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Serving Him

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The auction was a let down, that’s the long and the short of it. I sat in my private booth, a console at my hands, staring into the chamber while the girls were paraded out. One by one they came, beautiful, nubile, young, and yet I couldn’t find it in myself to bid. Sure, my brothers went wild, lights flashing above each booth as prices were named. And each female was purchased after furious bidding wars, sometimes fifty or a hundred thousand dollars a pop.

But the thing is, none of the women were my type. Again, they were beautiful, nubile and young, which is good and all, but they were so fucking skinny. Even the one who’d been advertised as tonight’s special, whom Rob had assured me had tits out to here and an ass out to there, had been disappointingly small. She probably topped the scales at a hundred fifty, and I was looking for far more than that, I needed at least another thirty pounds, forty if I was lucky.

So I sat back in my chair, bored and disappointed. It was almost midnight, and the auction was coming to a close. They’d trotted out a dozen females at this point, and frankly, there couldn’t be much more to go. I leaned back, flipping randomly through various channels to see if there was anything to watch, CNN or maybe even a re-run of Seinfeld.

But then the voice came on once again.

“Gentleman,” a woman intoned neutrally. “We have a bonus tonight. We will be offering a special who was not included in this evening’s catalogue.”

I yawned. Whatever, probably just more of the same. But I glanced up for a moment, more out of boredom than anything. Sure enough, a girl was led into the circular room, swathed entirely in a blue cloak, a hood covering her face. And once she reached the circular dais, she paused momentarily, like she was hesitating. My attention was caught. Something about the way this female moved, even though she was swathed in dense fabric. Could it be? Could there be real flesh under there, acres of goodness?

And sure enough, when the cloak came off, the most beautiful girl was revealed. The brunette was stunning, curvy, voluptuous, like a Venus come to life, sailing in on a wave. Because this was the girl of my dreams. Sweet, sensuous brown eyes topped a pouty mouth, all of it complimenting enormous breasts that jiggled and wiggled, heaving up and down with her nervous breathing. A narrow waist flared into wide hips, set off by the sweetest vee in between, those pussy lips moist, flushed and beckoning. Because per sale procedures, the girl was being auctioned nude, and we could see everything she had to offer, all her assets on display, glowing under the lights, pert and delicious.

And every nerve in my body jolted to life. I literally jerked forward in my seat, eyes staring at the girl, devouring her like I could taste the female from my seat even though I sat behind a mirror-paned glass. Holy shit, the brunette was so beautiful, I had to get her, my dick jerked to life, hard as fuck, literally popping out from my waistband I was so horny and determined.

Fuck, fuck, fuck! My fingers tapped at the console furiously, entering numbers, furiously bidding. But the disembodied announcer’s voice rang out smoothly once again.

“Bidding has not yet started, we are in the viewing phase currently. Before you, please find Article Thirty. Rebecca hails from New York, New York. She stands five foot five, and boasts a ripe, womanly figure.”

I shook my head, infuriated. What the hell was wrong with this stupid console? It wasn’t taking my bids and merely sat there, unresponsive as the robotic voice slowly penetrated the fog of my brain. Oh right, bidding hadn’t started yet and I jerked to a halt. It was no good to be tapping out numbers, and I sat back in my seat, breathing heavily, broad chest rising and falling. Shit, I had to have her. She belonged to me.

But there was nothing to do until the bidding phase started, so I merely stared as the neutral female voice took Rebecca through her paces.

“Please turn to the right. Turn to the left,” the monotone commanded, and the girl on the stage obeyed. Brown eyes wide, flushed, she circled halfway in one direction, those huge jugs trembling, and then turned the other way, that sweet ass rolling with the motions of her thighs. Oh shit, he was so beautiful and I pulled my dick out and started stroking, this woman was sex come to life, I had to bury myself in that tight twat stat.

But my instincts had been right. There was something different about this girl. Every woman who’s sold at the Billionaires Club is hesitant at first. They’re told what’s going to happen but nothing can prepare you for the reality, and when it auction actually starts, a lot of them are nervous and trembling. After all, they’re alone in a small chamber, nude with bright lights on their bodies, and a dozen men looking at them from behind windowed panes, billionaires scrutinizing every inch of those delectable curves. So yeah, it can be an intimidating experience.

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