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Serving Him

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It’s weird. After we had the conversation in the sauna, after Kane revealed parts of himself to me that he’d never told anyone else, I thought we’d had a breakthrough. I thought that we were really something, that despite the fact that I was technically his maid, our relationship was special, something precious to be cherished.

But evidently Kane didn’t feel the same way. Even though our loving was still incredible, the physical devastatingly intense, Kane didn’t open up to me again. For the rest of my stay he was generous, yes, teasing, playful even in his own way, but he never opened up to me again. Instead, whenever we had a conversation, he’d inevitably turn to lighter things, telling me interesting tidbits about the Billionaires Club, or if all else failed, stroking my cunt to distract me.

“But what do you do for fun?” I asked once night after dinner, patting my lips delicately with the napkin. The kitchen at the Club is amazing, staffed with chefs who’ve worked at five-star restaurants, and the lobster had been divine. “What do you do to relax in your free time?”

I wanted to know more about the man, to figure out how he decompressed, what he enjoyed in life besides working.

But Kane wouldn’t answer, not in a serious manner.

“I love teasing pussy of course,” he growled, eyes flashing, one hand already reaching out to swipe between my legs. Of course, his fingers came away wet and he grunted appreciatively, studying the goo on his hands before lifting it to his lips for a taste. “What’s wrong with getting pussy?”

I panted, body already alert, halfway distracted. But no, I wanted to learn more about the man, I wasn’t going to let him deter me.

“No seriously Kane,” I said, fixing him with a mock-frown. “I really want to know, what do you do for fun?”

So the alpha switched tactics on me, instead talking about the Club.

“Well, you know I’m always trying to improve this place,” he said dryly. “This complex is huge and it can be tough to get around. Right now, people walk, but trust me, there’s been a lot of complaints about how guests have to trek for miles and miles, all of it underground and dimly lit.”

I nodded in agreement, already distracted. His wily ways were working.

“It’s especially tough for the girls in their heels,” I added helpfully. “Maybe give them sneakers to wear when they’re walking, and they can slip into stilettos when they get where they’re going?”

Kane snorted loudly, although it wasn’t unkind.

“Naw baby girl, no female around here is gonna wear sneakers. Sneakers and a thong?” he guffawed. “No honey, I wanna see those haunches shake, I wanna see that rump sway and heels do it best.”

I just rolled my eyes. Typical man. But right, he hadn’t answered my question, so I pushed ahead like an annoying badger.

“But what about you?” I pressed again. “Surely, you can’t spend all your free time doing Club improvements. What else do you like to do?”

But Kane was evasive and merely continued talking about the Club, relaying tidbits from the group’s past, anecdotes here and there. And despite my best efforts, I couldn’t get him to open up, I couldn’t get him to talk about himself again. The billionaire was charming, he was talkative even, leaning back with assurance, relaying tale after tale. But none of it was personal. None of it was about him directly, it was about his things, the people who worked for him, the groups he belonged to, everything in his vicinity, but not about him. And despite my best efforts, he never opened up again and within a few days, our two weeks were finished.

So I packed my things up into a small backpack and stood in the suite, taking in the luxury for the last time. My bag sitting on the bed was a total contrast to the surroundings, a small canvas thing, lumpy and cheap, not even half-full.

Kane came striding in, brow furrowing.

“Is that all you have?” he asked. “Really? Nothing more?”

I shook my head.

“It’s all I came with,” I said quietly. “They said I wouldn’t need any clothes, that everything would be provided for, and they were right.” Because of course, I’d spent most of my time dressed in nothing. The few purple thongs I’d received were tucked away, not that I was going to need them at home.

Kane paused for a moment.

“That’s my fault honey,” he ground out. “Usually girls at the Club get a closetful of tailored clothes, we take them to the seamstress and they leave with a whole new wardrobe. But I was so into enjoying you,” he added roughly. “That I forgot. I’m sorry.”

I shook my head slowly. When would he realize that I didn’t care about stuff like that? All I cared about were the memories we’d made, me slippery, wet and naked with the big man, loving him, dying for his caresses, hanging onto his every word. But it was too late for that now. I was literally packed and ready to go, and Kane was here to escort me to the car.

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