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Let Them Talk

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Miss Doris gave a defiant shrug. “I wanted to confront you with     the evidence.”

Evidence? Matthew wanted to roll his eyes. Instead he opened     the bottom drawer of his desk and tossed the notebook inside.

“What are you doing?” Miss Doris asked. “I haven’t finished     reading it.”

“And you’re not going to.” He kicked the drawer closed. “I’m     returning it to Sydney. Immediately.”


MATTHEW PARKED HIS TRUCK across the street from Sydney’s home. As he cut the ignition, he settled back in his seat and looked at the small house. It was one floor and made of brick. Sleek patio furniture obviously from her former life sat on the front porch. He noticed she had a big fenced-in yard and not many neighbors.

He became aware of the silence on this warm summer night and realized there weren’t many people out. It wouldn’t get dark for another couple of hours but no one was sitting on their porches or walking around. They must all be at the baseball game. He could hear the lazy buzzing of the bees and the music from an ice cream truck several blocks away.

As he got out of his truck, one phrase kept repeating in his head. You shouldn’t be doing this... You shouldn’t be doing this...

There were a lot of things he shouldn’t have done. Reading Sydney’s notebook would be on the top of that list. Matthew rubbed the back of his neck as he considered his actions. He had tried to convince himself that he’d needed to know what people were talking about, but he hadn’t been prepared to read Sydney’s most erotic fantasies.

Sophisticated and imaginative fantasies. Fantasies he could not compete with.

While his reputation was legendary around here, it was exaggerated. He’d had satisfying physical relationships with women, but that was because his needs were simple. His whole focus had been giving and receiving pleasure.

He shouldn’t have read that notebook.

Matthew saw motion and a flash of black through the slats of the fence and realized Sydney was in her backyard. He walked to the gate and knocked before opening it. “Sydney?”

“Matthew?” He heard the surprise in her voice before she walked into his line of vision. His body tightened as his gaze drifted over her messy topknot, black tank dress and strappy sandals.

Yeah, he shouldn’t be doing this. But he couldn’t stop himself. Not since he found out that he starred in her erotic fantasies. Not since he discovered that they wanted the same thing. The town already believed they were having an affair. And he wasn’t going to let Sydney’s overestimation of his stamina and creativity get in the way.

“What are you doing here?” Sydney asked as she crossed her arms.

“I didn’t see you at the baseball game so I thought I’d drop by and ask if you wanted a ride.” It wasn’t a good lie but it was the best he could come up with.

“Didn’t you get my text?”

“Text?” He reached for his cell phone and acted as though he was scrolling through his messages. “No...what text?” he lied. He was sure he didn’t sound convincing. He was just a farm boy who was known for being too honest and Sydney was used to city guys who lied for a living.

“Wendy and I traded assignments so I’m not going to the baseball game. I had a tight deadline for this other article.” She motioned at the laptop computer on her patio table. “I’m sorry you came all this way.”

“No big deal,” Matthew said as he pocketed his phone. Remembering how much Sydney had written about his smile in her notebook, he gave her a lopsided grin. “Seedling’s baseball team isn’t going to offer an edge-of-your-seat game against Springfield anyway.”

“Yeah...” Sydney bit her lip and looked away. “Well...”

She was acting nervous and uncomfortable around him, and he didn’t like it. He was used to the sexual tension between them, but this was different. She was keeping her distance from him. He needed to change that. If he confronted her about the notebook too soon, she might get spooked again. No, he had to be cautious, even if it meant stretching the truth a bit.

“And if we had sat together at the game, people wouldn’t have left us alone,” Matthew said as he slowly approached her. “They mean well, but my friends and family can be nosy.”

A reluctant smile pulled at her mouth. “Gossiping is Seedling’s favorite pastime.”

“You don’t have to tell me,” Matthew said as he watched her closely. “Right now everyone at city hall is acting as if I’m having a red-hot affair.”

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