why now?

The thoughts were overwhelming, like a maelstrom, draining my limbs of all energy.

Because I should have been ecstatic, jumping for joy. But instead, I just felt worn-out.

If I could only rest my eyes for a minute ….

“Lacey. Lacey, honey. Wake up.”

I opened my eyes to see Jake hovering over me. We weren’t in the car anymore. Where? I looked around frantically. Was I back at the institution? Were they going to lock me up again? Immediately, my arms and legs flailed, intent on getting away.

But the billionaire was there in a moment, calming my movements.

“It’s okay, princess,” came that deep voice. “You’re safe now. You’ll never need to worry again.”

His voice was like a balm to my soul, soothing and warm, reassuring like honey. The panic ebbed and I twisted my head to take in our surroundings. We were in a giant bedroom, an elegantly done suite with bold masculine furniture, a flat-screen TV bolted to the wall, and floor to ceiling windows overlooking Manhattan.

“Oh,” came my whisper. “I see.”

Because we had to be in his bedroom. No one else could afford such luxury, with views overlooking Central Park.

But Jake wasn’t done yet. He knelt by the bed, blue eyes intense.

“Princess,” the words were choked yet furious, like his chest hurt. “Who did this to you? Who put you there? Was it your mother?”

Amanda? Why would she do something like that? My mom didn’t care two cents. I shook my head slowly, taking a deep breath.

“No, Jake. I did this. I checked myself in.”

He glared at me, stunned.

“But why?” the words were an urgent growl. “Why would you? You’re not insane, honey. Yeah, we’re a little crazy together, but you’re not fucking insane. Why would you do that to yourself?”

And agony broke my heart then, the pain searing through my soul.

“Jake,” I looked down, unable to meet those piercing eyes. “Jake … I had to,” was all I could manage.

“But why?” he demanded again, grabbing my hand this time. “You’re not insane. Trust me, you’re not.”

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