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Seven Groomsmen from Hell (Love by Numbers 6)

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I nodded; he wasn’t wrong. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she did, she’s no pushover, and beautiful to boot.”

It was Kent then that raised an eyebrow. “You’re starting to sound like Luke.”

“Don’t insult me,” I responded. “But, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t attracted to her. I have been since the first time we met Khloe. Remember? When she chopped your groomsmen list down from fifteen to seven. All with the unlucky eight sitting right there.”

“Just be grateful you made it,” Kent said.

“Oh believe me, I am. She’s given me a lot of wet dreams in the last couple of months. Sex with her would be a dream,” I said.

“Join the club,” Kent grumbled and my eyes went wide. He waved his hand through the air. “No, not me! I just mean I don’t think you’re the only one other than Luke holding a torch for her.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Yeah?”

The waiter dropped our plates at the table and scuttled away. “Trust me,” Kent said. “Every single one of my groomsmen is struggling to keep their paws off the wedding planner.”



The Bachelor Party

It was officially time for the only part of this stupid wedding that I was actually excited for; the bachelor party. Kent tried to sell me on some weak, ‘boys night out, no stripper’ bullshit, but I quickly put the kibosh on that. He had never allowed me to pull him into our fun with women, so I wasn’t about to let him weasel out of a debaucherous, Luke-thrown bachelor party. I found the strip club in the city with the best reputation and demanded it be rented out for the night; all women included. It was going to be a booze-filled, butts and breasts shaking night of insanity, and I couldn’t fucking wait. We decided to have it in the states before leaving for the island because Kent was intent on making sure Anna’s big day wasn’t ruined. Well, Kent… and Khloe.

“God, must you stand there buzzing like a child high on sugar?” Khloe hissed when we all convened in front of the strip club at 6 o’clock sharp.

She wasn’t pleased that she had to make a personal appearance to get us checked in on the big night, but I was plenty pleased to see her.

“I am a child high on sugar,” I sang back at her, sashaying my hips and dancing to the thumping of music that could be heard booming from inside the club. I did a couple of pelvic thrusts towards her and she rolled her eyes.

“You’re an ape,” she snipped, then clapped her hands and turned her back to me, giving me a glimpse at her juicy, peach ass. “Alright. Gather round, gather round.” All of the groomsmen and Kent gathered around Khloe, each of us laughing and rowdy, ready to get the party started. “Thank you for being here when I asked you. I’m glad you know your place, you’re all very civilized.” She pointed at me. “Except for this one, he’s half-neanderthal.”

I threw a hand down to cup my crotch. “You want a neanderthal, I’ll give you a neanderthal.”

There was a perk to Khloe’s eyebrow that I caught, but I wasn’t quite sure what it was. Part of me wanted to ask, but that would require not teasing her every waking moment and I wasn’t really interested in that. I continued to wiggle my crotch in her direction until she finally let out a scoff of disgust and flipped me off, one of her bright, pink fingernails catching the light from the neon glow from the club.

“Thank you for proving my point,” she growled. “I am perfectly disgusted to tell you all that the club is,” she winced, “ready for your use. Silk, Candy, and Spice are all ready and excited to entertain you, but they wanted me to be sure and emphasize the fact that tips are not included in the cost of what was paid to secure the club, and that singles will not get you very far in an exclusive venue for the night.”

Bram and Brett both raised their hands and in unison asked, “What’s a single?”

Khloe rolled her eyes again and gave a few faux-claps. “Ha ha. Must be nice to be rich.”

“It is nice,” David said.

Khloe had to be developing a headache from the number of times she was rolling her eyes, but she looked adorable every time she did it. I couldn’t keep myself from imagining her eyes rolling back in her head, not because she was annoyed with me, but because she was so enthralled with my dick ramming into her.

“I’m just about ready to let you loose, but first let me say—” Khloe’s face settled into one of searing seriousness “—If any of you are late to catch the plane to this wedding, so help me god, I will personally see to it that your dicks are cursed and/or cut off. This wedding is about Anna, not you,” she eyed me specifically.

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