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Serving Him

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So I squirmed in the hospital bed, face flushing. Oh my god, oh my god, what had happened after that? I had a vague memory of strong arms, of a broad chest, of the dark man lifting me up and cuddling my form against his chest. His voice had been a growl, a deep, soothing rumble and I’d let go once more, drifting in a hazy sea, feeling safe, warm and comforted. The alpha male would take care of me, and my mind relaxed then, the gray haze becoming complete.

But now, in the hospital room, the events came rushing back and I hung my head, half in panic, half in embarrassment. Because I was in deep shit. The Club had hired me for an auction and I hadn’t held up my part of the bargain. Instead, like a sissy, I’d collapsed and the whole thing was aborted, the sale called off. Face flaming, my shoulders quaked as I contemplated my options, the branches of the decision tree. Because what was going to happen? I needed money and the Club had advanced me a huge sum. Sure, they’d said I didn’t need to pay it back, but no one had counted on this happening. What if they wanted the money back now? How would I ever come up with such a huge sum? Nana and Mattie had probably already spent some of cash on food, I was going to have to beg, to plead, to do anything to make it up to the people in charge.

And at that moment, the door swung open and a middle-aged man came in, rimless glasses on a pointy nose, also holding a clipboard.

“Thank you Nancy,” he said, nodding at the nurse. “Could I get a minute with Rebecca?”

The nurse nodded, stepping out.

“She’s feisty!” Nancy warned. “She’s a feisty one.”

But as the small man looked at me, I shriveled inside. I certainly didn’t feel feisty despite the warning.

“Hi,” I said tentatively. “I’m Rebecca. And you are …?”

The man looked at me over his glasses, mouth pursing unattractively.

“My name is Tom, I’m in charge of auction operations here.”

I bit my lip.

“So you work for the Club,” I said.

He nodded frostily.

“That’s right, I’m an employee. Full-time,” he sniffed, like that made a difference. “And last night’s performance was quite the spectacle. We’ve never had that happen before.”

I wanted to scream and shout, to protest that no one had told me about the giant hovering camera just inches from my twat. But I bit my lip. I needed to get on Tom’s good side, to beg for another chance, to do something so that I could stay here and make money.

“Please,” I began tentatively. “It was just so hot, and I wasn’t prepared, I just …”

Tom cut me off.

“You weren’t prepared?” he asked, pinning me with an ice cold look. “My records indicate that you arrived at four and the auction wasn’t until nine. That entire time was spent in Prep,” he said, checking his clipboard.

I nodded furiously.

“Yes, yes, and the girls in Prep were very kind, they told me what would happen, but I wasn’t sure about the cameras …” My voice trailed off.

Tom threw his head back and guffawed loudly, disbelieving.

“They didn’t tell you about the cameras? About the fact that you’d be recorded?”

“No they told me about that,” I protested, twisting uncomfortably in the hospital bed, “but I didn’t realize there’d be cameras zooming all over, coming in close with telephoto lenses and all. I didn’t realize,” I said again, voice trailing off in a whisper.

But Tom just shook his head disgustedly.

“I don’t know what you think cameras look like, but the ones we use are standard-issue. You know, black with buttons on them, a lens to take your picture,” he said dryly.

“I know!” I protested, squirming again. “It’s just, I didn’t think it would be so personal,” I said in a whisper once more. “I dunno, I guess I was expecting …”

“Expecting what?” he prompted skeptically.

And I didn’t have an answer.

“I-I’m not sure,” I stammered. “I’m sorry, I’m not sure.”

He harrumphed at that.

“That’s right, it was exactly what you expected, it was exactly what we prepared you for. And you flubbed it. We had to call off the auction. Can you imagine how this reflects on me, on the girls in Prep, on the handlers who worked so hard to help you prepare? This is fucking disaster,” he said disgustedly. “We’ve had dozens of girls come through and not one has ever fainted. Not one has let us down the way you did.”

I sat up straight again, eyes wide, begging and pleading.

“Please sir,” I said, gesturing desperately with my hands. “Could I get another chance?” I rushed. “I’m happy to go up for auction again, I’m sure I’ll do better next time, I’m sure I can do it, I’ll practice,” I promised. “I’ll find some cameras and practice with them, I can do it, I’m sure,” I rushed again.

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