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Serving Him

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“I’m sorry,” I said, doing a u-turn and making my way back to the teller. “I’m sorry, but is this mine?” I asked confusedly, showing her the slip of paper. “Maybe you’ve mixed me up with someone else?”

But the woman just took a quick glance at it before giggling slightly.

“Oh no, that’s you,” she said with a nod. “That’s you, Ms. Wright. If you’d like to talk to a personal banker to help manage your money, just let me know.”

And I turned away, dumbfounded. Because the account balance at the bottom read over one hundred thousand dollars. One. Hundred. Thousand. Dollars. It was a sum so enormous, so mind-blowing, that my hand trembled as I stared at the slip of paper, eyes blurring. Kane had made me into a rich woman for my two weeks of service, he’d upended my life, finding my family a new apartment, and now this. Once upon a time, I hadn’t had two nickels to rub together, and now suddenly, I was being offered a personal banker, someone to help manage my newfound wealth. My head spun and I wobbled a bit, unsteady on my legs. How in the world had this happened?

But that was the thing. Despite the unbelievable circumstances, it had. I’d gone to the Billionaires Club and utterly flunked the auction, passing out like a dead cow. But in the end everything had turned out okay. I’d come out with cash in hand, a new place to live, safety and security for my grandmother and brother, and I owed it all to Kane.

But instead of feeling grateful and pleased, all I felt was overwhelming despair, sadness and depression. The billionaire was generous, yes, and I appreciated it, but it paled in comparison to what I really wanted. Because I wanted him. I wanted the big man, I wanted his arms around me again, his laugh in my ear, that big chest rumbling as he roared in ecstasy, his dick buried deep inside. I missed him, and the longing was so fierce, so painful, that I almost keeled over, right there in public.

But right, this was no place to faint, no place to lose it. We were in a normal middle-class neighborhood, and there were no threats on the horizon, nothing to make me go crazy. So straightening my shoulders, I took another deep breath and started walking home. Put one foot in front of the other, Becky, the voice inside encouraged me. Right foot, left foot, that’s a good girl.

And finally, I stepped back into the apartment, opening the front door with trembling fingers.

“Hi Nana,” I said, pasting another smile on my face, even if my heart wasn’t in it. Kane had done this to me, but I would get over it, I’d make myself get over it.

But my grandma wasn’t fooled that easily, and she put down the laundry she was folding.

“What’s wrong honey?” she asked gently. “Why do you look like you’re about to cry?”

I swallowed heavily. This wasn’t the time to reveal my problems, Nana was old and didn’t deserve to have a burden like this on her shoulders.

“It’s nothing,” I muttered, looking down. “I’m okay.”

But my grandma came over and put two hands on my shoulders, feeling my subtle shakes, seeing my teary eyes close-up.

“Sweetheart, I know something is wrong,” she said kindly. “Come on, tell Nana what it is,” she said, leading me over to the couch, a huge L-shaped beige affair, plush and new, also paid for by Kane. Oh god, I’d never get away from him, would I?

And with that, I lost it, blurting out the whole story, how I’d gone to Nevada with the intention of selling my virginity to the highest bidder, and how it’d all gone wrong.

“I know it sounds bad,” I choked. “But Mattie was hungry, and you know we weren’t getting those disability checks anymore. He needed food,” I said through sobs, “and it broke my heart, how small and frail he was.”

Nana just stroked my hand.

“I know, dear heart, I know,” the elderly woman soothed. “Your brother had me worried too. But how about you? What happened while you were gone, if you didn’t go through with the auction?”

My face crumpled again.

“The auction didn’t happen,” I confirmed with a deep breath. “But I was sold, kind of, to a man. A billionaire,” I stated more firmly. “A billionaire hired me as his maid and I stayed there for two weeks, meeting his every whim.” Oh god, I couldn’t tell my grandma how we’d embarked on a sex-crazed frenzy, how I’d spread my legs for him again and again, letting him use my pussy and ass, making me scream with lust. And I sure as hell couldn’t tell her how much I’d loved it, how I’d fallen head over heels in love with the man, how I’d left a part of myself on the West Coast, still there with Kane even now.

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