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Double Dare

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I can hardly believe what I’ve done. Well, not really. Because I’m an asshole through and through, and yeah, the most depraved things come easy to me. So yeah, I have an eighteen year-old virgin in my office, cuffed and naked, dripping with desire.

But Katie likes it, I’m not worried about that. When I skimmed her cunt with the knife, she gasped breathlessly, that sweet puss quivering. And fuck, but it looked good. The little girl is so beautiful, those heavy white thighs bisected in the middle with a dripping pink slit. I could hardly keep myself from ramming her right there, making her scream.

But I don’t want to fuck things up because there’s so much on the line and we’ve been tracking the female for a while now. There were a couple women at the beginning, all of them young, nubile and luscious. But for some reason or other, the other ones were eliminated until only Katie was left.

One chick was a ho, she brought different guys back to her room every other night. Hey, I have no problem with women having a sex life, but in this particular case, it wasn’t gonna fly. The board will never believe some female’s my fiancée if she humping other dudes right and left.

Another chickadee got measles and dropped out of school, vanishing off the face of the earth. Too bad, sucks to be you. So yeah, it was just Katie in the end. But who the fuck cares? She was always perfect. Watching videotape, the girl was luscious and round, perfect baby-making material. And when her tests came back clean, I was on it. Putting on a suit, I walked into Ninth Street Espresso like I owned the place.

But the biggest douche was there this morning, trying to get with my little girl. No way was I gonna let some other dude swoop in at the last minute and steal her, so yeah, I picked a fight. I pounded that other guy into the floor, smashed his face up bad, but he deserved it. Katie’s mine, I’ve been scoping her for almost a year now, a part of the master plan. So what if I’m using the female? We use people right and left all the time, and it’s for the better. Like I said, Major Corp. isn’t known for pussy-footing, and as its CEO, I pull the strings. I make major decisions that affect thousands of peoples’ lives, and I’m not about to give into my ancestor’s will without a fight.

Except there’s one guy that I run everything by – and that’s my best friend, my buddy, the President of Major, Derek Smith.

“Hey dude,” I said, stepping into his office. “What’s going on?”

We have adjacent offices, both of them huge and spacious. But Derek’s such an asshole that he didn’t even bother to look up from the porn he was watching.

“Yo, what’s up?” he grunted, still mesmerized. Some girl was getting pounded for sure, probably by a dozen guys.

I shook my head.

“You mind switching that off?” I asked. “Seriously, don’t you think it’d be embarrassing if someone walked in?”

He shrugged, not bothering to look up at me.

“Only you come in here without knocking. Besides, this is a good one,” he drawled. “Look at this little blonde. Isn’t it incredible how far she can stretch?”

I didn’t want to look but he’d already turned the monitor my way, and what I saw was fucking filthy but also arousing. Because there was a blonde woman on the screen, buxom and shapely, but it wasn’t just her curves that turned me on. It was her partner. There was a hot, hard, heavy man pummeling her this way and that, making her scream, making that little snatch take wood deep in her insides. I couldn’t tear my eyes away, watching like a filthy pervert as the dude wielded his weapon. Shit, that dick looked good, enormous and pulsing, and I remained frozen, praying Derek couldn’t tell.

But my partner was too busy enjoying the scene to even notice my reaction.

“Pretty good, huh?” he smirked. “Yeah, I can find the best porn on the web no problem, it’s all at my fingertips.”

I wanted to lash out at him, I wanted to pound his face into the floor, but shit, this scene really was good. The woman and the guy both were model-quality and were going at it like they were really into it, not just some dick in pussy, wham bam thank you ma’am. The squeals were real, the trembling flesh wet and delicious, his cock hard because he wanted her. Immediately my mind began to whir. What would it feel like to have that fuckrod in me, owning my backside? What would it be like if Derek pushed me to the ground, forcing me to take it? I cursed, hating the train of thought.

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