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Serving Him

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“Shit,” I ground out. “Shit, shit, shit.”

Yeah, I wasn’t exactly the most eloquent of guys at this momentous juncture in my life, but even if I couldn’t say the words at the moment, I could make her feel. So right there, on the streets of Manhattan in broad daylight, I angled the brunette into me for a deep kiss, pulling her head back and owning those lips, tracing the seam of her pout before delving deep, and tasting that sweetness.

“You’re mine,” was all I managed roughly before going back in for more.

Rebecca just laughed, the noise muffled by my mouth, by my overwhelming need for the girl. But as always, things with her turned out fine. Because those small hands slipped around my neck, locking us together forever, and she breathed exactly the words I needed to hear.

“I’m yours,” she agreed, “I’m yours Kane.”

And my heart sang then, soul soaring on high. Because this woman belonged to me, and I belonged to her as well. The auction had been a dud, the sale never finalized, but somehow, this girl belonged to me just the same. Rebecca absolutely possessed me in every way, and somehow, my soul had become entangled with hers, our roots growing together until there was no pulling us apart, no separating the lovers. So bending my head to the brunette once more, I traced her lips with my tongue, teasingly running over the plushness as I pulled her close.

“I love you, Rebecca Wright,” I ground out, heart exploding. And with those words, my life changed forever. Me, Kane Caldwell, billionaire alpha, became a lost man, owned by the very woman he wanted to buy. But unknown to me, life was only beginning, and with this female on my arm, possibilities branched, unfolding, a magical awakening with endless opportunities everywhere. Because by opening my heart, I was a new man with a new life … and a new love to carry me always.



Shit, she was amazing. Becky was absolutely fucking amazing, heavy with our child as she showered. It was a dirty sight for sure, the mother goddess nude, big Double Ds even bigger now, that belly protruding. But I fucking loved it, it made my chest puff out with pride, practically bursting with adoration.

Because I’d done this to Becky. I’d seeded her, spurting into that hot pussy so many times that yeah, the teen got pregnant immediately. And once we realized she was pregnant, there was no stopping Kane Caldwell. She moved into my apartment immediately, with every luxury at her fingertips, pre-natal massages, pre-natal yoga, pre-natal vitamins, everything and anything a fertile woman could possibly need.

“But Kane, you didn’t have to,” she protested laughingly.

“Yes, I did,” I ground out in reply, completely serious. “I absolutely had to.”

Because I’ve moved Mattie and Nana into our building as well. That’s right, I bought another eight figure apartment a couple floors below us and her brother and grandma live nearby now, to make my little girl happy. But Becky protested again, gesturing slightly.

“But the apartment you found for us in the Bronx is just fine,” she’d replied, glowing despite her words. But that was it exactly. It was that glow that I was after, I wanted my girl to be happy, I wanted her to be safe and comfortable, and having the two people most important to her in the world nearby was the least I could do. After all, I have a shit ton of money, and what better use than to spend it on the woman I love? What better use than to make my baby laugh, to see her relaxed and comfortable, growing large with our child?

Besides, I’ve come to love Mattie and Nana as well. Mattie is a cute little dude, tow-headed with huge, owl-like glasses. But I’m replacing those with new frames, complete with super-thin lenses, and I take him to play ball sometimes in Central Park, helping him get healthy and athletic.

“Oof!” he grunted as the baseball slammed into his mitt. “Kane, I caught it, I caught it!” the boy jumped up and down excitedly.

Applauding, I cheered from the other side of the diamond.

“Hell yeah, you caught it!” I growled. “Way to go, champ!”

Mattie did a little dance of glee, so happy and excited.

“Maybe I can play second base now,” he panted, running up to me. “Or maybe a midfielder, maybe if I ask Coach nice.”

I ruffled that blonde hair.

“Of course,” I grunted. “You’re awesome now, really coordinated. Coach will definitely let you get some good game time in next weekend.” Of course, what I didn’t mention was that I’d already spoken with the adult in charge, and Mattie was going to get some real action, enough to pump him up and make him feel like a winner.

And Nana’s been an absolute dream too. I admit, there was some trepidation initially. I wasn’t sure what it was gonna be like because Becky is close to her grandma and told her about everything, including the auction, the maid service, probably even some of the gory details of our physical relationship, stuff that would make an elderly woman have a heart attack. But curiously, Nana wasn’t turned off. Instead, she smiled beatifically the first time we met and shook my hand, taking my big one in her surprisingly strong grasp.

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