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Baby for the Bosshole

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“And you are?”

“No. Which is why none of us are going to humor Dad on this point. We’re going to go ahead with the gift idea we came up with at Huxley’s, and that’s that. Huxley can lay on some bullshit about how Josh Singer never got the kind of gift we prepared.” He’s an ad exec. He can come up with suitable lies.

“Yeah.” Grant nods morosely. “But it’d still be better if you just got somebody pregnant.”

“Shut up and get out.” I point at the door, but my voice lacks anger. My brother’s wish sounds selfish, but I understand where he’s coming from. He doesn’t like to have his mother get hysterical over Dad’s calls.

He leaves. Instead of turning to the work awaiting my attention, I text Mom to make sure she’s okay. She’s tougher than Grant’s mother, but that doesn’t mean her emotions are immune to Dad’s manipulative abuse.

She doesn’t answer. Then I remember she’s in Europe. She could be getting ready to head out to enjoy her evening.

Sighing, I put the phone down and get back to work. I can only solve what I can solve.

Chapter Twenty-Five


When the elevator dumps me out on the floor at work, Grant is coming out of Emmett’s office. Emmett’s being here early—even before me—isn’t unusual. But Grant is another matter. He usually arrives later.

He and Emmett don’t look much alike. The only similarities are the dark hair and the jaw. The rest must’ve come from elsewhere. Still, he’s a handsome man. It’s just that the only thing he inspires in me is a mildly pleasant feeling one might harbor for a non-asshole partner at work.

“Hi, Amy,” he says. “How’d the trip to La Jolla go?”

I tilt my head. Grant was just in Emmett’s office. Did he hear something? When I said I wanted to keep our fling discreet, I meant we needed to keep it secret from everyone, including brothers and best friends. I’ll probably tell Sasha later—but if I do, it’ll be after I’m gone from this company.

“It was good. Very productive.” A standard, boring response that doesn’t give away anything.

“Good.” He nods distractedly and goes to his office.

Hmm. Maybe Emmett didn’t tell him, and he was only asking because he wanted to know I’m working hard to make money for the firm.

I’ve booted my laptop and am checking my inbox when my phone pings.

–Marion: Amy, I wanted to reach out and apologize for what happened on Saturday.

–Marion: I got a bit emotional there after a long day. Hope you aren’t upset about the interruption.

I tap my desk. Why would he be texting me now? If he really wanted to apologize, he would’ve done so before. Was his fiancée embarrassed when she sobered up enough to realize she’d made a fool of herself in front of someone who c

ould be working for him?

–Marion: I also realized that HR was remiss in not sending you the official offer. It’ll be rectified immediately, and the official offer in writing will arrive soon.

Okay, maybe this is the real issue. Maybe he thinks I’m not going to accept the offer because of the scene on Saturday. But I was too distracted last week to even think about the written offer—or lack thereof—although I would’ve noticed if it hadn’t arrived by the end of the week.

–Marion: And because we want you so much, we’re increasing the signing bonus.

He names a figure that makes me raise my eyebrows. As tempting as the sum is, I don’t want to take it if I’m going to get stuck there for two years. Been there, done that. I need a bit more flexibility.

–Marion: The other terms are all the same.

Wow. It’s like he’s reading my mind. Being tied at the Blaire Group for a year at that amount is an excellent deal.

Still, I can’t shake off this vague discomfiture. I’ve got skills I bring to the table and will be an asset to whatever firm I work for…but he’s being a bit too eager to have me say yes. I was dying to, too, until I witnessed that weird tension between him and Emmett.

Granted, Emmett probably has some enemies and people he doesn’t get along with. I have a list of people I don’t care for, and I’m sure there are people who call me a bitch—or worse—behind my back. It’s inevitable.

At the same time, the enmity between Emmett and Marion seemed a little too intense. Almost personal. Emmett didn’t talk to me about it, and I didn’t probe because I didn’t want to slip up and say something stupid.

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