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And this time, Jared’s brows lowered.

“Watch your mouth,” he ground out. “Watch it girlie.”

But I was so upset about the fact that he was telling me to sell myself, that I couldn’t keep a lid on it. I wanted him, couldn’t the billionaire tell? Couldn’t the alpha see that I was willing to go where he led, to the ends of the Earth if that was what he wanted, so long as we were together?

So impulsively, I lashed out again, with poison on my tongue.

“Maybe all your brothers are dumbass lame-o’s,” I spat. “Money doesn’t mean you have good character, it doesn’t mean you’re a good person. It just means one thing: that you have cash. So what? Why should I think that the set-up in Vegas is so much better?”

I’m not exactly great at cussing someone out, and “lame-o” was the best I could do at the moment. But despite the childish words, the feeling was absolutely real. Maybe the Nevada compound wasn’t any better, also filled with greasy used car salesmen, guys with blown-out egos and limp dicks.

But my nasty words hit a sore spot. Evidently the Club was close to Mr. White’s heart and he didn’t appreciate my comments. Hell, I wouldn’t either, I’d just smeared his sacred space, his precious brotherhood, the place where he spent lot of time. I’d just spewed vile words on something that was near and dear to him, and the big man had had it.

In a flash, the alpha was on me. I didn’t even know what happened, he was so fast for someone so big, one second he was across the room, and the next he loomed above me, not two inches away.

“I heard you, little girl,” he said silkily, breath hot on my neck. “I heard you the first time.”

I was like a rabbit beneath his huge form, that big body blocking out the light, taking over my entire world. But I had to put up a fight, I couldn’t just give in like some spineless weakling. I had to show that I was a woman of fire, with my own thoughts, feelings, needs, and wants.

“Sure you heard, but you’re not listening,” I said scornfully. “You always do that with women? Nod and smile, but the words go in one ear and out the other? Is that how you treat women?”

That comment also struck close to home because it went to the heart of the matter. Girls who worked for the Club were paid well, sure, they sometimes walked out with seven figures after an auction. But even if they were treated well during their stay and had money exploding from their pockets, did that mean that the set-up was fair? Did they walk on equal footing with their buyers? Did they have any say in what happened to them before they went on the pedestal?

But Mr. White was so incensed hearing those words that he lost all control. In a second, I was shoved over his lap face-down, staring at the carpet, breathless.

“Wha?” I panted, struggling to get up, pushing against those massive thighs. “What the, let me up!” I squealed.

But his arm was like a band against my lower back.

“Shut your mouth,” he ground out. “Shut that nasty little mouth.”

And before I realized what was happening, my skirt was flipped up over my waist, ass cheeks bouncing, covered only by the thinnest of cotton panties.

“Wha?” I shrieked again, this time squirming like an eel. “What the hell?”’

But it was too late because Mr. White’s big fist raised in the air and came crashing down on my ass.

“Owwww!” I screamed. “Ow!”

But he didn’t hesitate. So fast that I barely realized what was happening, his arm went up again and smashed across my butt cheeks once more, slamming into the fleshiest part, the sting unbearable.

“Owwww!” I screamed again, lifting my head as tears began to roll down my cheeks. “Oh my god, ow!”

But the alpha was relentless.

“You wanted to know how girls are treated at the Club,” he ground out. “Well I’ll teach you how it’s done in Vegas because there’s no mercy for bad chickadees. That’s right you heard me. A buyer who wants to discipline his girl is free to do so, it’s part of the bargain, and right now, I’m disciplining you.”

CRACK! Another resounding slap across my ass made me scream, but I wasn’t struggling anymore. It was either the pain, his words, or both, but suddenly all the fight went out of me. Instead, I began to plead.

“Please,” I begged. “Please Mr. White, I won’t be bad again, I promise. Please please please!”

But I’d angered the alpha, and there was no mercy on the horizon. Instead, he slapped my ass a few more times, so hard that my skin sizzled, white hot and burning.

“That’s right,” he ground out. “Fuck you, Abby, fuck you.”

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