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Serving Him

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“I thought you knew,” she nodded slowly, biting delicately into her own slice. “I thought you knew.”

I growled again, slamming my plate down.

“What the fuck?” I raged. “All girls who come to the Club are put on birth control, so what the fuck is this?”

But Becky knows how to handle me. Instead of being intimidated or cowed, instead she just shrugged and bit off another morsel of cheese.

“I dunno,” she said, chewing delicately before swallowing. “But I only had a day to get ready before boarding the flight to Vegas, so it was all last minute.”

I goggled at her then.

“A day?” I asked, disbelieving.

And she nodded, confirming it.

“Yeah, I needed the money,” she said, suddenly shy, looking down at the mattress and not meeting my eyes. “So I said I’d come asap, it would be a rush job.”

I shook my head, nonplussed. Because it wasn’t the brunette’s lack of money that bugged me, it was the lack of preparation. Usually when girls are scoped for the Club, they’ve got to go through a background check that rivals Pentagon screening. Medical tests, psych tests, background checks, heck, probably even their personal credit is evaluated to make sure the female’s ready. And all that shit takes weeks, if not months. So what the hell, how in the world had Becky slipped through the cracks? How in the world had she evaded the hoops and come out the other side?

I sat back, stumped. Because this was day three, and if I wasn’t mistaken, I’d come in that sweet puss about twenty times by now. Oh yeah, as I watched Becky even now, eating pizza cross-legged on the bed, I could see a slight dribble of white leaking from between those pink puffy lips, the evidence of my lust marking that sweet puss. Oh shit, oh shit.

I grabbed the phone immediately.

“Doctor,” I grunted, impatient. And after buzz and a hum, I was put through.

“Prescription birth control,” I ground out. “Have it sent up to my room, now.”

But when I put down the phone, Becky was staring at me, brown eyes questioning.

“I’m sorry,” she said slowly. “But what was that?”

I stared right back at her.

“What do you think it was? You’re getting on birth control asap baby girl, my sperm ain’t no fuckin’ joke. You think you’re not gonna get pregnant? Think again honey, you’re eighteen and fertile, with me you’re gonna be pregnant in no time.”

Becky nodded slowly, putting her pizza down.

“But what was that you just ordered?”

I stared hard at her again.

“What do you think? Hormonal birth control of course.”

And here, she wiped her lips delicately with her napkin.

“Kane, I understand why you did it, but I’m not going on hormonal birth control. This is my body and I can’t do it. I don’t want to,” she said firmly.

I stared at her.

“Are you shitting me?” I drawled. “Are you shitting me?”

But again, my baby isn’t intimidated, not even when I’m playing the big bad bear. She just shook her head again, brown eyes serious.

“I don’t want to,” she said slowly. “It’s messing with your hormones, it’s messing with something that works just fine the way it is,” she said. “And I don’t want to do that. I’ve been healthy my whole life, my body is a gift from Mother Nature, and I’m not willing to subject it to the effects of random chemicals which do god knows what.”

I almost choked then.

“Random chemicals that do god knows what?” I repeated, disbelieving. “What they do is protect you from getting pregnant. Have you been listening baby girl? I’m a virile man and you’re a fertile teenager. That little cunt is ripe, and believe me honey, if you don’t take this stuff, you’re gonna be knocked up in no time.”

The brunette nodded slowly, eyes wide.

“I know Kane, but can’t we do it some other way? There has to be some other way.”

I practically guffawed then, jaw dropping.

“Are you asking me to use condoms?”

She nodded slowly.

“If you want,” the girl replied in a quiet voice.

“If I want?” I parroted dumbly. “Sweetheart, I haven’t used condoms in thirty years. You know what that feels like to a man? It’s like fucking with a sleeping bag on your dick, all that tight, hot, wetness is gone, I might as well chop it off right now.”

Becky nodded slightly.

“I just said if you wanted,” she added, so quiet that I almost couldn’t hear. But I did, and this time her words penetrated the haze of my mind.

“What are you saying?” I asked roughly, voice deep. “What the hell does that mean, ‘if I want’?”

There was a pause and then the brunette lifted her eyes to look at me, those pools so limpid and innocent, a man could drown and die smiling.

“All I’m saying is that you can use condoms if you want,” she added softly. “But you don’t have to.”

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