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Serving Him

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But the billionaire looked amused, eyebrows quirked.

“You should call me Daddy of course,” he drawled. “That seems to work just fine.”

I blushed again, because I’d already called him Daddy a couple times, the name seemed to slip right off my lips like water.

“Oh right,” I mumbled, chastised. This wasn’t going to do. I needed to figure things out for my brother and grandmother, and being embarrassed wasn’t going to help the situation along. So lifting my chin, I looked him in the eye again.

“I mean, is there anything else I could call you?” I asked boldly, my brown clashing with his blue. “Maybe Mr. ….?”

And he shot me a lazy grin, that bronzed form looming before me, taking up my entire field of vision. Holy shit, was I really doing this? Was I really trying to have a serious conversation with this gorgeous god of a man when we were both naked? Oh god, as usual, my timing was terrible.

But the billionaire merely grinned again, although his cock was pointed straight at me, purple and throbbing.

“Well, you could call me, Master, Sir, or Daddy, like we talked about,” he drawled, coming closer to me on the bed, that predatory male form stalking my smaller one, making me go hot with anticipation. “Or you could call me Kane.”

Kane. Hmm, I ran the name around my head mentally. It suited him. Kane was dominant and arrogant, a single-syllable moniker that hinted at strength and aggression, just like the man before me. Yeah, I liked it. I liked everything about this man, and I’d happily call him Kane.

“Okay,” I nodded, taking a deep breath. “Kane it is then. Or Mister Kane?” I asked, confused. “Is that your first name or last?”

And the big man grinned at me wolfishly once more.

“Whichever you like, baby girl, whichever you like.”

I sat stock still. What kind of answer was that? But the alpha male shrugged.

“Names are names honey,” he said, that deep voice smooth and sensuous as he sat next to me on the bed. “If you want to call me God, Adonis or Hercules when my dick’s deep in that snatch, it’s all good to me, so long as that little twat is happy.”

I colored then. Oh god, he was so dirty and yet with a dry, sarcastic sense of humor that was so illicit.

“Okay, how about if I call you Scooby-Doo then?” I teased, boobies heaving a little as I laughed. “Scooby-Doo, where are you?”

And the big man was on me in a sec, my curvy form pinned to the bed, that huge dong brushing against my inner thigh, making me gasp with desire.

“So long as you’re creaming hard, that little pussy squeezing my dick as you say it, then sure, Scooby-Doo it is,” he said, that voice deceptively mild. “Whatever you want baby girl.”

And with that, I gave in. He was too close to me now, Kane was too commanding, I was in thrall to the alpha’s charisma, the deep, knowing gaze, the way his body beckoned.

“Yes,” I whispered, looking into his eyes. “Yes, Mr. Kane.”

And with that, the big man chucked me under the chin before seizing my mouth with his in a soulful, heart-stopping kiss.

“That got all your questions taken care of?” he growled, deep in his throat. “Because Daddy can’t want to wait any longer.”

I mewled helplessly beneath him, hips twisting. Oh god, oh god, yes. It was coming. It was time for him to take me, and I wanted it desperately, I wanted Kane’s dick deep, punching through my hymen, making me into a woman once and for all. I had no idea where this all was going, but there was one thing for sure. If all that I got out of this was a sensuous night with Kane, then I was gonna count myself a lucky woman. I was gonna walk out of here happy, dazed, used and sore, but so changed, so transformed, that I’d never forget this the Club.

And so with a mewl and a sigh, I begged him with wide brown eyes.

“Yes Daddy, let’s do it,” I whispered. “Take me, now.”

The big man was on it. Just like before, his blue gaze seized mine, mesmerizing me like a deer caught in the headlights.

“What is it Daddy?” I asked, voice trembling, body shivering beneath him. “What is it?”

And Kane’s eyes grew so dark they were almost black.

“I want you to want it,” he growled deep in his throat, ducking his head to cover my nipple with his mouth. “I want you to want it bad.”

My head tossed back and forth, eyes closed as he tongued my hard nub. Couldn’t he tell I wanted it? I was moaning up a storm, hips writhing beneath him, pussy overflowing with juice, the smell so strong it enveloped us like a heady perfume. But Kane wasn’t giving up.

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