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Double Dare

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“She’s perfect.”

But my friend had a dark look on his face.

“Yeah, pretty good,” he grunted.

I sat down in my desk chair, swiveling to face him. The motherfucker was gorgeous as always. A classic tall, dark and handsome, Mason had all the girls in college salivating over him, dying to get a piece of the local prince. And he’d taken, oh yeah, it’s not like Mace is some shy virgin. He’d cut a swath through the female population at State, developing a reputation as a playboy, but somehow, it’d never stuck. Despite everything, he’s always come off as trustworthy and dependable, a guy you’d want to manage your money.

And he’s done a good job. We’ve been at Major Enterprises for twenty years now, starting as the low men on the totem pole. Well, Mace was a little better, he was always the son and heir, so he began as a junior accountant. For me, it wasn’t so smooth. With my shitty grades and questionable work ethic, it was the mailroom for me at first. Oh yeah, no one’s ever thought Derek Smith was gonna amount to anything, I was the “stupid one” to Mace’s “smart.”

But lo and behold, my aggressive, commandeering ways are a good foil to Mace’s calm, responsible personality. And we rose slowly within the corporation, moving up the ladder until we got to where we are today. He’s the CEO and I’m the President of this outfit, the conglomerate hums because of the long hours we put in, the blood, sweat and tears that roll down our faces and off our backs.

But despite everything, my buddy’s always been off. I don’t get it sometimes. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he’s got a bod to die for, women swooning when he enters the room. Sure, there’s this thing about his grandfather’s will, but still. We’re well on our way to finding him a fiancee, it’s no big deal.

So I swiveled my chair again, brows raised.

“Just pretty good?” I asked dryly. “We just kidnapped a girl and sucked her snatch, and it’s just pretty good?”

He grunted again before seating himself on the couch in my office.

“It’s fine,” he said with a frustrated twist of his head, “It’s just that ….”

“Just what?” I asked smoothly. “What, you didn’t get off? You know we said we weren’t gonna do that the first time around, we were gonna give her some space.” If by space, you mean tying up a pretty girl and licking her pussy, then yeah, the plan had gone perfect. “Why are you upset?”

Mace shook his head, frustrated.

“It’s not that I’m upset,” he ground out. “I dunno, it’s just that …”

I shook my head exasperatedly.

“Shit dude, you have everything. Cars, women, you’re the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. What’s holding you up? Seriously, chill, just chill. I know there’s your grandfather’s will, but we’ll figure it out. We already have it partly figured out, Katie’s perfect.”

“No,” he shook his head again, still frustrated. “No.”

But I didn’t want to hear it. Some dudes just don’t get it sometimes. You could hand them a golden ticket, a free ride to paradise, and they still wouldn’t be happy. So instead, I swiveled my monitor towards him, ready to use a tried and true tactic.

“Look dude,” I said. “How about some porn? You seem really riled up and some good porn will help you settle down. It always does for me,” I said with a smirk, “and besides, we didn’t get off in there. The plan and all that.”

I expected my buddy to jump up and storm out, slamming the door. After all, he’s the good one, the guy who treats girls nice. I’m the one who’s always banging two women at once, leaving used condoms around, and other such nasty shit. So I thought Mace was gonna leave in a huff.

But instead, he nodded slowly.

“Okay,” he growled low in his throat. “Let’s see what there is.”

I goggled a bit before snapping my mouth shut. Seriously? He was gonna go for it? Dude was always telling me what a mofo I was, watching this stuff at work, using a company computer no less. But okay, fine. If he wanted to, then I was game.

“Alright,” I said, flicking to my go-to site. “Let’s see what we have today. Hmmm, MILFs, double penetration, whatever you want, man. What do you feel like? What’s on your menu?”

And coming to stand behind me, the big man put his hand over mine on the mouse. Shit, that was weird, but it felt strangely okay too. Did my friend even know what he was doing? I shot a quick look at him from the corner of my eye, but Mace’s face was intent on the screen, concentrating hard.

“Nah, nah, nah,” he said, scrolling through a couple different channels.

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