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Serving Him

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But something went haywire then. Because still meeting my eyes, the girl blinked once, then twice, and it was like the world went into slow-mo. Even as my penis jerked and splashed, I watched with horror as Becky’s mouth opened slowly and then closed before her eyes drifted shut and the girl keeled over to one side, collapsing onto the ground. Holy shit, holy shit! What had happened?

In a flash, I was out of my booth and into the circular room, gathering the female in my arms. In the flesh, Rebecca was even more delectable than before, those huge boobs rising and falling rapidly, cunt lips still wet with desire. But the female was out cold, and judging from the bump on the back of her head, she was gonna be out of it for a while.

“Handlers, please assist Article Thirty,” came the woman’s voice neutrally even as lights flashed above frantically. “It appears Article Thirty has fainted.”

And as a crowd approached, I reared my head like a raging beast, snarling at the masked men padding towards us on all sides. Because these were the handlers, men dressed in black who escorted the goods about the premises, taking them to the baths, to the bar, to wherever they needed to be. But at this moment, nobody was touching Rebecca but me.

“Back the fuck off,” I snarled. “Back the fuck off.”

And seeing a giant alpha male crouched there, ready to fight for his female, was only too clear a signal. The masked men stepped away slowly, hands out indicating their intentions.

“Please sir,” said one. “I’m a medic, I can help.”

His soothing words penetrated the fog of my brain. My woman needed medical attention, and this man could provide it. So grudgingly, I let him near so that he could take her pulse, test her breathing.

“She’s fine,” he continued in a high voice. “Just out for the moment. She’ll be fine, just needs some water and rest.”

And with that, I swept the girl into my arms, lifting her high. Shit, Rebecca was so sweet, so round, and so curvy, that white flesh plastered against my chest, resting trustingly in my arms. But I shook my head. What the fuck was wrong with me? The woman was out like a light, she needed a doctor’s attention, and yet here I was lusting after an unconscious girl, my dick barely tucked back into my pants. Fuck, I’m a fucked up motherfucker.

So shaking my head, I growled once more.

“Take me to the medical bay,” I commanded, and with that, we exited the circular room, me with the girl in my arms, handlers trailing behind like puppies as I strode forcefully into the dark hallway towards assistance. Because Rebecca hadn’t been sold, the auction had been aborted … but I was going to own her just the same.



I shook my head, woozy and delirious. Where was I? Lights flickered fuzzily before me and I blinked hard, trying to focus. What had happened? Why was it so cold?

And suddenly, it all came rushing back. I sat up with a jolt and was immediately restrained. Holy shit, they’d tied me to a mattress of some sort, I was in a bright white room with all sorts of gleaming stainless steel equipment, bound like a prisoner in an insane asylum.

“Help!” I screamed, my voice echoing in the chamber. “Help, help!”

Immediately, a middle-aged woman bustled in, matronly in a spotless white nurse’s outfit.

“My, my, you’re a feisty one,” she remarked, looking down at the clipboard in her hand. “Rebecca, is it?”

I choked down a scream, panic barely under control.

“Please, let me go,” I panted. “Why am I tied up like this? Please.”

The woman shushed me soothingly, putting down the clipboard before moving to the bedside and undoing the restraints.

“We tied you down for this reason exactly,” she said kindly. “Because we were afraid you’d wake up with a jolt and hurt yourself, maybe even throwing yourself right out of the bed.”

I looked at her skeptically. The bed had rails, it would be pretty hard to catapult yourself over gleaming metal guards. But the woman shook her head again, clucking reassuringly.

“It looks hard, but people have done it,” she added wryly. “When patients go through a shocking experience, they often wake with a jolt and knock their heads, or knock something else important on a hard surface. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve found patients in a heap on the floor, and that’s bad news because in addition to your fragile mental state, you’ve wrenched your back or strained an ankle. Trust me, the restraints are for your own good.”

And breathing hard, I held still as she unbuckled me, loosely shaking my arms and legs as they buzzed back to life.

“Where am I?” I asked shakily, trying to get my bearings, looking around frantically. The room was nondescript, a gleaming white box filled with equipment, and I had no idea where we could be. “Where am I?” I demanded again.

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