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Serving Him

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Her breath hitched, eyes going wide as she looked up at me.

“That would be wonderful,” she said, voice wavering. “I was just wondering if I could get some breaks to go back and see my family? It takes a while to earn fifty thousand, and I’m grateful for the opportunity, I am,” she hurried. “I’m happy to stay at the Billionaires Club for as long as it takes me to earn my keep. But if I could get a day off occasionally, I’d really appreciate it, to see my brother and grandma.”

I just held her to me tight again, heart overflowing.

“Of course you can get a day off honey, but you’ll find that the fifty thousand comes quick. You’re making twenty-five thousand each week.”

At that, her mouth dropped open, eyes going wide.

“Twenty-five thousand a week?” she parroted softly. “That means that I’m only here for two weeks.”

I nodded with a wry grin.

“Less than that now. You’ve been in my suite for, oh about four days, would you say? So that leaves ten days in Nevada, and then you’ll be free to see your family.”

Becky threw her arms around me then.

“Thank you Kane,” she whispered against my ear, her breath so soft, so giving. “You can’t imagine what this means to me, it makes all the difference.”

But the thing is, I could. By making Becky happy, I was making myself happy, and it’s pretty different from how I usually operate. Generally I’m a selfish motherfucker, I buy shit to make myself feel good, spending lavishly on vacations, dirtbiking, skiing, renting out entire Caribbean islands if it comes to that.

But with Becky, everything’s been upended. Instead of spending on myself, I was spending on her, and only too happy to do it. Fifty thousand dollars for two weeks of work was over the top by any standard, but the thing is that I didn’t care. With Rebecca, I’d give as much as she wanted, for as long as she wanted, and it felt good. It felt incredibly rewarding and worthwhile, like this was the first time my money actually made a difference.

So I merely pressed another kiss to her forehead, running fingers through those brown curls.

“Honey, just tell me how much you need, and I’ll make sure you get it,” I ground out.

But my girl is one with good boundaries, she’s not a greedy ho, not like so many of the women I know.

“Thank you Kane, but this is more than enough,” she breathed, that curvy form pressed close to me. “You’ve made a world of a difference, you can’t even imagine.”

But the thing is I could, I could picture Rebecca living in a one-bedroom in some shitty neighborhood with her grandma and brother, the walls peeling with paint, the plumbing ancient and creaky, sleeping on a pull-out bed. And the visual pained me, chest constricting again.

“Just tell me,” I ground out, voice low and filled with emotion. “And I’ll make sure you get it.”

This time, she didn’t reply. The brunette’s head merely rested against my shoulder, moving up and down as I breathed, and nothing had ever felt so right. We weren’t doing anything, not really, but the world was coming together, each piece fitting together perfectly, the angels singing. Angels singing? I was fucking losing my mind, Kane Caldwell was going insane, screws in my head going loose. But what I hadn’t counted on was loving it, loving the fall. I was completely unrecognizable, even to myself … and it felt fucking amazing.



I can’t say that Kane’s changed, or that he’s a different man. After all, I only just met him a week ago. But even within these seven days, he’s become someone different. At first, he was just so horny, nothing mattered except the physical.

Bend down.

Turn around.

Pull yourself open.

That was the extent of his words to me, and of course, I obeyed. I understand what my role is at the Billionaires Club, and it’s to keep silent. I’m not an activist, I’m here to make money the best way I know how, and that meant doing as Kane ordered.

But recently, something’s changed. It seems incredible given that most of our conversation in the beginning consisted of squeals and moans, both of us naked and going at it like horny animals, unable to get enough. But sometime during the loving, as we relaxed, ate meals, and showered together, our interactions took on another hue. We talked a little, me revealing my desperate financial situation, and Kane was curiously empathetic, which surprised me. I hadn’t thought a hardened businessman would feel for someone in my situation, that I’d be anything more than a warm body to him.

So the revelation that Kane cared, that he was a real human with emotions, astonished me. We were sitting in the sauna together late one night, both of us wrapped in towels, sated and relaxed when he stunned me once again.

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